Sunday, February 22, 2009


Guess what, guys? I've moved the site.

If you came here, then you still haven't taken advantage of the updated domain name of This page will remain up as a loving tribute to a simpler time. All the archives will also be moved to my new home at Bloguin.

I've been in contact with Derek at Bloguin since before Christmas, and it was a difficult decision to make the leap. I love the simplicity of the old digs, but I'd been looking for an updated design and software for some time. I had offers to join startup networks in the past, but none had the same good vibes as Bloguin. Plus, I have allies like my buds at The Pensblog and WHYGAVS?. As of my writing this, we have Pittsburgh representing a high percentage of the blogs at the network.

So please join me. Make fun of me for "selling out," and please insult any advertisement that should pop up. I"LL HAVE MY OWN "FIVE DOLLAR FOOTLONG," "THIS IS OUR COUNTRY," SAVED BY ZERO" repetitious ads for you to hate. I'd rather you do.

Leave comments to let me know you made the journey unscathed. And understand that we're making this jump together. PSAMP has always been about the readers and sports fans, and I trust you'll land at the other place safely. We're kinda like the baby ducks in this clip, learning to fly together:

Ahh, thanks BBC's Planet Earth. You summed it up perfectly.

I'll see you over here!

And thanks to Dug E. Fresh (and his shop) for making the awesome MOVING Photoshop.

Oh, and all the rest of the posts in the archives here will have these notifications at the top and bottom.

Friday, February 20, 2009

I Love You, Becky And Ashley

If you need a place for a wide range of Pittsburgh Internet links, TAE's Links N'@ is always a good place to start. I only say this now because they picked up on one of my stories today.

I'm always up front with you when I'm shamelessly self-promoting. This is no different. Look, I've gotten links from sweet places like Deadspin, The Big Lead, Sports Illustrated, ESPN the Mag, Yahoo!, ESPN's Jim Rome is Burning, the Post Gazette and so on...but a local news station might tickle me moreso. It might not bring in the same level of traffic, but come on, I definitely watched TAE, KDKA and those guys long before I knew what sports were. And yes, I'm talking about my infancy.

TAE scratched my back, so I give 'em a link in return. Don't hate. You'd do the same.

/ends shameless self promotion

This Dude's Hair Is The Key To The Penguins' Season

I don't want to get ahead of myself and start making claims that "THE SEASON IS TURNED AROUND," but in this instance, it's acceptable.

We have huuuge games coming up this weekend against Philly and Washington, and if we can scrape a few points out of these contests, then hopefully the Pens can pull back into the playoff picture. The Pensblog pulled out Hacksaw to re-ignite the team...I'll point to someone that was at the game last night.

This dude watched the Pens beat the Canadiens first hand, and his hair will be the spark that helps the Pens make the playoffs. Or it'll be the the reason we crash and burn epically. I still haven't decided.

But if you thought I'd go a day at PSAMP without mentioning a dude with a coif this sweet, then you really don't understand what PSAMP is all about. Good for Bylsma for getting the guys to play well, good for Sergei for getting on the board, good for Geno for flying around like a madman last night. But good for this guy for bringing that hair to the arena.

We all appreciate it.

I'm an idiot.

h/t to Nate for the screengrab

Mini Pony of the Day 2-20-09

For whatever reason, I love it when I can't make a picture larger. Makes 'em seem that much more exclusive, or something. Or I'm just dumb. These guys love hanging out in the meadow. Nothing wrong with that.

Nothing wrong with any of these links, either:

Me and Cotter talk 'saurs. [OFTOT]

PENS WIN! Wow, we needed that. [The Pensblog]

The NFL Scouting Combine is overrated. [The World According to Moondog]

Charles Barkley is still 110% Charles Barkley. [NESW Sports]

Return of the ancient Mariners. [Josh Q. Public]

It's hard out here for Travis Henry. [Zoner Sports]

Thursday, February 19, 2009

ESPN's Mount Rushmore Of Sports For Pennsylvania Includes 3 Guys That Weren't Born In The State

ESPN just announced their Mount Rushmore of Sports for Pennsylvania. And it's just another weird way to get weird Rick Reilly to justify his weirdly huge contract.

The legends are Joe Paterno, Wilt Chamberlain, Mario Lemieux and Roberto Clemente.

