Thursday, January 31, 2008

Mini Pony of the Day 1-31-08

Sheena bought me this Grow-A-Pony. It takes 10 days to grow 600%. That's 240 hours. I started this little bugger yesterday at 6:30 P.M. This picture is at hour 19 1/2.

Expect more updates as MPotD during the 10-day span.

Here's some of the quips and quotes on the packaging, along with my own remarks:

- Now your dream of owning a pony of your very own can become a reality!! Damn straight.

- Your new pony is the best pet in the world. I believe it.

- He is very easy to take care for and will love you very much! Word.

- Your growing pony never needs to be fed, only watered. Convenient.

- You won't have the messy job of cleaning it's stall. True.

- This pony can live in your house. Tight.

- Grooming is unnecessary. Kickass.

He's...Too Sexy For His...Unbelievable Hairline

His predecessor can claim more Super Bowl rings as a head coach of the Steelers. Mike Tomlin has a very different ego boost.

He was just named the NFL's Sexiest Coach, according to Victoria's Secret.

I bet the Chin is weeping.

There was a great quote from an East Lib woman in that Trib article:

For Natalie Brown, 68, of East Liberty, it's not about the looks.

"If he wins the Super Bowl next year, he'll look a lot better, but it's about what happens on the field," she said.

Spoken from the mouths of babes. And by babes, I don't mean infants. I mean hot, mouthy 68-year old Yinzer women.

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Mini Pony of the Day 1-30-08

Tiny-ass pictures.

They came from this site, sent to me by Doug, PSaMP's resident honorary staff member.

That site rules. Click the link (I'll give it to you here, too), then listen for the comedy gold.

I'll Be Ready. Never You Fear

God, I hope this is true. If it is, this is the type of scoop that sportsbloggers dream about.

I was hanging around The Pensblog yesterday when I happened to spy Sidney Crosby's agent's name...Pat Brisson. Now, as a sportsblogger, I'm obligated to over-research the simplest of items with the hope of finding a ridiculous story, picture, video, etc. After spotting Brisson's name, I went to work.

Turns out...there's no Wikipedia page for the super-agent, who also represents Evgeni Malkin. That would've been the perfect place to find a solid starting point. Out of the clear, I entered his name into IMDB, hoping that he made some stupid Skinemax flick or something. No Skinemax...but there was a tasty little nugget.

And before we jump to conclusions that it might be another Pat Brisson, let me explain. There is another Pat Brisson, who is a children's book author. That Pat is a chick. Plus, the next paragraph validates why the IMDB profile would most likely be former hockey player-Pat and not female-author-Pat.

There were two entries with Brisson's name attached. Sid's agent actually had a tie to the Penguins franchise before representing Sid and Geno. Patty appeared as Player #2 in Sudden Death, the badass Jean-Claude Van Damme film that took place in the Civic Arena.

That wasn't the nugget. It was good, but not the best.

The other entry tells us that Pat appeared as Operator in a mid-90s episode of Baywatch. Classic. I don't know about you, but I know a buncha people who gained insightful knowledge for their future careers by playing a spot character on Baywatch. I mean come on...that's a logical progression...mid-level hockey player, Sudden Death, Baywatch, super hockey agent.

And yeah, it would've been way too easy to put Brisson's head on Hasselhoff's body. However, I like to keep you on your toes.

What are we gonna learn next? Ben Roethlisberger's agent, Leigh Steinberg, on Springer? Syke...the best he did was 90210 (an episode named Breast Side Up).

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Mini Pony of the Day 1-29-08

Tripod rules.

That's where I found this picture.

Completely unrelated, but last night I dreamt that the Steelers picked up an Offensive Lineman with each of their first 5 picks in the upcoming draft. I really liked that dream.

BREAKING NEWS: Ike Taylor Is Cursed!

Kidding. This isn't breaking news at all.

And don't get it twisted...I like Ike. I just happened to finally understand why he drops so many interceptions. I mean, how uncoordinated can a cornerback be? His hands are made out of feet.

