Friday, February 20, 2009

I Love You, Becky And Ashley

If you need a place for a wide range of Pittsburgh Internet links, TAE's Links N'@ is always a good place to start. I only say this now because they picked up on one of my stories today.

I'm always up front with you when I'm shamelessly self-promoting. This is no different. Look, I've gotten links from sweet places like Deadspin, The Big Lead, Sports Illustrated, ESPN the Mag, Yahoo!, ESPN's Jim Rome is Burning, the Post Gazette and so on...but a local news station might tickle me moreso. It might not bring in the same level of traffic, but come on, I definitely watched TAE, KDKA and those guys long before I knew what sports were. And yes, I'm talking about my infancy.

TAE scratched my back, so I give 'em a link in return. Don't hate. You'd do the same.

/ends shameless self promotion


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