I have no idea what criteria was used to determine these "faces," but I'd be lying if I said I wasn't confused. Here we have guys born in Brooklyn (Paterno), Philly (Chamberlain), Montreal (Lemieux) and Puerto Rico (Clemente).

All of 'em are guys that represented the places where they coached/played, so I guess that was the basis for their inclusion? I'm kinda lost at this point and haven't seen any of the other Rushmores...would Joe Montana be a nominee in California? 'Cos we lay claim to him in SW PA.

Whatever, I'm over it.

Rick Reilly is weird.

Vote For Me. Or For Igloo Dreams

As I said in the MPotD, I'm a #1 seed in Sean's Best Pittsburgh Sports Blog tourney. I'm matched up against the fantastic Penguins blog, Igloo Dreams.

Go vote for me here.

That is all.

Mini Pony of the Day 2-19-09

THE FUZZIEST! And by fuzziest, I, of course, mean cutest. Also...

...Hey, baby (x2).

These links are incredibly cute:

I'm a #1 seed in Sean's Pittsburgh Sports Blog tourney. More on this later. [Sean's Ramblings]

If you're good at Photoshop, find Mike Therrien a job. [The Pensblog]

The Padres. [Sharapova's Thigh]

Derek Jeter hates A-Rod. [Josh Q. Public]

Guillermo from Jimmy Kimmel interviews Shaq and Paul Pierce. [NESW Sports]

SMU is no match for Memphis. [The World According to Moondog]

Wednesday, February 18, 2009


Props to Jason Burik, who created a to-scale model of PNC Park...with Legos.

I was a huge Lego fan back in the day. I'm also a huge Pirates fan, so right now, I'm drifting back to a time when the Pirates were still good, and Lego-building consumed most of my day. We visited the Lego phenomenon back during the toy's 50th birthday. My thoughts:

I grew outta Legos when they started making those massive sets where you could build like a castle or interactive building of some sort. I was used to the simple sets where your imagination dictated what you built. I could build a ridiculous stick/tower.

Yeah, I think it would be safe to say that I wouldn't have the energy to build a scale model of PNC Park, even though the stadium is superbly badass.

You can check out more of Jason's Lego creations, including Heinz Field (!) here.

Mini Pony of the Day 2-18-09

It's a maniac, maaaaniac on the floor. And it's eating sugar cubes like it's never eaten them before.

Sorry, the leg warmers threw me off. Read the following instead:

The term One For The Other Thumb belongs to Cotter. Deal. [OFTOT]

Bartolo Colon is not a model, nor a jockey. [Midwest Sports Fan]

Sick GP2 Asia crash. Yikes. [Sports Rubbish]

Sam Cassell is still ballin'? [The World of Isaac]

Oh yeah, Moondog has a new layout. [The World According to Moondog]

MSR, too. [My Sports Rumors]

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Do It

The Steelers need O-Line help, and a bunch of mock drafts have a guy like Cal C Alex Mack still available at pick 32. Apparently, winning the Super Bowl totally screws with your draft position.

Look, I don't put a whole bunch of stock into mock drafts 2 months before the ACTUAL draft, but Mack's name keeps popping up as a potential Black and Gold prospect. Its no secret that the team will look for depth on both the O and D Lines, and this was pretty much confrimed when Tomlin used his first two picks on highest-talent-available skill guys like Mendenhall and Sweed last year. We made do with our terrible O-Line this past year enough to win the damn Super Bowl, but I'd have to believe that circumstance was the exception, and not the rule.

So in order for the team to continue to be successful and vie for Lombardi Trophies, its clear that we need some linemen. The D-Line needs depth, but with staples like Aaron Smith, Brett Keisel and Casey Hampton along with venerable backup vets like Chris Hoke, we can afford to put off high draft picks on this side of the line til maybe next year.

Which is why a guy like Mack could make an immediate impact.

It seems like the team is going to keep Kemoeatu as the LG, which is a move I fully support so long as we rid ourselves of Willie Colon. Drafting Mack could expedite this process. By drafting Mack, you have one of two scenarios. The Steelers could hold onto Hartwig for another year, and let Mack play RG in place of Colon. This would let Mack get valuable playing time, all while he readies himself to be the C of the future. Or, should the Steelers like Mack over Hartwig, you have your C of the future already in place. I like option number 1 better, although Mack would be game-ready from the get-go.

PS...totally forgot that Jessica Alba was on The Secret World of Alex Mack. What's Alex been up to?