I just happened to be flipping through the channels last night when the NFL Films replay of the 1995 AFC Championship Game ignited the television. I've seen that replay like a billion times, but all the emotions just flow right back when Harbaugh starts that final drive.

A few plays before the failed Hail Mary (sorry if that spoiled it for anyone, jerks), Steelers DB Chris Oldham stepped in front of a Harbaugh pass and let the interception slip through his hands. Oldham's number...Taylor's 24.

That could have put a harder hex on Ike if we would've lost the game. But we won...and eventually lost to the Larry Brown-led Dallas Cowboys. Larry Brown, unlike Chris Oldham and Ike, started picking off Neil O'Donnell on every pass. LB's guessed it...Taylor's 24.

This past season, Ike bested opposing 24s by picking off 3 passes, compared to opponent 24s picking off Roethlisberger twice. Arizona's Adrian Wilson and Cincy's Deltha O'Neal, both 24s, dominated some errant Pittsburgh passes. Also, some dude from Buffalo with the number 42 (backwards 24) picked off Big Ben in the 2nd game of the season.

Time will only tell if the 24 curse hits us next year.

Visual evidence of the curse-ers are below.

Monday, January 28, 2008

Mini Pony of the Day 1-28-08

I know this mini pony isn't real, but come on...its miniature and its a pony. Done and done.

It came from this blog. Solid little horse blog.

Legos Rule

I gotta show love for the Lego for a quick minute. Today is the 50th birthday of the coolest toy on the block (you like that?).

These little bastards cultivated my love for auto/home repair with simple blocks. I mean, I could make you a cubed car in like a couple seconds with a flat piece (green one in the pic), a few blocks, a steering wheel and some tires.

I grew outta Legos when they started making those massive sets where you could build like a castle or interactive building of some sort. I was used to the simple sets where your imagination dictated what you built. I could build a ridiculous stick/tower.

The above picture was found here. Lego blogs rule. Lego cakes rule as well.

UPDATE: I found a site where you can create yourself as a Lego dude/dudette. I modeled my guy after my ZZ Top-bearded self in my Questions Answered post. I didn't use a blue t-shirt because the Lego-creation site had a Pittsburgh Penguins shirt for some reason.

Friday, January 25, 2008

Happy Anniversary, Jerome Lane

Today is the 20-year anniversary of the infamous Jerome Lane dunk at Pitt.

Send it in, Jerome.

Troy Loney Lost Some Fights

In my About PSaMP/FAQ post yesterday, I mentioned Troy Loney. Today, I tried to find video documentation of him owning someone. Or just acting like a badass.

I found two videos. Neither are badass or of him owning someone. In fact, just the opposite.

Thursday, January 24, 2008


I've been meaning to write a FAQ page to post up in the sidebar. This seems like a good time.

- What is PSaMP and Other Wild Facks.

PSaMP was a child of the Nearly-Kansas City Penguins-times. The first post was March 13th of 2007. Although I'm a massive Steeler homer, The Penguins provided the inspiration for the site. I wanted to create a place where I could voice my opinions on my three favorite teams. Those three teams are the Patriots, Senators and Red Sox. I started out writing in all lowercase, because I thought it would look cool. It didn't. I capitalized and punctuated. Shortly after launching the site, I started covering the Pittsburgh Passion, the city's kickass Women's Football team. I even interviewed the star Running Back. They won the Championship. I consider PSaMP the official unofficial Passion blog. Rekonize.

- What's Up With the Name? A Joey Porter's Dogs-Tribute?

Nothing to do with the Joey Porter instance. Sorry if that crushes someone's imaginations about the site. I've always loved Pittsburgh sports. For as long as I can remember, miniature horses have had an equal level of badass-ness. Regular-sized equine are weird. Only mini ones are cool. I wasn't going to try to think of some clever, kitsch-y title with some fantastic side reference. I named the site to reflect what you'll get at PSaMP. Pittsburgh sports. And mini ponies.

- How is PSaMP Pronounced?

Pee-Samp. Learn.

- What Was The Original Site Explanation?

