Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Mini Pony of the Day 7-31-07

Terrific baseball trade deadline.


Two horrible teams, the Buccos and Giants, swapped players for whatever reason. The Giants got OF Rajai Davis and a player to be named, while the Pirates acquired veteren pitcher Matt Morris.

In honor of the Buccos getting Morris, I wanted to find a picture of a bearded miniature horse. This was the best I could do.

The dog's name is Panda. The horse, according to this site is elderly and named Spirit.

Elderly and bearded. That pretty much sums up Morris/Spirit.

Parker: "I Want To Be Better Than LT"

Willie Parker wants to be better than LaDainian Tomlinson. I say go for it.

"I want to be better than L.T.," Parker proclaimed yesterday between the Steelers' double practices at Saint Vincent College. "L.T. can do all that stuff. He's like a role model to me. I look up to this guy. I just want to do what he does."

Who better to look up to in today's NFL? Parker was undrafted out of the footbal powerhouse that is North Carolina. Its good to know that he has his head on straight, and isn't idolizing the Pacman Joneses and Mike Vicks of the league.

He's setting his sight on the MVP and current single season touchdown record holder. After the past two seasons of growth, the only place to go is LT-level.

Let's look at last season's stats for Fast Bill and LT.

2006 Stats (Player, Carries, Yards, Rush TDs, Receive TDs, Fumbles).

- LT, 348, 1815, 28, 3, 2.
-Fast Bill, 337, 1494, 13, 3, 7.

If Fast Bill cuts his fumbles in half, then there is no stopping his quest to reach an LT-like level. With 3 less fumbles, Parker is looking at a 1500+ yard season with maybe another touchdown. I don't expect him to get 28 rushing touchdowns, mainly because LT is a freak like that. However, seeing as how his rushing yards went up each year (186, 1202, 1494), LT's 1815 should be a reasonable number.

And Fast Bill is only entering his 4th season. LT has 3 years on him.

Have at it, Willie. At least you're looking in the right direction.

Monday, July 30, 2007

Mini Pony of the Day 7-30-07

Aw c'mon! Who's the punk that's leaving a mini horse all alone?

I would never do such a thing. In fact, I would probably do the exact opposite.

Those talons look pretty menacing. I know mini horses are, well, small, but are hawks/eagles/buzzards really a threat? The little ponies are at least dog-sized.

Oh, Betsy Byars and your tall tales...

Big Ben's Ex Wins First Tourney

Natalie Gulbis, the former Anna Kournikova of golf, won the Evian Masters in France. It was her first LPGA victory. She used to go out with Ben Roethlisberger.

Used to.

Ben's reaction?

Then, Ben went and found consolation in the fact that he's hooking up with Missy Peregym.

Damn you and your fake face, Ben. I'm gonna go take on a Chrysler New Yorker to see if chicks flock to me...

Right after I find a cool MPotD, of course.

What Kind of Procedure/Surgery Did Santonio Holmes Have?

New poll time!

Santonio Holmes has not disclosed the background of his "personal" injury. Supposedly, it was some kind of procedure that was not football related.

What does that mean? Time for PSaMP readers to have some fun with Santonio. I'm only giving you 3 options as well as an Other section, so have some fun.


With the DBs hitting the way they are in camp, why risk messing up that Michael Jackson-inspired nose? Or, with Rasheed Marshall trying out as a WR/PR, Santonio might go all "face-off" and try to look more like Antwaan Randle El.

New Hands.

"Santonio Holmes is back to receive the punt. The ball is in the air. Santonio catches it and...fumble!"

How many times did we have to hear variations of that last season? Santonio was tired of the dropped balls, so he went out and got hand-replacement surgery. Pretty logical.

Troy Smith Ankle Tattoo.

Chris Simms did it. Why not Santonio? He's a big tOSU guy, and his fresh ankle tat might be too sore to practice.


You stepped up to the plate with the last poll, so do it again. I'm only giving 3 answers this time around, so make your voice heard here.

Other Results From The Dave Littlefield Poll

The What is Dave Littlefield's Legacy? poll has been up for too long, so its time for a new poll.

Before I reveal the latest poll, I want to show the answers you submitted in the Other section. I said to make them interesting, and you did not disappoint.

Some have been edited/censored. I try not to be overly crude at PSaMP.

- Fa*goty Retard
- idiot, moron and all-around bad gm
- vomit
- Borderline Retard
- Woohoo Izturis, we'll win for sure!
- jackass
- smells like donkey vomit
- crazy f*cking bastard
- fa*got
- go to wikipedia and look up 'douche' ... it is DAVE LITTLEFIELD to a T
- inside the athletes studio... littlefield a douchebag.. im willing to discuss
- im bored at work and want to get my point across that he is a douchebag
- thanks for the shout-out... glad you agree he's a huge douchebag
- total douchebag
- free-basing douche
- bag o' douche
- nutting's nutsack
- blameshifting non talent
- a jackalope
- typical new age upper management
- The Biggest Douche in the Universe
- Kid Toucher
- Ass Clown
- DOUCHEBAG... in caps and in bold font
- did i mention he's a douche?
- douchebag
- Nutting's personal prostitute
- douchebag
- douchebag
- douchebag
- douchebag
- douchebag

I have to say, vomit might be my favorite.

3 people think Littlefield is the best GM of all time. I hope that was sarcasm at its finest.

Nutting Puppet wins with 28% of the vote. Douchebag, or other variations of douche, which was not even a provided choice, was 2nd with 20%.

Well done.