Mini Pony of the Day 2-17-09

Cool tapestry. I guess ancient people loved mini horses, too!

I feel the same way about these links:

Weird moves/releases. [OFTOT]

Pens lost. In the shootout. With a coach that was hired less than 24 hours prior. Whatev. [The Pensblog]

Big win by Pitt last night, including an epic takedown of Thabeet by Blair. [Pitt Blather]

The Suns have set. [Cuzoogle]

Penguins poems. [Hockey, Football and Stiletto Shoes]

Jason Richardson, one of my favorite NBAers, drives really fast. [Larry Brown Sports]

Monday, February 16, 2009

Why Is Rip Taylor Swearing And Trying To Be Jeff Reed?

Videos are a shifty deal for sportsbloggers. Most of the vids out there in Youtubeland are straight dirt, and not nearly as funny as the uploader thinks. As a Pittsburgh sportsblogger, I like to focus on the fans as the fourth (of 4!) main aspects of the local teams (team/staff, players, media, fans). You can't get an accurate view of the teams if you choose to ignore any of these avenues.

So Youtubes are important to the product I put out. Usually, I try and find stuff that is unique enough, and not just any crap on film.

This video sorta straddles a fine line. It portrays Jeff Reed's recent brush with the law at a Sheetz, but it's also incredibly cliche. I mean, the idea of it is great, but you can't just put on a blonde wig and fake facial hair and expect to be Jeff Reed by letting out a few loud F-bombs. And it doesn't help when your get-up makes you look more like Rip Taylor. Or Von Kaiser.

Maybe some confetti would've helped the production value? Or at least get a Shmuffin involved.

People should pay me for my ideas. And I haven't even suggested the Jeff Reed manscaping or senseless drinking, yet!

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Mini H.O.R.S.E. Trophies Rule

I see you, Noah.

Kevin Durant won the NBA's H.O.R.S.E. tourney yesterday, something I totally missed. For his troubles, he won a trophy (plaque?) with a mini pony on it. I need to get one of these made for the person who submits the best future MPotD.

Picture ripped directly from Deadspin this morning. Not even ashamed about it.

Friday, February 13, 2009

10 Year Old Kids Bowl Better Than The Penguins

Feel-good stories rule.

Yesterday, the Pens joined up with the Make-A-Wish Foundation for the inaugural Pens and Pins tournament. This is the type of thing where you can actually smile when a local athlete sucks.

The players who helped out served as a celebrity captain for each team. The newly-formed Penguins Wives Association set up the event, which included bowling, a bake sale and silent auction.

Potash (yes!) was there, as were a slew of Penguins players and their WAGs. However I have to cut up on a certain Pen, who obviously hasn't been watching his Lebowski or Kingpin. MAF, you may make me feel old and unaccomplished in life by being a successful athlete, but dammit, I could probably beat you at bowling. And I suck at bowling.

"I’m terrible,” Fleury noted. “I finished last in my group. These kids beat me. I didn’t expect that out of me, being so bad. I’ve got to work on that."

To top that off, here's what some kid had to say about MAF, emphasis mine:

"I already beat him, I don’t know if he’s that good at bowling,” Bryce Cunningham, 10, said. “It’s pretty fun because you just all get together and bowl."

BURN! Here's some more cool photos of the event.


Sergei's looking healthy. Get that guy on the ice if he's well enough to hit the alleys.

Geno does NOT get Munsoned.

Mini Pony of the Day 2-13-09

Which one is real and which one is fake? 20 bucks if you can tell the difference. These cool things come from an awesome website, which provides mini horses for therapy. Looks like I've got a slew of future MPotDs.

I also got some sweet links for you to read:

25 random things about Cotter. [OFTOT]

How much would it suck if you got assaulted with kebab meat? [Sports Rubbish]

I would definitely read Mike Tyson's tell-all book. [The World According to Moondog]

50 dead in that plane crash outside of Buffalo. Prayers... [CNN]

10 great basketball shots to use in H.O.R.S.E. [Gunaxin]

The Obama Bacon Haiku. [Bacon Haikus]

Thursday, February 12, 2009

I'm Cool With Jeff Reed, Pogo Balls

For awhile now, I've been saying that when the weather gets nicer, I want to get a Pogo Ball and take it to Union Square and show up the skateboarders. You know, with Extreme Pogo Balling!

