Friday, February 20, 2009

This Dude's Hair Is The Key To The Penguins' Season

I don't want to get ahead of myself and start making claims that "THE SEASON IS TURNED AROUND," but in this instance, it's acceptable.

We have huuuge games coming up this weekend against Philly and Washington, and if we can scrape a few points out of these contests, then hopefully the Pens can pull back into the playoff picture. The Pensblog pulled out Hacksaw to re-ignite the team...I'll point to someone that was at the game last night.

This dude watched the Pens beat the Canadiens first hand, and his hair will be the spark that helps the Pens make the playoffs. Or it'll be the the reason we crash and burn epically. I still haven't decided.

But if you thought I'd go a day at PSAMP without mentioning a dude with a coif this sweet, then you really don't understand what PSAMP is all about. Good for Bylsma for getting the guys to play well, good for Sergei for getting on the board, good for Geno for flying around like a madman last night. But good for this guy for bringing that hair to the arena.

We all appreciate it.

I'm an idiot.

h/t to Nate for the screengrab


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