Mike Lange Is Coming Back!...To Radio

Scratch my back with a hacksaw, Mike Lange is returning to the Penguins. I know this is semi-old news, but I needed to touch on it.

I'll be the first to admit that Steigy and Errey combined don't make up half of Mike Lange. Mike Lange is Pittsburgh Penguins.

I was stunned when he was fired from FSN Pittsburgh prior to last season. He signed on to broadcast the radio-version of the games shortly after. Honestly, that was a horrible move by FSN. There was even an online petition to keep Mike Lange.

In Pittsburgh, we have the Steelers, Pirates and Penguins. Each team has had a signature announcer who basically defined the team. The Pirates had Bob Prince. The Steelers had Yoi-tacular Myron Cope. FSN denied Mik Lange a chance to continue his claim as "Voice of the Penguins." The guy called games for 30 years, and is a Hall of Famer (he won the Foster Hewitt Award in 2001).

I'm happy that Lange will be back, at least in radio-only version. Many a Steelers fan would mute the television to hear Myron Cope's radio broadcast, and I tended to do the same with the Pens games last year. Steigy and Errey aren't all that bad, but I'd rather listen to Mike Lange and Phil "The Old Two-Niner" Bourque. Plus, Steigy and Errey comment on Jordan Staal's "long stick" way too much.

Lange's deal is for one year, and he said he hasn't entertained offers to join television crews elsewhere. Lange was hoping for a multi-year deal, but plans to just take it one year at a time.

Its unfortunate that FSN "beat him like a rented mule."

Sunday, July 29, 2007

Play This. Part 2

So I posted the original version of this game about a week ago. Several people emailed and commented that they were about to lose their jobs over it.

This is the 2nd version of the game, and I have 2 words for you.

Career. Mode.

If you thought you were going to get fired last time, then you should already pack your bags/update your resume now.

I'm really sorry.

$21k and PSaMP Is Yours

My blog is worth $20,887.98.
How much is your blog worth?

Very interesting read, here. OMDQ, weekend editor at Awful Announcing, brought this stunning news to my attention. Quailman took the idea from The 26th Man, so they also get a link.

Anyway, this site analyzes how much your blog is worth. I'll mess it up if I try to explain, so here's what the site says.

Inspired by Tristan Louis's research into the value of each link to Weblogs Inc, I've created this little applet using Technorati's API which computes and displays your blog's worth using the same link to dollar ratio as the AOL-Weblogs Inc deal.

Pretty solid.

And if you happen to have a spare $21,000 laying around and want complete control of a cool site dedicated to sports and little horses, email me and we can set the whole deal up.

Mini Pony of the Day 7-29-07

No hot chick in this one, but there is a miniature horse. And a regular-sized horse who looks very perplexed.

That is, if horses can be perplexed.

Ain't nothing like mini ponies in downtown Manhattan.

Saturday, July 28, 2007

Mini Pony of the Day 7-28-07

Very appropriate, seeing as how I was doing this a little bit ago. I just finished rotating the tires and adding oil to my dad's car.

This pony would have been so much help like an hour ago.

Big ups to my mom for emailing me this pic. I about died when this was the first email that was waiting for me once I logged in.

Friday, July 27, 2007

BREAKING NEWS: Steelers Will Delay Naming Of New Mascot

This isn't really breaking news-worthy, but it does affect you if you were dying to see what the new Steelers mascot was going to be named.

A name was to be revealed at tonight's 7 P.M. practice at Latrobe High School, but due to an overwhelming number of entries, the Steelers are delaying the final naming.

How many name-suggestions were there? Glad you asked. How about 70,000.

I'm guessing that about 50,000 or so were Cowher, Jaw, Chin, etc.

Now we can go back to more important things, like training camp...and Santonio Holmes' mysterious surgery.

Mini Pony of the Day 7-27-07

Hey baby.

Continuing the theme of hot chicks and mini ponies that was started yesterday, PSaMP brings you my future wife a woman named Brenda and a slew of miniature horses.

I'd hang out with Brenda. And her cool little friends.

Here's some more pics of the group...

I'm obviously on to something, seeing as how chicks dig small horses. If you're a hot chick who loves cool tiny horses as well as guys who dig cool small horses, hit me up.

Visitor of the Week: Wrapping Up July

Back when LaMarr Woodley started his Yahoo Sports Rookie Journal, PSaMP let you know about the interesting characters in his life. His brother is a backup singer for Keith Sweat (stilll one of the coolest things I've ever heard), and his financial advisor's name is Marty Blaze.

This week, someone found PSaMP by searching for "Marty Blaze." VotW-worthy by all means.

This next one was a little awkward. Someone at Disney, a company who targets kids, searched for information about John Duffy, also a person who targeted kids (but for a different reason).

These two visitors were the cream of the crop this past week. I'd feel ashamed if I didn't recognize them.

Passion Championship Wrap-Up Video

The season is over, the Passion are champs and you're still searching for news about the team.

Well thanks to reader smarchit, the "unofficial official Passion scoop provider," we have access to a sweet post-championship video from the Post-Gazette. The song in it is pretty kickass.

The video is from a few days ago. I was trying to embed it directly to the site, but the truth is, I suck with technology. Sure, I can hold my own with a few simple things, but if its rather difficult, I tend to give up.

So check out the video. Great way to end the terrific (undefeated championship) season.

Thursday, July 26, 2007

Rest in Peace, Skip Prosser

I am stunned to hear that Wake Forest head basketball coach Skip Prosser died today. All the sympathy in the world goes to his wife, Nancy and his sons, Scott and Mark.

He suffered an apparent heart attack while jogging this morning.