So when I see pictures of Jeff Reed wearing a Pogo Ball shirt, I just nod my head and approve.

h/t Deadspin and Busted Coverage...and whoops, didn't see that Mondesi had it up, too

That Dude Behind Dan Potash Sucks

h/t to The Pensblog for the video.

Guess what, dude? Dan Potash is unflappable.

I've never really liked it when idiots purposefully interrupt stuff just to get their face on t.v. The only thing remotely close that was still acceptable was back when I was younger and still living in the 'Burgh, my dad had a business trip to New York City (where I now live), and waved to the camera on Good Morning America. Now, its acceptable because that kinda thing is the norm on GMA when they, you know, pan to the crowd.

But if you're at a Penguins game, and the amazing Dan Potash is interviewing Robert Morris' head coach, don't pull a "look at me" with a terrible attempt at The Robot or some shit.

Potash is the pinnacle of professionalism, and always seems to put forth a solid interview. He might be one of the best on-field (on-ice?) reporters in the game. If I was in his place, and some fool started showboating behind me just to get on camera, the mic would instantly drop, and a haymaker would be flying in the direction of said asshat.

And that's why I blog and Dan Potash gets things done.

Mini Pony of the Day 2-12-09

...And just when I thought the night terrors had finally left.

I'm going to take solace in these links:

A deeper look at Kevin Colbert's conundrum. [OFTOT]

MOONDOG WAS ON THE JUICE, TOO! [The World According to Moondog]

A-Rod, the night before he was busted. Nice chicks. [Josh Q. Public]

Is Maria Sharapova pulling out of tennis tourneys because she's in love with a blogger? [Sharapova's Thigh]

Steve with critical misses AND hits on his 2008 NFL season predictions. Good read. [Steve is Alive]

Pens win in a shootout! [The Pensblog]

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

These Animals Look Thrilled

Maybe it's the Super Bowl hangover. Maybe it's that I'm swamped at work. But dammit if I'm going to let you come to PSAMP and go away empty handed.

These are pretty much the animal eqivalents of me right now. Thank you, Cute Overload.

And thanks to my sister Kate for sending them to me.

Mini Pony of the Day 2-11-09

Yo Fez, get outta the way. You're blocking the cool midget horse.

These links are better than your face. BURN!

Some bigger choices than we thought regarding the Steelers and free agency. [OFTOT]

Sal Fasano is bringing his badass 'stache to Colrado. [Sharapova's Thigh]

Kevin Durant just keeps getting better. [Josh Q. Public]

The Pro Bowl cheerleaders just keep getting better, too. [FanIQ]

LeBron made a camera guy fall. [NESW Sports]

Top ten awesome dunks. [Gunaxin]

Tuesday, February 10, 2009


MJD does the Lord's work, and had this posted on Friday. I was too busy bowing to my own greatness and ridiculing Mike Tomlin to squeeze this in. But now seems about right.

This guy is apparently a Steelers mascot from the 1995 Pro Bowl. We all shat on Steely McBeam when he was introduced in the offseason of '07, but little did we know that the Steelers were all about mascots back in '95! And I'm not talking about The Terrible Fan or Stevie Steeler. From MJD:

This appears to be Steely McBeam's long lost cousin, Aluminum McSoiledHisPants. Why he looks so afraid, I have no idea. The Steelers are named after local steel workers, not local people made of low-grade, easily-frightened tin.

Right? I never thought I'd laud Steely over any other mascot, but at least McBeam has a damn scowl. This Tin Man-looking fool appears to have dookied in his pants while trying to pump up the Steelers faithful. Total fail.

However, Steely said he'd be interested in "teaching" this joke his secrets. And by teaching, I mean he probably wants to date him.

Black and Golddust is not amused.

Mini Pony of the Day 2-10-09

This mini horse looks extra large with the baby sitting on top of it. Or, it isn't a mini horse, but a massive, giant horse with a regular-sized human sitting on it. I'm thinking the latter.

Link time:

Hey kids, don't try and mess with wrestlers. Real or fake. [OFTOT]

Not everyone hates Michael Phelps. [Josh Q. Public]

Were you shocked that A-Rod used steroids? [Moondog Sports]

STEROID TWINS! [More Hardball]

How awkward are these shirts made by high school a swim team coach? [Sports Rubbish]

Who else could be in the 103 other names in that steroids leak that busted A-Rod? [No Guts, No Glory]

Monday, February 9, 2009

Let's Embarrass Mike Tomlin Some More!