You don't have to be the biggest Steel-City fan to enjoy PSaMP. You might even be someone who would kick a mini pony if you saw one. But I'm not. What you have stumbled upon is my site, dedicated to the sports happenings in my hometown. Yeah, my Pittsburgh bias is evident, and if it shows itself in my posts, then you'll just have to deal with it. Keep your eyes peeled (that's actually a pretty gross statement. Think about it) for the mini pony of the day, because aside from Pittsburgh sports, there is nothing cooler than a mini pony. And I may update on some entertainment news, or my own personal rumblings, or maybe something completely off topic. All that matters is PSaMP is here, and ready to rule.

- What's MPotD?

Mini Pony of the Day. Its what sets PSaMP's coverage/analysis apart. Our teams provide championships and heartaches on a regular cycle. Through the constant ups and downs, you can always rely on a totally rad picture of a hilarious mini pony at PSaMP. I began this as a joke, and expected to run out of pictures/videos within the month. Turns out, there are an endless supply of miniature horse pictures and media on the world wide web. If you ever find the coolest picture of a mini pony, email it to me at It will be used.

- When Can I Expect Posts?

I try to get you at least a sport-ish story and a MPotD every day of the workweek. The weekend is a different monster. They're usually pretty stagnant, and a stray post might break up a random, typically-postless weekend.

- Who Writes PSaMP?

I go by Tecmo here. I go by Nicholas everywhere else. Its just me and my imagination. Although, I have had some fantastic sportsblogs drop by to contribute. At my overhyped-tactic 6 Month Anniversary, Awful Announcing, LarryBrownSports, Pensblog, Sportsocracy, DoubtAboutIt and my sister all dropped by. Eddy Spahgetti played Hiatus Daddy for a minute. But in the end, its just me.

- Is it True That You Picked a Kicker for the Steelers in a Mock Draft?

Yes. At AA's Mock Draft. It was the Second Round. I picked Mason Crosby, who tore it up in Green Bay as a Rookie.

- What is Monday Morning Chrysler New Yorker?

Steelers game recap. Explanation here.

- Do You Actually Cover The Pirates Here?

I guarantee a plethora of Pirates posts during the always ridiculously long Buccos season. Or at least til training camp at St. Vincent.

- Where Did Tec Go To School?

At said St. Vincent College. One reason for going to St. Vincent was the Steelers.

- Why The Simple Template?

Because I suck at Html. And because this is a sportsblog, not some corporate-owned entity with a flashy layout. I make $0 at PSaMP. Its entirely independent, and is 100% for the reader.

- One of The Top Three Sports-Moments of Tec's Life...?

Acting out the Penguins Stanley Cup wins with my two older sisters out in the yard while my dad videotaped on Betacam or some stuff. We used a left-handed hockey stick, a field hockey stick and a whiffle ball bat (or possibly a croquet mallet in place of the whiffle ball bat. My sister emailed the possible correction). Puck = whiffle ball. My younger brother, who was probably 3-4 at the time, walked into the path of a whiffle slapshot from Troy Loney or someone. Right in the face. Might be the best thing ever captured on film.

If you have any other questions, leave 'em here or email me at

This will be posted in the sidebar as About PSaMP/FAQ.

Mini Pony of the Day 1-24-08

Another reason mini ponies rule...easy to transport.

...Hey, baby.

I might have used this picture before. Can't remember...too lazy to check.

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Very Confused

Sorry. My PSaMP-time has been shaky these past few days. I'll be back in full action in a bit. Until then, posting will be irregular at best. Please accept my meager offerings for the time being.

My sister sent me this picture. I have no idea what it is, where it came from or how I can erase the image from my mind, but I needed to share it.

I don't even know what it means. Honestly, I don't understand what its referencing.


I'm lost.

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Mini Pony of the Day 1-22-08

Away from the world wide web. This happens from time to time.

Til I return, I usually try to entertain you with a random pic from my cell phone photo archive.

This is Juicy. I found him on a sidewalk during a rainy, late-night walk back from an Irish pub in Queens, New York.

He's just over a year old.

Fun night.

Monday, January 21, 2008

Mini Pony of the Day 1-21-08

Little known fact...Pegasus was a mini pony.

