Friday, October 17, 2008

Mini Pony of the Day 10-17-08

The MPotD is a little later today. I wanted to give you a little time to read my two cents on Versus' Sports Soup.

And I was spending the rest of my time trying to decipher this picture. If you squint enough, it looks like a mini pony growing out of another mini pony's back. Gross.

Just read, man:

My buddy John at Kent State is doing his dissertation and needs your help. He's trying to find out about perceptions of sports fans and the impact of winning and losing etc. etc. Instead of asking bored college kids to rush through for participation points, he's asking online sports fans. If you have a few minutes, take part in John's project. kthxbai. [Kent State]

Help Dave turn a Terrible Towel into season tickets. [Steelers Trade]

I'm on MPIE again. Yeah, The Freshman by The Verve Pipe was a badass song. [One For The Other Thumb]

Crushing loss to the Caps last night. [The Pensblog]

Joba will be a starter in '09. [My Sports Rumors]

Your 2008 Blogscars winners. My boy AA cleaned up. [NESW Sports]

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