By now, you've probably seen the awesome picture of Mike Tomlin's flattop fade in his college identification picture (through either OFTOT, Deadspin or the P-G). But now, after showing a little blogger initiative, I've come across a few more younger-Mike pics that we can all laugh at in one way or another.

The College Athlete:

Where's the mini-fro, Mike? What, you didn't want it to get dented in your helmet like it repeatedly does now with your headset?

The...uh...Ugly Jeans, Thin Belt, Awesome Shirt Combo:

Man, I know you were in school during the early 90s, but did you really have to dress the part? Props for standing next to a kid wearing Back and Gold, though.

Disgusting, Mike. Be glad you won the Super Bowl...not everyone gets a free pass on multi-colored vertical stripes.

Steelers Fans With Walkers Rule

I got nothing right now. If I was in town for the parade, and I had a walker with me, I'd probably do the exact same thing.

Mini Pony of the Day 2-9-09

Nice, uh, bales of hay? Or furry collar? I can't tell which is better, because I'm more concerned with...

...Hey, baby.

Just read on, man:

Random Steelers musings this Monday. The offseason is here, dammit. [OFTOT]

Adam "Van" Morrison is now a Laker. [Lake Show Life]

Kevin Garnett pretty much has OCD about his outfits. I don't own any "outfits." [NESW Sports]

Woulda been nice to win this one, Pens. Conklin was money, though. [The Pensblog]

Ohio State had a good recruiting class. They still won't beat the SEC anytime soon, though. [Moondog Sports]

ESPN "analyst" Jamal Anderson was arrested on felony cocaine and misdemeanor marijuana charges. [Awful Announcing]

Friday, February 6, 2009

I Am Burning

Check out this cool stuff.

Yesterday, my post about Hines Ward and his gift of Crown Royal premium whiskey made it all the way from the dregs of the Internet to ESPN. A producer for Jim Rome is Burning asked permission to use the image and my website's url on the show. Rome used the pic and story as his Final Burn.

I give ESPN a lot of flak, but sometimes, they do the right thing. It woulda been way easy (and it has happened) for someone with their kinda pull to just rip something straight off the Internet and claim it was theirs, but the producer and show were classy enough to give credit where credit was due. When I started this site almost 2 years ago, there wasn't nearly this kind of communication between the blogosphere and major entities like ESPN.

Much love goes out to my buddy Brian at Awful Announcing for preserving the clip and sending it to me. Also, thanks to Cotter for getting a backup file of the clip. I owe you both majorly.

So yeah, this post is a bit self-serving, but it's nice to get recognized. So back off.

Mini Pony of the Day 2-6-09

I've used a lot of dog-and-mini-pony-together pictures, but I don't believe this one was ever used. The dog looks like he's smiling so hard. I would, too, if I was sitting next to a badass horse that was smaller than me.

I smiled pretty hard when I first read these clutch links:

The Steelers at the Pro Bowl. [OFTOT]

Since Bert Blyleven hasn't been inducted into the HOF yet, my buddy Carson is inducting him into the Hardball Heroes club. Awesome! [More Hardball]

The SEC clearly won the recruiting war. [Moondog Sports]

The good old days of Celtics-Lakers. [Josh Q. Public]

Bill Clinton makes Charles Barkley feel dumb. [NESW Sports]

You gotta listen to Casey Kasem lose his shit. [The Pensblog]

**Stay tuned. In an hour or so, I'll be posting something hardass. I mean, everything I post is pretty hardass, but you get where I'm going.**

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Pennsylvania Congressman Jason Altmire Is The Man

Look, I'm not going to get into any great detail about his policies or anything like that, but Jason Altmire is now the man.

He's a congressman from the Fourth Congressional District in Southwest PA, mainly covering Beaver, Mercer and Lawrence Counties.

The second-term Congressman used time on the US House of Representatives floor to praise the Steelers for winning their unprecedented 6th Super Bowl ring.

As Jason says, there are 31 teams in the NFL...and then there are the Pittsburgh Steelers.

Go Politics!

Mini Pony of the Day 2-5-09

START 'EM YOUNG! Little baby has no idea why he's gonna love mini horses so much when he gets older. Unless he sees this picture.

