Friday, November 14, 2008

Mini Pony of the Day 11-14-08

Today's picture comes from my buddy Vince at the fantastic Pesonen and the Pens. They're truly doing the Lord's work over there. And by Lord's work, I do mean Janne's face Photoshopped onto Jesus' body like in that cult song I found.

Yeah, I've used this awesome picture before, but that was when 100% of you didn't read this blog (literally in the infant days of PSaMP). Now is a good time to recycle.

Those little buggers look so comfortable. I've got awhile before I can get back into bed.

These links will help you get through your Friday.

I'm on MPIE. [OFTOT]

Shootout win for the Pens over the Flyers last night. [The Pensblog]

The Lakers = Quantum of Solace. [Lake Show Life]

According to my buddy Moondog, Elisabetta Gregoraci is "brutally hot" (tons of bikinis in be careful at work). [Moondog Sports]

PEDs are one thing, but who are the top athletes who ruined their careers with straight drugs? [Gunaxin]

The top 8 worst gifts for the sports fan in your life. [InGameNow]

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