Prosser was a native of Carnegie, and almost let his hometown love sway him to take the Pitt head coaching vacancy when Ben Howland left for UCLA. Prosser and Pitt were in discussion about the opening before Prosser decided to remain at Wake Forest.

The 2003 ACC Coach of the Year led Loyola, Xavier and Wake to tourney bids. He was 56.

Rest in Peace, Skip.

Mini Pony of the Day 7-26-07

The back of my car will look like this one day.

Hot chick included.

LaMarr Woodley's 2nd Journal Entry

Don't know how I missed this, but LaMarr Woodley updated his Yahoo Sports Recurring Rookie Journal on the 23rd. Entry #2 is right here.

No Keith Sweat in this entry, unlike entry #1 (PSaMP's take on entry #1 is here), but it is still a good read. LaMarr talks about a rookie symposium where he listened to guys like Reggie Bush, Vince Young, Jamal Lewis and Roger Goodell. Lewis's role was to tell the rooks to not use their cell phone to set up a cocaine deal. No joke...I'm completely serious.

He said he trained with Max Starks to get ready for training camp. Now all we need is to get Lawrence Timmons to try some of the same, lest he get injured again...oh wait, Lawrence Timmons did get injured again.

Go read LaMarr's journal. Its cool to take a peek into the mind of a young guy preparing for his first NFL training camp.

Jordan Staal's Mug

Since we're on the topic on sports and mug shots, here's underage drinker Jordan Staal's booking photo from his wild bachelor party experience in...Minnesota?

According to a Cook County Sheriff's Office news release, that office began receiving complaints of "screaming, yelling and playing loud music" around 12:30 a.m. because of the party at the Lutsen Resort and Sea Villas. Sheriff's deputies issued multiple warnings to be quiet, under threat the group of about 20 might be "removed from the property, issued citations, arrested and/or deported from the country."

Had Jordan Staal been deported, I would've lost it. That would be tooo funny, being deported for a bachelor party. That would be a bragging point.

Apparently, Jordan and his broter, Eric, were sleeping while the party was still going on. They were all kicked out around 3 A.M.

The group then began "harassing passing motorists," and were promptly arrested. Several dudes fled into the woods. Jordan Staal didn't

He was released shortly after booking. His brother Eric, the bachelor in question, was held overnight.

Never a dull moment with those crazy Canadians.

Illegal Immigrants Are Bandwagon Steelers Fans

I laughed too hard at this gallery of criminals who were busted in their favorite team's gear at The Smoking Gun.

Sports franchises love nothing more than fans shelling out for a replica of their favorite player's jersey. Of course, seeing the garments on a perp when he/she is posing for a mug shot, well, that's the kind of marketing no team desires. On the following 18 pages, recent arrestees show their allegiance to the Los Angeles Lakers, Denver Broncos, Philadelphia Eagles, Phoenix Suns, Pittsburgh Steelers, Cleveland Cavaliers, Toronto Raptors, Denver Nuggets, and other clubs.

The article was brought to my attention yesterday by Will at Deadspin, and Awful Announcing also has a funny take today.

Of course, there had to be someone wearing the black and gold.

Honestly, couldn't ese dish out a few more bucks for the authentic jersey? This one looks like it was made in art class. In 1986.

At least dude is showing his allegiance. I guess any press is good press.

Yes. There Are Two John Duffy's At ESPN Radio

When the story of an ESPN announcer being charged with kiddie porn, I wrote a short post about the incident.

What I, and the rest of the world, didn't know, is that there are two John Duffy's who work for ESPN Radio.

I posted a picture of a John Duffy who worked for a local ESPN Radio affiliate, because how many do you expect to come across in your life with the exact same credentials?

Anyway, the Trib took notice of this uncanny problem, and wrote a story to help distinguish between the two Johns.

What's in a name?

A whole lot of grief, if it happens to be "John Duffy."

There are two of them in their 40s in the Pittsburgh area who have worked as commentators for ESPN Radio. One of them -- John Duffy, 46, of Carnegie -- was indicted last week on child pornography charges.

The other -- John Duffy, 42, of Upper St. Clair -- is a sports medicine physical therapist in Scott.

In my quick research, I posted a picture of the 2nd John Duffy, primarily because his specs fit the bill. He was named John Duffy, was in his 40s, and worked for ESPN Radio. It would be hard to not take it for what its worth. I want to say this right now, though...THE JOHN DUFFY PICTURE I POSTED IS NOT THE JOHN DUFFY WHO GOT BUSTED FOR KIDDIE PORN!

Unfortunately, this confusion never would have taken place if the John Duffy in question never looked at kiddie porn. However, I apologized to the physical therapist-John Duffy in the comments section of my original post, and I'll do it again. I'm truly sorry to that John Duffy, and I never wished to complicate his personal life.

If you've looked down on the innocent John Duffy, don't As you can tell from my own experience, its easy to get things twisted.

I hope this John Duffy can resume his normal life, free from the pressures/confusions caused by his name twin.

The other John Duffy, if found guilty, can rot for all I care.

The Intimidator's Giant Eagle Vending Machine Shrine

Occasionally (with a ridiculous amount of time between occasions), I like to throw out You Know You're From Pittsburgh When... reminders.

One such thing caught my eye as I was heading to the grocery store a few days ago. A Coca-Cola machine, which could showcase any modern athlete, still contained the image of Dale Earnhardt. Senior

Would I expect anything else from a Pittsburgh-area Giant Eagle? Of course not.

Sorry for sharing...