Dominate these links:

The Phoenix News-Times sucks. [OFTOT]

My buddy Adam goes Scarface on Larry Johnson. Damn. [Arrowhead Addict]

Pens win! Finally! [The Pensblog]

I think Memphis should upgrade conferences. They just won their 50th consecutive C-USA basketball game. [Moondog Sports]

Paul. Maholm. [WHYGAVS]

It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia is about to be syndicated. Awesome! [Sharapova's Thigh]

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

[Unnamed] Steelers Pregame Show. Super Bowl Episode Outtakes

So this is the final installment of the show's outtakes reel for this season. Awesome.

Cotter gives you all the info on how exhausting this thing is. Plus, the set is in a different state than me, which really adds to the tiring-ness (not a word).

Maybe we'll get at you with a show for something big, like the draft or training camp, but for now, I'm going to enjoy not having to do this for awhile.

Enjoy, and watch again over at OFTOT.

Hines Ward Is Giving Crown Royal Cask No. 16 To His Teammates

Thanks to my buddy Rich for the tip.

Hines Ward was so happy about winning his second Super Bowl ring that he decided to give a badass gift to each of his teammates. Crown Royal Cask No. 16, since he's a fan of the drink. Also, because Cask No. 16 shares the best color combination in the world, Black and Gold.

Hines had this to say about the gift:

"I’m so grateful to put on the Steelers uniform and call these guys my teammates. Each one has a special place in my heart, so I arranged to give each teammate a bottle of Crown Royal Cask No. 16 that has a specially embroidered message from me in honor of our win. I’m a Crown Royal fan and this particular edition is super-smooth, plus the black and gold packaging matches our colors."

Hines knows what's up. Why not give something classy like premium whiskey rather than money, or more jewelry, or anything else that rich, privileged athletes wouldn't care about. Hines took the time to think of all the guys on the team, and was able to relate the team with one of his favorite drinks.

Hey Hines, I blogged about the Steelers all mind tossing a custom bottle this way? I wouldn't mind a bottle of Crown premium for my troubles.

Santonio Holmes' TD Catch As Seen By Tecmo Super Bowl

Longtime readers will remember that my alias used to be tecmo_bowl_bo_jackson, as an homage to a fantastic video game and one of it's best players. But, in the spirit of brevity, I shortened my name to just tecmo.

Which is why I nearly shat my pants when I came across this video of Santonio Holmes' epic touchdown grab, as it would've looked on Tecmo Super Bowl. And with Al Michaels' original call!


I have nothing more to add, just enjoy the 16 bit glory.

Courtesy of MrNFL on FanIQ.

Mini Pony of the Day 2-4-09

It's been awhile since we had a vid for MPotD. This little guy is smart, and is trying to get shown up by the dog. Not gonna happen on a website devoted to mini horses.

Read these:

Love how all the haters come out when you win a Super Bowl. [OFTOT]

The Quest for G, a Gatorade spoof of Monty Python with some big stars. I love G. [NESW Sports]

What's the big deal about Phelps smoking weed? [Moondog Sports]

Chris Sabo, yes! Rec-Specs for life! [Sharapova's Thigh]

Pens lost. I'm getting sick of saying that. [The Pensblog]

Quick Steelers Six-Pack commercial. [Rizzo Sports Blog]

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

The Ballad of Black and Golddust

Let me tell you a story about a man named Black and Golddust.

The idea of Black and Golddust came about during taping for the first regular-season installment of the [Unnamed] Steelers Pregame Show. The Steelers were about to play the Texans, and Cotter and I were just starting up our Youtube venture. One way or another, I mentioned that Black and Golddust would be the Steelers' unofficial mascot for the rest of the season.

Black and Golddust was posted here before (almost) every game this season. He missed the season-opening win...since he didn't materialize until week 2, and sat out the Christmas-weekend win over the Browns. He had gifts to give, asshole.

Despite missing two wins, Black and Golddust ran up a regular season record of 10-4 with the Steelers, helping Mike Tomlin to his 2nd straight AFC North title and a first-round bye. He was all business in the post-season, too, going a perfect 3-0 in bringing home Pittsburgh's 6th Lombardi Trophy.

Now, thanks to my buds over at Gunaxin, we see that Black and Golddust made it all the way to Tampa to party with the team in the locker room following the win! And he was probably less interested in the athletes than say, Steely McBeam.

You're welcome for the championship, Pittsburgh...courtesy of Black and Golddust!