The Patriots Are Peyton Manning

Since I’m a Steelers fan, I have no real concern about who wins the Super Bowl. I hate the Patriots, can’t stand both Eli and Philip (QBs drafted before Big Ben who don’t yet have a ring but are constantly put on a pedestal) and have no relation whatsoever to the Pack. Best case scenario in my mind in the Conference Championship games…Pack and Chargers in the Super Bowl, with Green Bay winning it all. It looks like the worst case scenario is playing out, either the Patriots getting ring #4, or Eli stunning the world and causing MSM hacks’ heads to explode.

At this point, it’s nearly inconceivable to believe the Giants will win it all. I mean, they just lost to the Patriots a few weeks back. Which brings me to my point…the Patriots have completely numbed me to the fact that they are probably going to win another championship. At the beginning of the season, this idea made me furious. Now…I’m completely numb to the inevitable.

This whole story seems like it’s played out before. Oh yeah, it’s the same way I reacted to seeing Peyton Manning in every television commercial.

Here are the four steps to complete disregard.


Peyton – Dude, screw Mastercard! Peyton hasn’t even won a ring yet! Why is he in commercials? Marketable my ass. That forehead is ridiculous. Although, “Cut that meat” is kinda laughable.

Patriots – Just because the Patriots acquired Randy Moss, it doesn’t automatically give New England a free pass to the Super Bowl! And 16-0?!?! Psssht. Come on, “experts!” It’s not even May. This conversation is bullshit.


Peyton – Sprint, Sony, ESPN, DirecTV, Gatorade…why is this dude everywhere? I’m sick of seeing his dumb face. Commercial breaks = complete hell. Coupled with “This is our Country,” Peyton is driving me away from the NFL.

Patriots – They cheated! I don’t care if they’re 13-0, any record is tarnished! Why is ESPN running a “Patriots” section on their scrolling bottom line? And CBS is building some shit with Robert Kraft? Alright, conflict of interest. Can Phil Simms please get off Tom Brady’s nuts?


Peyton – Ok, he’s won a ring. I guess he finally has some reason to be featured during every commercial break. And that SNL-spot was kinda funny. As much as I hate this tool, my throwing shit at the TV. is not going to help anything.

Patriots – Alright, they finished undefeated. It’s still not going to mean anything when they lose in the playoffs. Can you say bittersweet when they’re watching the Super Bowl from a couch somewhere? They can’t seriously run the table. Especially in the AFC. Have fun losing.

4. NUMB.

Peyton – [Commercial break comes on, Peyton is on the screen] TV have pretty colors.

/drool drips from side of mouth.

Patriots – [“The Patriots have won the AFC Championship!”] Me like Eli.

/drool drips from side of mouth.

Saturday, January 19, 2008

Rest in Peace, Ernie Holmes

I was away from the Internet yesterday, so I had no chance to pay my respects to Ernie Holmes, who passed away in a car accident.

If you don't get the reference in the picture above, I must ask you to leave PSaMP, because we cannot be friends.

I was going to replace the bowling ball with a gun being fired at a helicopter, but that would've been in poor taste. And that bowling ball is too classic.

Rest in peace, Fats.

Cloverfield Time

About to see Cloverfield...

Thursday, January 17, 2008

Which Penguins Streak Is Better?

New poll time.

Currently, the Penguins are on a 12-2-0 run that has propelled them to first in the Atlantic Division. Actually we're tied with New Jersey at 55 points, but come on...first place is first place.

This current run reminds me of this time last season, when a solid stretch gave a barely-.500 Penguins team the boost it needed to make the playoffs. Last year's playoffs were a bit of a surprise, seeing as how the team was awful in the year prior. This year, well, us fans are hoping for more.

My question to you is this...which streak was better, the 16-game unbeaten streak of 2006-07, or the current 12-2-0 stretch which still has the opportunity to get better? Before you decide, I'm gonna throw out some facts and figures.

January 13, 2007 - February 18, 2007
16-game unbeaten in regulation streak. (14-0-2).
74 goals scored, 4.6 goals per game.
45 goals against, 2.8 goals per game.
Dismal 43 points before the streak, 73 after. 30 point increase.
Division-leading NJ - 56 points before the streak, 78 after. 22 point increase.