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

BREAKING NEWS: Jordan Staal Arrested

Shortly after I remark how slow the sports day has been, Jordan Staal goes and gets himself arrested.

Eric Staal was also arrested in a busted bachelor party. It was for Eric. They were among 14 dudes arrested for disorderly conduct and obstruction of the legal process.

Jordan, who is still 18, was cited for underage drinking.

More on this tomorrow.

Play This

Rather slow sports day in the 'Burgh.

Play this game. I can't get above 10,873.

I think these little dudes were swearing at me in-game. Completely serious...

Mini Pony of the Day 7-25-07

I wanted to save this picture for Christmas, but damn that's far away. Today is literally the farthest day in the year away from Christmas (past or present). And I have no patience.

Since today is July 25th (Christmas in July), I figured this would be an appropriate day to post this sweet little horse as MPotD. I'm also not sure if that's a midget Santa, or a kid. And the blonde beard really clashes with the Claus-getup.

Still a cool mini pony, though.

Go buy yourself a present, wrap it, pretend you don't know what's in it, open it and get all excited. It's Christmas.

Finally Some Closure In That Steeler-Impersonator Case

Brian Jackson is well known in these parts. A little while back, this car salesman pretended he was several different members of the Steelers in order to get dates/cash/other perks.

In a related story, I think my sister knew one of the girls who Jackson fooled.

Well it seems Mr. Brian Jackson, who impersonated TE Jerame Tuman, backup QB Brain St. Pierre and QB Ben Roethlisberger, is going to jail.

The gig started in 2005, when Jackson pretended to be St. Pierre and Roethlisberger in order to get chicks. He was told to undergo counseling, and spent 30 days in jail.

Apparently, Jackson felt his looks could score him some green as well as some tail. In 2006, Jackson received a $3,200 loan from a woman by claiming he was Tuman. Hell, if someone told me that they were Jer-aim, I'd give 'em $3k, no questions asked, too.

Also, in looking at archived stories about the case, I came across a Trib article with this lovely photo description of the 3 impersonated athletes and Jackson himself. I must say, the similarities are staggering.


St. Pierre


The ever-so-pale Jackson

Enjoy your 90 days in the slammer, Jera..., I mean Brian. Just tell the other inmates that you're from the Steelers. That should protect your fanny.

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Mini Pony of the Day 7-24-07

Whoa! Those Animal Porn-people are gonna have a field day with this one. A crazy site called Spots N Stripes is trying to cross-breed a miniature horse and a zebra. That means two old dudes getting freaky with a couple of mini ponies who, in my guess, would rather be left alone.

The horse's name is Topper. Topper is trying to score with that hot, two-foot mini pony trim, but the silvertop keeps pushing that weird (unnecessarily wide) blue container in Topper's way.

You can find the rest of the photos if you dare follow the SnS (Spots N Stripes, not Shop N Save) link that I provided above.

Wait. Did I Say That?

Ever wonder what a sports symposium consisting of several Pittsburgh sportsbloggers would sound like?

Sure, you may not have thought of the idea, but the good guys at Doubt About It certainly have.

In a highly entertaining post, DAI examines how a Sports Reporters-esque roundtable discussion between some of their favorite local bloggers would go down. I must say, I feel much flatter knowing that PSaMP was included as a mock guest.

The end result is Ode to Pittsburgh Sports Blogs: A Symposium.

The guys hit the nail on the head by mimicking/mocking/imitating the styles of PSaMP, ThePensBlog and Mondesi's House. What you're left with is well-done parody discussion that is well worth your read.

Maybe next time, we'll do it for real.

First Video of Camp Tomlin

Need physical proof that Pirates season is over in the 'Burgh?

How about the first video from Camp Tomlin as a cool reminder.

Many people wondered how the new "head ball coach" (I can't stand that Steve Spurrier Under Armor commercial) would start his first training camp, especially after Bill Cowher's infamous 14 40-yard sprints.

Tomlin upped the ante, opting for 16 110-yard sprints.

However, he went soft on a few of the guys, allowing those who completed 44 of the 50 offseason workouts to be exempt from the test. Guys in that category were Troy Polamalu, Hines Ward, Ben Roethlisberger, James Farrior and Alan Faneca. Some chose to run, anyway (as evident in above photo).

Ed Bouchette and Dan Gigler of the P-G put together this video to show the test, and see how Tomlin was handling his first day at St. Vincent. Tomlin cut the test to 14 sprints after guys were finishing with no problem.

"Guys were doing so well we cut it at 14," Tomlin said. "It didn't look like anybody was going to have a tough time making it, a testament to their preparation. Hats off to them."

Good first day, Omar Epps Tomlin. You may have cut the guys a little break (only 2 sprints), but its still football season. I'm all giddy like a schoolgirl and whatnot.

Monday, July 23, 2007


Real quick.

While introducing the team of analysts, dude that's announcing the Giants game with Rick Sutcliffe remarked that, "Erin Andrews has duty in right field."

Around here, sophomoric humor is encouraged.

Mini Pony of the Day 7-23-07

When was the last time you saw a Life magazine cover? Personally, its been awhile.

This one comes from December of 1952. By the obvious love/display of miniature ponies, I'd say the '50s rocked.

Polamalu Extension Is A Done Deal

We've been waiting since word came out nearly two weeks ago, but it looks like Troy Polamalu is getting paid.

The Steelers and their prized safety agreed on a 5 year contract extension reportedly worth $33 mil. That make Troy the highest paid Steeler and the best paid safety in the NFL.

Pretty solid for a guy who has been a Pro Bowler every year since becoming a starter in 2004. And he has a ring. I'd say worth every penny.