Mini Pony of the Day 2-3-09

Right? The frequency of mini horse glamour shots on the Internet is unreal. This is ripe for a ...

...Hey, baby.

Now, the links:

Naked Domski, and other Steelers Super Bowl musings. [OFTOT]

Ginchar is cleared for contact in practice!!!! [The Pensblog]

Kobelieve. [Josh Q. Public]

Video of all of Kobe's 61 points last night. [NESW Sports]

National signing day is coming up. [Moondog Sports]

Jimmy Harry, greatest play in Super Bowl history? [Post Gazette]

Monday, February 2, 2009

Monday Morning Chrysler New Yorker


Just wanted to say that again. I woke up this morning to find out that the absolute elation of a Super Bowl-winning touchdown drive in the closing seconds was no dream. Big Ben was good Big Ben in those final minutes, and Santonio came up huge, seemingly making all the tough catches look easy.

A lot of people are complaining about the lack of replay on that final Warner fumble. Sure, it could've been reviewed, but I still don't think the outcome would've changed. Since there was no replay, the aggravated fans who didn't have a team in the Super Bowl are all ripe for trying to discount our win. "Ooooh, Arizona would've gotten the ball at the 30 and Warner would complete a jump ball to Larry Fitzgerald and all would be right in the world. Screw Steelers fans. The refs give them everything!" Shut up.

Your speculation doesn't change the outcome. Fans are almost getting to the point where they want replay after every snap, it seems like. Fumble?!?!?!?!? NO, IT CAN'T BE!?!?!?! CHECK THAT SHIT AGAIN!!!! The rule on the field was a fumble, and there was nothing to show that it was a forward pass. Inconclusive evidence? Nope. If it was an incomplete pass, why wasn't Warner pleading that he was throwing the ball like he did on a similar play earlier in the game? I'd almost expect more outta Warner in that situation. But you know why he didn't? Because he knew he fumbled.

So quit over-analyzing just to piss off a bunch of happy fans. Your team didn't make it, so quit trying to bring us down with your meandering bullshit.

Now, I just spent the entire beginning of a SUPER BOWL RECAP IN WHICH MY TEAM WON discussing how obnoxious other fans can be. The Cardinals, Whis and the staff were all respectful after the game, focusing on their positives and how they can improve their team in the future. Warner wasn't running after the officials, screaming for Goodell to fine him. These idiots fans are doing the same thing Baltimore fans did after the Santonio "was-he-over-the-line" touchdown in the regular season. How about, don't surrender the lead on an 80+ yard drive in the closing seconds. The Cards, just like the Ravens, let that happen, and one non-replay doesn't change the outcome.

But now that that's outta the way, how about our team? Mike Tomlin, as improbable as it may have seemed, won a Super Bowl in his second year, easily eclipsing the time lengths set forth by legends Noll and Cowher. Ben has two rings, and must be applauded for leading a run-first team to multiple Super Bowls in which a WR wins MVP. Someone needs to throw to those wideouts, so Ben should take some sort of pride in being a part or two MVP performances in the past 3 years (4 seasons).

The run game didn't hit like we wanted, but that's a non-story if you hoist a trophy after the game. In my mind, the game was perfect in all aspects. If I was giving ratings like I do during the regular season, every facet of this team would get 5 of 5 motorcycle helmets. Sure, I wanted to punch Chris Kemoeatu if he false-started or held one more time, but since he just won a ring, I'll echo Big Ben and say "Who's laughing now, O-Line?"

Enough can't be said about James Harrison and the defense he leads. Much was made about all the other regular-season-award-winners bowing out of the playoffs early. Manning was MVP, Ryan was RotY, and both exited early. Brees was offensive player of the year and didn't even make the playoffs. James Harrison was the top defensive player in the league, and made the longest play, defensive OR offensive, in Super Bowl history. Backed up to his own goal line, Harrison potentially created a 14 point swing with his 100 yard INT return TD. People aren't lying when they say defense wins championships.

There's way too many people I'm forgetting, but you know the facts. There were no truly weak performances last night, and the end-result was the best we could've hoped for. Every negative from the preseason was addressed throughout these grueling past 5 months, from the O-Line, to Ben's decision-making, to the schedule and Mike Tomlin's justification.

At the end of the day, an inconclusive non-replay won't take away our record 6th Lombardi Trophy, one that was earned, not given, on a legendary, game-winning drive. Party hard and burn another couch, Pittsburgh fans.

