Thursday, November 13, 2008

Big Ben is in Rock Band 2?

So, I was playing Rock Band 2 on XBOX 360 the other day when one of the loading screens caught my attention. It shows a stop sign, with the name of your band on a busted up sticker (my band name is Andrew and the you can see the beginning of it above).

But the sticker below is the one that sparked my interest. It's an homage to the iconic "Andre the Giant has a Posse" stickers. In the game, the sticker says, "Sasso the Giant has a Posse."

And it seems like the game-makers looked no further than Pittsburgh for inspiration for the sticker.

You better believe Big Ben is getting replaced with Sasso the Giant in my lexicon.


  1. It's gotta be Ben. That dude isn't wearing a helmet either.

  2. Wow thats amazing. what do u suppose Sossa means?

  3. it's kind of hard for me to explain this. But this picture caught my eye too. My friends and i were playing and we seen it. And they were like dude that's a picture of you. And i thought maybe it was reading a picture from my hard drive. I need to find a picture i have that looks exactly like that.


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