BREAKING NEWS: John Duffy Does His Best Gary Glitter Impersonation

John Duffy, a local ESPN radio commentator, is facing child porn charges. Not the way to make headlines there, John.

The P-G says that:

Mr. Duffy is a weekend news anchor and previously worked with ESPN national radio as a local correspondent.

He also has worked in the past as the Pitt basketball pressbox announcer, doing pressbox work at Steelers home game and public address occasionally for the Penguins.

Mr. Duffy also previously did the broadcast of the WPIAL football championships.

He is accused of having pictures and videos of child porn on his computer. I'm not getting in to all that nasty stuff. He was released on $50,000 bond. He faces up to 10 years in prison and a $250,000 fine.

Patrick Duffy, he is not.

UPDATE: Prior image from this post has been removed. Jason from the Trib spoke with posecutors, who informed him that said picture was incorrect. Jason's article is here. Apparently, John Duffy's image is nowhere to be found on the information superhighway.

Just In Time For Training Camp, PSaMP Helps You Explore Latrobe

Today marks the beginning of Steelers training camp. Believe me, us Pirates fans couldn't wait for this day to get here. This is when (at least for the past 15 years) baseball season ends in the Steel City, and football season is just starting up.

Last year's camp was crazy. I've never seen anything like it. Sure, the team was coming off the emotional high of winning the Super Bowl, and the media was trying to see what Ben Roethlisberger's new fake face looked like. However, all the bandwagon fans showed up, which, unfortunately, is one of the residual effects of winning a championship. The times I went to camp last summer, it was difficult to move. There were thousands of people there to applaud Clark Haggans as he exited the john.

Aside from surviving the heat in order to see your Steeler heroes, Latrobe offers a bevy of cool hangouts that might not be an everyday stop to the casual Steelers fan. Latrobe's website tells us the obvious.

No matter where you go in the United States, the mention of the name Latrobe, Pennsylvania will likely generate a response like "that's where they make Rolling Rock Beer!"

Unquestionably, the amber beverage brewed from mountain spring water that comes in green bottles is the most recognized consumer product produced in our area. It's all made in one place, here in Latrobe, by the people of Latrobe Brewing Company, a division of Labatt's USA Inc.

Rolling Rock, which has since moved on, has been a staple in the Laurel Highlands. However, I feel ridiculously qualified to tell you about some other cool places to hang out once the 2-a-days end. I just graduated from St. Vincent College, and have had four years to brush up on everything from the local hotspots to the hole-in-the-walls.

Peter King of SI named St. Vincent the best training camp in the NFL back in 2005. Believe me, SVC milked that for all it was worth. One thing writers like Peter King don't know are the cool places in the immediate vicinity of the training camp itself.

Here's a list of awesome places you can go with family, with that special someone or just with yourself. Again, if I mention any names/people, tell them Nick from SVC recommended the place.

- Lloydsville VFD Social Hall. Very underground, this one. Also my favorite place in the area. As is the norm with VFD's/legions/etc., you need to be a member. Or, you can throw down a one-time 20 dollar initiation fee, coupled with annual 5 dollar dues, and you'll more than get it all back in one night. 60 cent beers and buck twenty tallboys are lethal combinations. Throw in the free pool table and shuffleboard table and you've got yourself a great night.

I participated in the shuffleboard league primarily because I'm an old man at heart. My buddy Fal and I were late to the registration, and were only allowed into the competition because one couple was forced to quit. Dude's name was Wayne Love, and he was the coolest. He and his wife, Debbie, formed the Lovebirds team (since their last name was Love, duh). That was the team name two college dudes inherited. We secretly called ourselves Team Seed (for whatever reason) and made it to the championship game. A series of unfortunate events caused me to miss the championship game, killing any chance of Fal carrying the team. 2nd place bites.

Wow, a bit off topic there. Anyway, go on a Monday. Linda pulls a double shift, working the morning and evening crowd. Tell her Nick from St. Vincent sent you and you'll be good to go. Oh, and if you can't find a member to begin with, email me at psampmail@gmail.com.

- Idlewild Park and Soak Zone. Diehards only know this as Idlewild. Soak Zone appeared like 6-7 years ago. This place is great for families (especially great for silvertops). Its a ten minute drive from St. Vincent, and has all the mid-range amusement park rides you can handle.

Like going 15 mph? Check out the Little Dipper. 35 more your speed? The Wild Mouse will kick your ass. Wanna puke? Spin around and around on the Caterpillar. Need your kid fix? Storybook Forest will remind you about all those Aesop's Fables-types, or you can go to Mister Roger's Neighborhood on the Trolley. Um...ok! I always cried my ass off when it got time to go to the cargo net (pictured above) in Jumpin' Jungle. Scary net...

- Mountain View Inn. I worked here. I was a banquet server. You'd rake in the dough on Mother's Day.

This place is great if you want a quaint hotel. None of the rooms are decorated alike.

Rolling Rock sponsors a bar called the 33rd Street Tavern, which is a little more pricey (by Latrobe's bottom-shelf standards) but is a place well worth checking out. Lots of neat (crappy) local bands/singers on a regular basis.

- Nopalito's. Literally like 5 minutes from campus. I'll let the website do the selling. Plus, I know like half of the toolbags pictured on the site.

- Dino's Sports Lounge. Word of advice, you can't get in if you're wearing a baseball hat. However, its worth it.