December 15, 2007 - January 14, 2008 (current)
44 goals scored, 3.1 goals per game.
28 goals against, 2 goals per game.
Decent 32 points before the streak, 55 after. 23 point increase.
Division-leading NJ - 36 points before the streak, 55 after. 19 point increase.

SCARY INTER-STREAK FACT: The streak-starting game in 2006-07 ended with an Evgeni Malkin empty-net goal. The most recent game during the 2007-08 streak ended with an Evgeni Malkin empty-net goal. We've officially come full circle.

If you want to know my preference...I'm voting for the current streak. Now, being unbeaten in regulation in 16 straight games is awesome. However, Marc-Andre Fleury was 12-0-2 during that streak, so its safe to say he played to the level that we all had hoped when he was drafted at #1. The current streak has been helped by Ty Conklin, the guy who started the season in Wilkes-Barre.

And last year, Sid finished the final 10 games of the streak with just one goal. During this streak, Sid already has at least one game with multiple goals.

Going back to the facts I mentioned above, the current streak has allowed the Penguins to take the division lead. That's huge, and a massive difference maker in my mind. And while the offense isn't as ridiculous during the current streak, we're buckling down of defense and allowing less goals per game.

You know my pick. Now make yours.

Mini Pony of the Day 1-17-08

Sorry for the late start. I'm getting a big post together for later today. Promise. Its solid.

That mini pony needs to eat. Bad.

And is that kid about to DDT the horse?

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Mini Pony of the Day 1-16-08

I know I've used this little guy before.

But in picture form.

Got it.

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Please Vote For Tec


Many, many months ago, I submitted a couple of PSaMP stories to a start-up, online media channel called Rafter.

I checked back with my submission, and actually have a decent amount of support (in a thumbs up/thumbs down way of judging).

Rafter mussed up the format, and there's some backslashes that shouldn't be there. Also, links didn't show up, and the same went for italics, boldness, etc. However, you should click on the button at the top of this post (or the one I put on the sidebar) and give me a thumbs up. Or write an endearing comment. Or tell me I suck.

Here's the original posts I used.

Bucs Win In 16, Fully Endorse Adderall
Can ESPN's Hashmarks Actually Be Called A Blog?

Do it.

Mini Pony of the Day 1-15-08

No joke, that top picture popped up when I Google Image Searched for "mini pony."

However, it did lead to this site, where I ended up finding the bottom picture.

...Hey, baby.

I think that's a chick.

Robert Ullman Rules

...Hey, baby (x3).

Robert Ullman rules (kinda NSFW).

Props to Ape for bringing these to my attention.

And Pensblog brought you the bottom one yesterday. I actually found these over the weekend, if you wanna believe that.

That win last night was huge.

Go Pens.

Monday, January 14, 2008

Mini Pony of the Day 1-14-08

Doug, a good friend of PSaMP, sent me this picture and asked if I've used it before. Turns out...I have. End of April, back when I was writing for about 2 people a day.

Here's the original post, for the majority of you who weren't around back then.

Cool. This pig (which rules, by the way) loves mini ponies. If it had the mental capabilities to distinguish between the Internet and a corncob, I bet he would check out this site. Either way, I'm giving it an invisible high five right now.

Sunday, January 13, 2008

The X Games Are Totally Ripping Off Cloverfield

I know I'm not the only blogger who's hyped for Cloverfield.

Which is why I'm way disappointed that Winter X Games 12 is blatantly using the buzz created by Cloverfield to help publicize the upcoming event in Aspen. Fake rumor alerts and Youtube videos clearly outline a viral campaign of event promotion. Hell, ESPN even got help from competitor Chris Burandt to breed intrigue (click NEWS and look at the 12.14.2007 entry).

Now, that is a complete non-issue until you see the commercials for this thing. Wobbly camera views and static let the audience know they are looking through a handheld camcorder. A monster is seen just outside the Superpipe. Imminent danger is felt within an iconic landscape.

