Thursday, November 13, 2008

I Freakin' Love Max Talbot

I decided to stop back in to Max's blog (horribly translated from French), to see if he had anything to say about the epic 7-6 OT win over the defending champs. I told you about his blog a few weeks ago. Max updates about once a week, so I don't have to furiously refresh the page every day.

I missed last week's offering, what with getting ready for my sister's wedding. Let's take a peek into the past two posts, and see what's on Max's mind.

11-4-08, I Think Semin is Jealous of Sidney:

On a rough opening month to the season - "Before the last game of our journey, against the Blues in St. Louis Michel Therrien made us understand that it was time to turn the page in our head at the same time as the calendar page. The month of October was over and even though our results were not disastrous, we could be lucky to have a winning card and it was time to start from new, find our positivism."

On Alexander Semin's now-famous diss of Crosby - "According to [Semin], Crosby is a good player among many others and [receives] more attention than most stars of the League. I think Semin is lack of attention, [and] is a little jealous of Sidney."

On having no respect for Sean Avery - " If only this guy could concentrate on playing hockey. I really have nothing against the role of agitator it is supposed to perform and I know he is not a bad hockey player. He can count, he skates well, it is able to fight and disrupt the opponent. But that's all that surrounds it, the character he himself created around him, which I have no respect for him."

11-12-08 A crazy match and my chronic TV:

On the ridiculous 7-6 OT win - "It was truly a part of hockey, comparable to the intensity found in series. I would venture to say that this is one of the best regular season games in which I had the chance to participate. We learn from behind 4-2 after the second period before starting a rebound en route to the win of 7-6 in overtime. Such a game could seduce anyone does not passion for hockey, it was a very catchy (ed. - awesome description!)."

On Hossa - "Of course, this match became the first rendezvous against Marian Hossa in his uniform Wings. Unsurprisingly the media have created a great excitement around this story. It should be noted that the Penguins fans have not yet forgiven the decision. On the side of players, we have no choice but to accept his decision.It remains satisfied that he was not a big factor in the party even if one of the best players in the NHL (ed. - translations rule!)."

On having dinner with Hossa - "The day before our party face the Red Wings, some of my teammates went to dinner with Marian Hossa and this story was circulated in the media.For me, this is an acceptable phenomenon regular season."

On being featured on Fox Sports Net Pittsburgh - "It makes me happy to slip a few words about an experience that I am lucky to live once week with the television network FSN (Fox Sports Net) which broadcasts our parties."

On being on the first line (trio) with Sid and Satan - " For four games, I have the chance to complete the first trio with Sidney Crosby and Miroslav Satan and I am very pleased that the experience works. I was able to collect three goals and one assist during these four parties. I can not hide that it is good to participate in scoring and that is always nice to produce offensively. That said, I love fill my role when I am employed on a third trio, but I appreciate every moment with Sid and Satan."


I love when athletes blog, or at least allow the fans to see a candid side of them. Max is a great character on and off the ice, and his blog mirrors his unique personality.

You should bookmark the shit outta it.


  1. awesome. The translation from games to parties makes me think of that show on HBO where the hookers have "parties" with their johns.

  2. I read Max's blog weekly using the same terrible translation tool. Still, I totally enjoy it. And his "Hockey to the Max" show will be a "must watch" for me.

    Max has a great future after his playing days although I fear he will be broadcasting in French....guess I had better get studying.

    teri (who was at the Detroit game and my pics are on the "Empty Netters" blog)


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