The Sweet & Hot wings are ridiculously amazing. However, if you're brave, go for the Lewis (or Super Lewis, if you dare) wings and burn your mouth off. I don't know if he works there anymore or not, but ask for Sean the Cook. He'll give you cool samples of the Super Lewis if you're a wussy (haven't used that insult in like a minute) and don't want all your wings infected.

- Rosa's. High volume beer. Everywhere. Need a 30-pack? Don't settle at any distributor. Go to Rosa's. Plus, they have an excellent humidor that's absolutely stocked with fine cigars. My buddy Joel had a Rosa's fix. He'd have like 2 new cigars every day.

- St. Vincent Gristmill. Right on campus. You won't even need to drive to get to this one. This crazy place has been run by the Benedictine monks for years. They make all kinds of flour and bread, and also have a stellar coffee shop.

Once there, you can check out the display I made in the museum regarding old Jim Beam Whiskey Decanters.

Oh, and there's a dead monk's spirit in the body of a cat. That cat freaked me out on several occasions. You should go see it.

- Lincoln Lanes. C'mon. Who doesn't love to bowl? Plus, Lincoln Lanes has a bar inside of it. They serve Stoney's cans. Can't find those bad boys anywhere. And if that's not enough, the Touchdown Club, another full bar, is attached to the LL building. You can literally watch fools bowl from a one-way mirror at the TD Club.

- Falbo's Restaurant. Tuesday spaghetti special. 99 cents. This is an SVC must-go-to bar. Ask if/when Pat's working. He'll give you the hook-up.

We celebrated one of my buddy's birthdays there. A few too many Three Wise Men rocked us to sleep (incoherency).

- Linn Run State Park. Two words. Natural. Waterslides.

The water cuts through the rocks, forming the smoothest grooves that you can sit (stand, you wussy) and slide on. They empty out into natural pools and are a great way to beat the heat. One time, this dude's raft floated like a mile down the creek, and me and a buddy went and tracked it down, successfully reuniting frantic owner and his craft.

Or you can hang out at the waterfall that's pictured on the homepage. I've been under it. There isn't much water. I think somebody poured a bucket of water down it for that picture.

- Sharkey's Cafe. In a constant struggle with Dino's for Latrobe-wing-supremacy. The winner of this epic battle? Me and you.

Sharkey's makes good Washington Apple shots. One too many birthdays here. We had my buddy MattyG's 22nd birthday at Sharkey's, and me and him ended up walking back to campus. Well, we got most of the way, before his girlfriend picked us up in front of a watchful trooper.

Have a look around the cool little city and you'll be sure to find other swell places. A few more to check out include Reeb's Bar, DiSalvo's Station, Derry Highrocks, Rolling Rock Brewery (defunct) LeNature's Water Plant (also defunct), Tractor Supply, Cineburger (now Latrobe Family Cinemas), Route 30 Drive-In, Sheraton Inn, National Tire and Battery, Westmoreland Mall, Statler's Fun Center, Arnold Palmer Airport, Hollow Tavern, Jioio's, Laurel Hotel, etc. Email me if you need directions to any of these places.

See the Steelers. Go exploring. Tell 'em PSaMP sent you.

Sunday, July 22, 2007

Steelers Ink 1st Rounder Timmons

Mike Tomlin was Nostradamus-esque by predicting that all draft picks would be signed in time for camp.

The Steelers reached terms with 1st rounder Lawrence Timmons, giving him a chance to make $15 million over 5 years. The base pay is a little over $12 mil, but incentives push it to $15 big ones.

Mega-agent (and part-time slimeball) Drew Rosenhaus said that:

"We think it was very important to get Lawrence signed on time to give him an opportunity to reach his immense potential. Obviously, Mike Tomlin's in his first training camp and Lawrence is his first draft pick as head coach and we wanted him to be there. He's off to a great start."

Now all he needs to do is start practicing.

Mini Pony of the Day 7-22-07

Mmmmm. Pittsburgh needs to get a beach.

Celebration Begins For Passion!

They did it.

Just like they did all year.

The Passion offense crushed the opposing defense. The Passion defense crushed the opposing offense. This time, however, it was different. This time, the team took home the title.

Your Pittsburgh Passion, 2007 NWFA World Champs!

With a convincing 32-0 win over the Columbus Comets (Trib coverage here, official stats here), the Passion staked their claim in NWFA history as the 7th league champ.

Lisa Horton showed why she is one of the (if not the) premier qurterbacks in the league.

Horton picked apart the Comets' defense, completing eight of her first 10 passes and engineering touchdown drives on each of the Passion's first six possessions. She finished 13 of 21 for 167 yards with two touchdown passes and one TD run.

Yeah, you read that right. Talk about coming through in the clutch.

Torina Henley, playing in what is most likely her final game as a member of the Passion, scored the Passion's first 2 touchdowns. Columbus had no chance after One-Two started the game in favor of Pittsburgh.

As the P-G points out, the only real way in which the team messed up on Saturday night was when they missed coach Ron Coder with the celebratory Gatorade shower. However, that's one mistake that the team will take.

Congratulations to Teresa Conn and her entire team! This championship was 5 years in the making, and well worth the wait!

Want to check out how the Passion made it to 12-0? Here's PSaMP's coverage and the official stats:

Regular Season.

Game 1: Beat Cleveland Fusion, 23-14.

Game 2: Beat Cincinatti Sizzle, 62-7.

Game 3: Beat Central PA Vipers, 52-0.

Game 4: Beat Philadelphia Phoenix, 53-7.

Game 5: Beat Cleveland Fusion, 40-18.

Game 6: Beat Cincinatti Sizzle, 44-7.