When I first saw the commercial, I thought to myself, "Oh no, did Cloverfield sell out to Disney in some cross-promotional stunt a la Led Zeppelin?" Nope, just an advertising scheme that is clearly in place due to the months of discussion that Cloverfield has created.

The picture above is the best I could do with a shoddy cell phone and the Winter X commercial. Plus, none of you dorks have uploaded the video of it to Youtube yet. Don't be askin' me to do that stuff. Its beyond me.

Conclusion - Weak ripoff.

Saturday, January 12, 2008

Ben McCauley Will Scream In Your Face At A Ratio Of 1:2

Every now and then, I gotta check in with my old high school. Happened before when some kid rushed for over 400 yards in a game.

Now, its Ben McCauley, former Yough (pronounced "yawk") Cougar and currently-getting-shat-on-N.C. State He was a few years younger than me and helped our basketball team...uh...get better?

Now, I wanted to see why he's only averaging 6.2 points and 3.9 rebounds this season. In my research, I came across his Google Image Search archive (click picture above for a larger view).

Looking at his first 8 images, it appears Ben will scream at or in your face 4 out of 8 times. And if we count that bottom-middle-right-chest-bumping-teammate-with-post-scream one, it ups that to 5 out of 8.

That's an alarming figure.

Hope there's something to scream about in the second half (43-13...yipes!).

Friday, January 11, 2008

Lightning Curse Breaker Checklist

Sweet. I did it again. I am a massive jinx.

The Penguins beat the Lightning, 4-1 last night.

Now, I'm known for jinxing my own team, a la MAF and the Steelers. Last night, I used my powers against the Lightning. Let's look at what worked.

Vinny Lecavalier rules, and I hope he scores 15 goals tonight. No goals. Check.

Marty St. Louis is so tall and cool. Still short and uncool. Check.

I hope Tampa Bay wins. Nope. Check.

We should score no goals tonight. 4 goals. Check.

I hope Sid and Geno don't show up. Sid's point streak was snapped, but Geno scored. Half-check.

We should probably leave the net empty all night. You see that Conklin save? Check.

Who needs two points? Us. Check.

5.5 out of 6. You're welcome.

Thursday, January 10, 2008

Mini Pony of the Day 1-10-08

Some people suck.
Like I said, some people suck.

End The Curse. Now

I've never really liked the Lightning. I don't know if its Tortorella, Lecavalier, St. Louis, the fact that they play in Florida or the fact that I wanted Calgary to win the Cup in '04. I'd be more content seeing the Lightning lose. Unfortunately, that hasn't happened, especially when the Penguins are the opponent. The P-G's Dave Molinari gives us the nasty details:

[The Penguins] are 1-12-1 in their past 14 games here, and have lost 12 overall in a row (three in overtime or shootouts) to the Lightning the past three seasons.


However, tonight's game might help us break the streak. I mean, we've won 8 of the last 9 and 16 of the last 21. Tampa Bay has only won 16 games...all season.

Despite the records, I'm going to do my best to jinx Tampa Bay. My jinxing powers unfortunately worked against MAF and the Steelers. The best I can do is try to destroy an opponent for once. Here we go. Remember, these aren't my true feelings, jerks.

Vinny Lecavalier rules, and I hope he scores 15 goals tonight.

Marty St. Louis is so tall and cool.

I hope Tampa Bay wins.

We should score no goals tonight.

I hope Sid and Geno don't show up.

We should probably leave the net empty all night.

Who needs two points?

Jinx set. You're totally going down, Tampa Bay.

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Mini Pony of the Day 1-9-08

My aunt got me this mini pony for Christmas.

No joke.

She doesn't even know about PSaMP.

Aunt Barb rules.

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Mini Pony of the Day 1-8-07

Anyone have a spare $20k? I feel like I need to buy this ranch. South Florida Mini Horse Ranch. I'm there.

Thanks to reader Bryan for sending me this link. One of yinz need to dig deep. Soon.

The Penguins > Your Mom

The first half of the Penguins season is over. The best recap of the first 41 games is over at the Pensblog. Honestly, where else would I direct you?

