Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Mini Pony of the Day 2-5-08

The Chronicles of Grow-A-Pony.

Here he/she/it is at 119 hours. Horsey got back. The body is not growing, save for the hind end. And the front-right leg is all crippled as if he has polio or something.

Today's installment of The Chronicles of Grow-A-Pony is dedicated to Hannah/Sheena's friend Ryan and Kate's boyfriend Matt, both proclaimed fans of The Chronic...les.

The two proposed names of Grow-A-Pony are Stephanie and Frankie. Or Stephanie-Frankie. Or Stephkie. Or Frankanie.

Or I need to shut up.


  1. yeah, that's for sure a sad, deformed, poor little frankenstein of a mini pony. i know you LOVE your mini ponies and all, but growing up on a farm and seeing the movie "old yeller" several times, i think you may need to do the humane thing and take lil' frankie out behind the barn.
    don't fret none, this can be a first step into manhood for you, least that's what my dad told me.

  2. Little dude/dudette has 4 days to get the rest of his/her body in line with the hind end, or things might get dicey.

    I wouldn;t wanna do it, but I might have to put it out of its misery.

    Then again, FDR had polio and look at how he turned out.

  3. good point. maybe you should try just putting the front end of him/her in water and give it a chance to catch up with those freakish hind legs.


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