Game 7: Beat Philadelphia Phoenix, 40-0.

Game 8: Beat Central PA Vipers, 77-0.


Game 9: Beat Erie Illusion, 63-7.

Game 10: Beat Western Michigan Mayhem, 34-6.

Game 11: Beat Cleveland Fusion, 49-15.

Game 12: Beat Columbus Comets, 32-0. World Champs!

And here's PSaMP's interview with Torina One-Two Henley, in case you haven't read it. And Lisa Horton's Sportscenter clip. There's more Passion articles sprinkled throughout PSaMP. You can find them yourself.

Passion Are World Champs!

Your Pittsburgh Passion capped off their undefeated season with a 32-0 win over the Columbus Comets in the NWFA World Championship! World Champs, baby!

Way to go, girls! You've made your official unofficial blogger proud.

PSaMP will have complete coverage/recap of this historic win tomorrow.

Queen's "We Are The Champions" will endlessly loop in my dreams tonight...

Saturday, July 21, 2007

Mini Pony of the Day 7-21-07

I love this Brian Fellows skit from SNL. Tracy Morgan was way underrated. I love how he says miniature.

That's the biggest dog I've ever seen.

I wanna see that dog catch a frisbee.


Friday, July 20, 2007

Mini Pony of the Day 7-20-07

Rough workweek?

Its the weekend! Go for a drive. Take your mini pony, too.

And since I brought up ichc, this one made me cry. I hope it makes you cry as well. You deserve it.

Visitor of the Week: Next to Last Week of July

Just like last week, this week's visitors were too good to whittle down to only one. So I'm following last week's precedent, and giving you two cool visitors from the past 7 days.

This first one is killer. Apparently, Google links to PSaMP if you are trying to find awesome information about those mini helmets that ice cream shops use for sundaes. I still have several of those tiny little helmets from back in the day when I'd walk across the bridge in my hometown to the Tastee Freez.

In a related story, read The Sports Hernia's ridiculously funny post about Barry Lamar Bonds and mini sundae helmets. Great stuff.

Secondly, looks like PSaMP has attracted Edgar Snyder himself, or at least one of his associates. I linked to his cool blog earlier in the week, and it apparently caught the eye of someone at the injury lawyer's practice. If you link to him (Edgar), he will come...

Steelers Sign TE Spaeth

The Steelers have signed 3rd round draft pick Matt Spaeth.

The 6 foot 7 tight end from Minnesota joins Heath Miller, Jerame Tuman, Jonathan Dekker and Cody Boyd to give the Steelers the most lethal group of big, generic, white tight ends in the league.

Dallas Baker also signed, leaving only 1st rounder Lawrence Timmons and 5th rounder William Gay to sign in time for training camp on Monday.

There is no other current info about the signing. So this post is over.

Pittsburgh Passion Sportscenter Clip. Finally

I've been trying to find this clip for a while, but to this point, it had been unavailable on this fascinating World Wide Web. Crazy information superhighway was denying me access to see Lisa Horton as Sportscenter's play #6 in the top plays.

Yes, this isn't from the Cleveland game. Its from the game prior, when the team beat the Western Michigan Mayhem to advance to the Conference Finals. My sister saw this during the original airing and told me about it, but before I saw this clip, it hadn't reached my eyes. That's fixed.

Passion kicker Christy Laudadio uploaded the video to YouTube, so a huge Thank You must go to her. Also, a bigger shout out must go to reader smarchit, who emailed the awesome vid to PSaMP. Without their work, you wouldn't be able to see this. Simple as that.

One more day...til Nashville...

Thursday, July 19, 2007

Check Out This Cool Pittsburgh Passion Video

Since the beginning of the postseason, the Post-Gazette has jumped on the Pittsburgh Passion bandwagon. Hard.

As the team's been making their move, Tyler Batiste and Annie O'Neill have been all over the team. Not that its a bad thing, because the team deserves all the respect/recognition in the world. I just would've liked to see more coverage when the team was 1-0, not just when they reached 11-0.

Jody diPerna of the Pittsburgh City Paper, put it best when she said that:

...Being a devotee of alternative music requires a certain mindset. There is pride in swimming upstream, in discovering a band or appreciating sounds that haven't yet reached the great unwashed masses. There's a perverse sense of superiority: If you're in the know, you later get to lord it over your friends that you saw The White Stripes at the 31st Street Pub, before they entered the national consciousness.

I feel the same way about the Pittsburgh Passion, the city's women's football team.

Prior to the postseason, I had to check with several unique sources to find any info about the games, players, opponents, etc. Its tough, when you're the official unofficial Passion blogger.

However, the P-G did post a stellar video, available for your viewing here.

You should definitely check out the video, as the team prepares for the NWFA World Championship on Saturday in Nashville, Tennessee.

That is all. For now...

Mini Pony of the Day 7-19-07

This is Thumbelina, the world's smallest horse. Thumbelina (or Thumbellina as I've seen it spelled), has been the MPotD twice before, on June 13th and March 14th. Well deserved, cool small horse.

This pic comes from Al Jazeera's website (what?!). Thumbelina is trying to raise $1 mil for kids across the world. Noble.

MPotD? Yep.

Pirates Kick Steve-O Wilson To The Curb, Trade For Izturis

July 19th. Designated "All-Pittsburgh-Teams-Must-Sign-Someone" Day.

Apparently, the Pirates are buyers. And Shawon Dunston was not involved.

Not to be outdone by the Steelers signing LaMarr Woodley and the Pens signing Ty Conklin, the Pirates showed that they can make a splash as well, trading for shortstop Cesar Izturis. The Buccos gave up the dreaded "player to be named later."