The team's record is currently 23-16-2, and their 48 points are only 1 behind division leader New Jersey. With the slow start, coupled with the red-hot pace set early by Philly, the Penguins cannot be mad with where they currently sit. Now, everyone in the Atlantic are one win streak away from taking the division lead, so the Pens better not sit back and take a complacent attitude in the second half. I mean, 4 points separate the leader from the basement. Its safe to assume that there will be a considerable amount of Willie Shoemaker-ing for position down the stretch. Jockeying, dorks.

Now, Pittsburgh is currently the #4 team in the East. I'd love to stay on this side of the 4-5 split for the playoffs. Last year, we ended the season on the wrong side of the 4-5 seeding with Ottawa. We all know how that turned out. Home games in the playoffs are clutch. The current 8-2 run has helped our surge in points, and overtaking New Jersey in the division would propel the Penguins to the #2 seed in the East. I know we still have a half of a season to play, but the team needs to keep their eyes on the prize. We've been able to win despite key injuries to guys like MAF, Gary Roberts and Max Talbot, and getting those guys back down the stretch could help the team make a run at the top seed in the East. And try and tell me that you weren't hoping for something like that before the season began.

If Ottawa stays hot, we need to keep pace to delay any matchup with the Sens as long as possible. A 2, or possible 1 seed would hold them off till the Conference finals, assuming that their current record keeps them within contention for the best record in the East. And assuming that both teams take care of business throughout the season and playoffs. I don't like to assume, because it makes an ass out of ume. Or something like that. I just don't want another repeat of last year's postseason. The loss to Ottawa hurt. So much that I refused to write about the Penguins for some time. I'd rather write about the 3rd Cup brought to the city.

But back to reality, I can't say I'm too disappointed with where the Penguins currently sit. And Sid just got the most votes for the All-Star Game ...again. That warms the shit outta my cockles. My cockles is burnin'.*

* Big Trouble is the best movie Tim Allen's done this side of The Santa Clause.

Monday, January 7, 2008

Mini Pony of the Day 1-7-08

Thanks to PSaMP's Honorary MPotD Finder and Photoshop Expert Doug for this image. I can you stay angry after the Steelers loss when you look at this picture?

Cutest. Forward pass. Ever.

Oh, and Happy Russian Christmas. I'm not Russian, but my late grandfather was Russian Orthodox, meaning we celebrated this holiday in my family as well as ordinary Christmas. Can I call it ordinary Christmas? I guess.

Attention: There Will Be No MMCNY This Week

Call me whatever you want, but I refuse to write a MMCNY for the Steelers loss on Saturday.

Sure, I do get rather bitchy when the Steelers lose. However, it isn't that difficult to see how and why the team lost to Jacksonville. Ben , although he rebounded nicely in the second half, played like mud for the first 30 minutes. Special teams opened the floodgates early. And the most glaring problem was the play-calling of one Bruce Arians.

Honestly, a designed Quarterback run on a critical 3rd and 6 late in the 4th quarter? After two runs that totaled 4 yards? I know running out the clock was a top priority, but the passing game is what got the team back into contention and eventually, the lead.

BtSC asks if Bruce should stay or go. My honest opinion...can him. FIRE BRUCE ARIANS.

However he's already infused the team with so much offense based around the Tight End that it could be rather difficult for the next guy to adequately work with the personnel available. The Steelers might not get rid of him for the sole fact that he's ingrained so much of his offensive philosophy into this team. Any future coordinator would have to either make full scale changes to the team by either trade or the draft. That might be too much for the Steelers' front office to handle.

So I apologize if you were really craving a MMCNY. I'll do a final MMCNY sometime as a way to rate myself on how I did throughout the season. Who knows when it will go up, but I promise I'll get it to you.

Picture courtesy of ICHC.

Friday, January 4, 2008

Clevelanders Heart The Steelers

People who are good at Photoshop freak me out. I mean...anyone of these images could be real. At least to my untrained eye.

