Thursday, October 2, 2008

Mini Pony of the Day 10-2-08

Aw, someone build this little guy a shelter. Quick. Snow is piling up on him like nobody's business.

I needed a picture with snow...I was forced into a subway car that had the heat on. Gross.

Find some wood and build this guy a house. Then read these links:

Nasty French people love saving Lance Armstrong's piss. [NBC]

Yeah, that Middle Tennessee State game was awesome, but what was with that ESPN Interactive b.s.? [Awful Announcing]

Tin roof surfing looks fun. [With Leather]

Bruce Arians sucks. [One For The Other Thumb]

My buddy Larry Brown blogged from the hospital after getting his appendix and part of his colon removed. What a badass. Get better, man. [Larry Brown Sports]

Lanny Frattare is retiring. Sad. [WHYGAVS]

**Oh yeah, and join the PSaMP Facebook Blog Network page as well**

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