Monday, February 4, 2008

Dancing With...The Bus?

Can we trust the New York Post? I mean, to quote the great Immortal Technique:

The Post is always on some bias racist bullshit.

I was reading this article late last week because I can't stand Mike Lupica and I wanted another reason to despise his existence. Keith Kelly, the author of said article, did a great job at festering my feelings.

However, I kept scrolling down, and Kelly started discussing Super Bowl parties (in all bold print, for whatever reason). At the very end of the article, Kelly describes a former Steeler:

Sports Illustrated, meanwhile, is holding party at the Barcelona Club in Scottsdale with The Roots, and 800 guests are expected. Among the bold-face names expected to attend, NBA MVP Steve Nash and "Dancing with the Stars" contestant and former Pittsburgh Steeler Jerome Bettis.

Contestant? As in future contestant? How did the Post get this scoop? I've searched high and low on this here world wide web, and there is absolutely no information linking Jerome Bettis to DWTS. Sure, the show needs the token athlete to attract viewers from all walks of life, but can the Post just throw out names and call them a DWTS contestant?

And who knows, The Bus might actually be on the next installment of the show. For all I know, Keith Kelly has some inside info that no one in the known universe is aware of.

But we're aware now. Keith Kelly better not be pulling our collective leg. The Bus on DWTS...that's a Pittsburgh sportsblogger's dream.


  1. I think Steve Nash was the constestant.

  2. I don;t know about that. That doesn;t work grammar-wise and there's no info about Nash and DWTS

  3. Bettis on Dancing with the Stars would make sense. Football season is over, so he has the time. Plus, most of the male "stars" always say that they lose weight on the show. Bettis could probably stand to lose a few pounds.


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