Finally, the team showed a little bit of motivation, and might not be putting up with Jack Wilson's bs anymore. Wilson, a one time All-Star (because he somehow had 200+ hits that year. How did that happen?), is currently batting a mediocre .256.

Izturis, 27, was batting .246 with 11 doubles and eight RBIs in 65 games while sharing shortstop duties with Ryan Theriot in Chicago. Previously, he was an All-Star under manager Jim Tracy with the Los Angeles Dodgers in 2005.

Both Wilson and Izturis are one time All-Stars who are batting around .250. However, Izturis was splitting time in Chicago, while J-Wil is the primary shortstop in the 'Burgh.

But here's the kicker. Wilson is int the final two years of his deal, and he is still owed $14 mil, making him the team's highest paid player. Batting .256 for that money is not acceptable. This sounds a little Jason Kendall-esque.

Move Wilson's salary. Pronto. I don't care how good he is defensively, his offense sucks. And last time we got rid of a crappy defensive/good offensive player, Aramis Ramirez went to the Cubs. That hasn't worked out well for us at all. Wilson's time in black and gold (and sometimes red) should be up.

Pens Sign Veteran G Conklin

Veteran goalie Ty Conklin has agreed to terms with the Pittsburgh Penguins.

Conklin played for both Columbus and Buffalo last season.

With Dany Sabourin expected to be MAF's primary backup, Conklin will be spending most of his time in Wilkes-Barre. However, if Sabourin or MAF struggle/are injured, it will be good to have a solid veteran there to fill the void.

Conklin has a career win percentage above .500, going 30-24-6, with a 2.65 goals against coupled with a .900 save percentage. Good Wilkes-Barre numbers.

Woodley Has At Least 4 Years To Learn Pittsburgh Roadways

Steelers 2nd rounder LaMarr Woodley, famous for getting lost on the streets of Pittsburgh, has signed a 4-year deal with the team. Terms were not released.

Wood's signing means that only 1st rounder Lawrence Timmons, TE Matt Spaeth and Cornerback William Gay are the last remaining draft picks to sign. A deal with Spaeth is being worked out, and Timmons is also optimistic.

Woodley is stepping into some big shoes. Not only is he switching over from defensive end to outside linebacker, but he also took over Joey Porter's number 55. PSaMP likes the ballsy decision.

Also, with the Woodley announcement coming today, there is hope that early reports of a Polamalu deal are true. Apparently, the Steelers wanted to keep the Woodley and Polamalu announcements separate so that both got the respect/publicity due.

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Mini Pony of the Day 7-18-07

Jumping mini ponies = swell.

Do you know a jumping mini pony? It could very easily be MPotD. Send it, or any other mini pony picture/video, to me at psampmail@gmail.com, and it will most likely make it onto PSaMP. Unless I've already posted it. Then it won't...

Edgar Snyder's Blog

A television commercial today told me that Edgar Snyder wants you...to link to his blog. You don't have to tell me twice.

Its called Edgar Speaks Out. Its Awesome!

Attorney Edgar Snyder. There's never a fee, unless we link our blog to you.

Little Late There, Ed

Don't get it twisted. I like Ed Bouchette.

Bouche says Troy Polamalu is close to signing a deal to keep him in the 'Burgh.

At least we didn't know this like a week ago or anything.

Either way, its stellar news.

Try Not To Get Mad When I Say This: Tom Fitzgerald Is Joining the Pens Staff

Do you remember the 1996 Eastern Conference Finals? I do. If you don't, then let me remind you...

Game 7. 1-1 tie in the 3rd. Pens and Panthers. Barasso vs. Vanbiesbrouck. The Pens were in the middle of that "Doo be, doo be doo" pr campaign (Bud Ice...Beware the Penguins), and everyone wanted the Pens to "Stick it to the Beezer." I remember this because my sister and I had to sell those Children's Miracle Network Balloons at a local Movie Theater, and Doo Be Doo Be Do, Beware the Penguins and Stick it to the Beezer were playing on a continuous loop on the scrolling LCD advertising screen.

Anyway, Gord Murphy fired a pass to Tom Fitzgerald, who took a shot from just inside the blue line, in hopes of putting it on net and going to the bench for a breather. Somehow, that shot went past Barasso, and the upstart Panthers went to the Stanley Cup Finals.

Dave Molinari, of the Post-Gazette, puts it perfectly by saying that the goal:

...ranks among the most devastating the Penguins have allowed during four decades in the NHL.

Well guess what, Penguins fans? That very same Tom Fitzgerald, who retired before the 2006-07 season after playing in 1,907 games, will be joining the Pens staff as director of player personnel.

"Pretty ironic, isn't it?" he said. "I had pretty much all my success in the playoffs against Pittsburgh. Getting a chance now to work with the organization -- to help it get back to those good old days of the early to mid-90s -- is overwhelming."

Yes, Tom. Its very ironic to us fans who still cringe at that loss.

This is like Larry Brown of the Cowboys coming to the Steelers as the new DB Coach (I don't like to bring up Larry Brown, but I needed to make a point).

As long as the Pens prospects develop well under Fitz, I'll have no problem. Its just gonna take a while for the sting to wear off.

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Mini Pony of the Day 7-17-07

Today's MPotD is actually a clothing company.

Tiny Pony Vintage Clothing has a talking horse promoting its product. I fully endorse the name Tiny Pony.

Mini ponies can talk to me whenever they want. I'd be cool with that. Definitely MPotD-worthy.