Big Snack at Pierogi's N'at sent me these pics from a post on his site and I needed to post 'em myself. Hell, seeing as how we just lost to the Jags a few weeks back, we could use whatever support we can get. I mean, all the "experts" are picking the Jags as their darkhorse Super Bowl contender. I'd like to see them backtrack if the Jags would have to play the Patriots.

Let's just hope the Lebron curse doesn't bite us in the ass, too. The Yankees are probably still pissed at him.

Mini Pony of the Day 1-4-08

Sorry for the late start today. I might have to call up Human Resources and fire myself.

Because of my tardiness, I give you 3 Mini Ponies of the Day. These came from reader Sarah, who remembered that she posted these pics to a friend's MySpace board (look for February 9, 2007). Sarah also gave us the MPotD for December 7th. If she keeps this up, she might join Doug and get her own honorary PSaMP title.

That He-Man picture kills me.

I'll try to get something worthwhile posted later today so it'll be up for the weekend.

Thursday, January 3, 2008

Mini Pony of the Day 1-3-08

Chest bump to Doug, PSaMP's Honorary MPotD Finder and Photoshop Expert, for finding (and capturing) this front page of a small local newspaper.

I'm no preschooler, but I'd love to join.

Hell, with more kickass stories like this, local newspapers might put PSaMP outta commission. It'll be the rebirth of the print media.

...Hey, baby.

That was directed at the teacher.

Happy Birthday Hannah/Sheena

Happy Birthday Sheena/Hannah.

Those of you who have been with PSaMP for awhile surely know my sister, Hannah. She goes by Sheena Beaston, the name you'd be more likely to recognize her with on PSaMP.

That video was on acid.

Here's a bunch of Sheena's contributions to PSaMP:

- National Scoop 2
- Rio de McCoy
- National Scoop 1
- MPotD 9-19-07
- Halfie Birthday Extravaganza
- Updated PSaMP Logo
- Circular Weed?

And one final order of business...that's a MMCNY-inspired piece of artwork done by Sheen as the current logo. Its not permanent, but I decided to keep it up for Sheena's birthday.

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Mini Pony of the Day 1-2-08

First official MPotD for '08.

Swell obstacle clear, Blueberry.

Blueberry is the name of the horse. I didn't make that up. Contrary to popular belief.

I Jinxed The Steelers On Sunday

Sorry for going all Paul Lukas on you, but I have a plethora of links to make my point. And I don't want to dwell on the Steelers regular season, because the playoffs are coming. This is the last mention of the regular season.

I'm not a very superstitious person outside the sports world. My birthday is on the 13th (here's my Ode to the 13th...which is one of my favorite PSaMP posts, by the way), which means it regularly falls on a Friday. I usually have decent luck on Friday the 13th, except for one time in Vermont where I kinda got kicked outta the state. Actually, I brought that up before, when I had a MPotD on a Friday the 13th. I promise I'll tell that whole story some day.

However, when it comes to sports I get superstitious as hell. I jinxed MAF and the Penguins before. I'm ridiculously superstitious for the Steelers. When the Steelers are on a win streak, I can't change anything that I wore the week prior. And I always end up wearing the same getup for all games, with minor alterations to hopefully change fortunes after a loss.

My getup consists of my Hines Ward replica jersey (seen here), Steelers socks, my Terrible Towel, Jerome Bettis Foundation wristbands (one on each wrist) and my official Steelers cup. For the Rams game, I even broke out my Big Ben cap to reverse the fortunes from the Jags game (in which I did not wear it). I didn't wear it all last year either. I wore it for every game of the Super Bowl XL year, and it proved worthy. However, I took it off when we kept losing last season.

After Sunday's loss, I tried to find what I did wrong. Turns out, one of my Bettis wristbands was on upside-down. I didn't even notice. Stupid left wrist.

This might seem like nothing to you, but it rocked my world. I had that wristband on correctly all season. I killed our chance at a comeback.

I'm a tool.

Billick getting canned made everything better, though.

Regular season over. Time to focus on Jacksonville...again.

Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Sid Wins The Winter Classic

I don't think there's a better way to usher in '08 here at PSaMP then with this awesome video. That game was sick.

Way to go, Pens.

I'll be back in full effect tomorrow.

Happy New Year!