Friday, October 17, 2008

First-Week Review of Versus' Sports Soup

You know how you never know what to expect outta something until you see it? Sports Soup on Versus fell right along these lines.

Let's explain. Last week, I was invited to meet with Matt Iseman, host of the new sports and comedy show along with two other bloggers. Matt and the channel were really intent on getting information and feedback from the untamed world of the sports blogs. And that's more than enough to pique my interest.

In person, Matt and the Versus people were great, but this was before the show aired. Could that translate to on-air success?

Look...I'm a blogger. Instant gratification is the name of the game. I exist in a world of Youtube videos, toilet jokes and stuff in the sports world that makes me laugh. I'm all for watching 15 year old America's Funniest Home Videos reruns. If I tune to a late-night sports highlight show...I want the clips, not the fluff. If I find something in the sports world that makes me giggle, it's getting a place of honor on my site.

Which makes Sports Soup appealing to sports bloggers like me. The show is what you could expect a sports and humor blog to look like on television.

And that's why Sports Soup came through in the clutch. Matt made it clear when we met, the show isn't hard-hitting journalism, and no news is broken. It's a place to show James Brown being ridiculously cordial, thank you so very much, or awkward pauses between auto and horse racing announcers. The first week introduced the show to the audience, and let viewers know what they can expect from here on out.

I think anyone who saw the first week and who understands the format will be back often. We're a week in, and the show already stands out as funny, unique and promising.


  1. That show was terrible, especially when you hold it up to the real "Soup" on E.

  2. Randon question - does this show tape in LA or NY? I thought it was in LA, but they seem to have involved a lot of NY based blogs and it would have been a long way for them to travel out to LA for an interview...

  3. Zoner - Agreed for the most part, but its only been a week. Of course it'll be the shakiest early on. The Soup on E has been around for awhile, and uses what they've found to work over the years.

    Anon - Don't know if you're a regular reader or someone just passing through. I'm a Pittsburgh blog now based in NY. The two other blogs involved were a NY baseball blog and a Nationals blog based in NY. Matt and the show were making the promotional rounds when we met. He was all over a bunch of morning and late-night talk shows, and the night before we met him at the Comcast offices in NYC, he was in Detroit at the Joe for the NHL kickoff. I believe he said the show tapes at 8 am (for a late-night show) in LA.

  4. Sports Soup is absolutely insufferable. I try to watch a Penguins game on Versus, and get Matt Iseman stuffed into my ears. Absolutely terrible.

  5. You guys should definitely put the James Brown clip online...thank you so very much!!! LOLOLOLOLOLOLOL

  6. A little off topic, Guys... I have a question. Today I saw this site:
    [url=] - Xbox tournaments for money[/url]
    They say you can play online Madden game tournaments on any console for cash... had anyone tried that before? Looks like a cool idea...
    Are there any other sites where you can play sports games for real moneys? I Googled and found only and but it looks these guys don't specialize in sport gamez. Any suggestions?


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