Hope you're proud, Myron.

Sunday, February 1, 2009

SUPER BOWL XLIII CHAMPS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


What an amazing win!

First team to win 6 rings. Pick-6 came through, literally AND figuratively.

Santonio's game-winning TD is below.


Remember when I said Pick-6 was my tagline for the drive for 6 Lombardi Trophies?

Silverback is doing everything he can to make it happen!

Go Steelers! Not a bad first half.

Video of the amazing play is below.

Puppy Bowl V Liveblog Thread

"Game" starts at 3 PM...this is the only thread on the Internet that you need pay attention to for the 3-5 PM time slot. Liveblog is below.


1:00 PM - Posted liveblog thread

1:02 PM - Come back closer to 2:45-3ish

1:13 PM - Puppy Bowl Livetweet right here!

2:50 PM - Yes! So close to puppies!

3:01 PM - Harry Kalas, doing work already

3:03 PM - Holy crap, someone need to get that Pepper the Parrot video onto Youtube

3:04 PM - Elvira looks like Predator!

3:06 PM - Eli is gonna tackle evvvveryone.

3:08 PM - Elvira not only took down Eli, but then scored! TD!

3:10 PM - A look back at Puppy Bowl 1. BANDIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!

3:13 PM - Tug. Of. War.

3:19 PM - Mac is awesome. What a tackle.


3:21 PM - Destroying that water

3:23 PM - That look back at Puppy Bowl II and Barry was comedy gold. That thing was standing on its back legs so hard.

*edit* or the crane kick, Sean.

3:25 PM - End of the quarter? They have those?

3:32 PM - Xander, aka Charles?

3:33 PM - Excessive barking? Get your eyes checked, ref! More like, excessive cuteness

3:33 PM - TD Moose!

3:36 PM - Puppy Bowl III looked violent. Michael Vick in intrigued...

3:38 PM - Commercial break. Anyone have any Steelers nerves?

3:46 PM - Cutest. Goaltending. Ever.

3:47 PM - Schroder is the man!

3:49 PM - Harry Kalas' puppy puns are on point

3:52 PM - 2TDs in a row for Matilda! Schroder is still sleeping at mid-field.

3:53 PM - Kitty Halftime Show!

4:03 PM - Those robot-mouse-cat-toy things are ridiculous.

4:13 PM - That tailgating crew looks like a rough bunch.


4:18 PM - Wow, a puppy just got ejected. This is getting dark.

4:22 PM - Schroder...wake up. You're so freakin' adorable

4:29 PM - STREAKER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! NAKED DOGS ON TV!!!!!!!!!!!!

4:33 PM - 4 fluffiest dogs ever on Puppy Bowl IV.

4:43 PM - The Bichons are destroying Sawyer.

4:47 PM - That football-with-arms-and-legs dog toy is freaking me out.

4:50 PM - Super Bowl anxiety on the creep up...

4:51 PM - MVPuppy? Matilda, right?

4:56 PM - Dogs are all getting tired


4:59 PM - Game ova. Kalas with the sign-off, and Puppy Bowl V is history.


[Unnamed] Steelers Pregame Show. Super Bowl

Not even typing anything substantial here. Too anxious.

Go Steelers!

Watch it over at OFTOT.

Friday, January 30, 2009

For All The Marbles

Black and Golddust makes himself known for the final time this season. He's going...ahem...balls out against the Cards.

Time to leave it all out there, fellas. We're playing for a ring.

Go Steelers!

This Chick Is Totally Ready For The Super Bowl

Big props to the incomparable twoeightnine for finding this awesome Steelers fan. With the big game only days away, she's about to work the shit outta those pom-poms.

From her Pogo (really?) profile:


Age: 48

Gender: all woman

Location: Would you know if I said Luv ya Black and Gold?

Occupation: Pretty good (ed. - ?)

Relationship: In LOVE with a wonderful younger man!!! :)

ALL woman, hmm? And loves younger dudes? From Pittsburgh?

/logs off internet
/makes way from manhattan back to pittsburgh
/holds up sign saying "i love older women who play word whomp"

Mini Pony of the Day 1-30-09

This looks Photoshopped as hell, but that won't stop me from using it. The two chicks in the back both get their own...

...Hey, baby. Hey, baby.

The first half of this link dump is going to be ridiculously self-serving. Just warning you:

I took part in MPIE. [OFTOT]

My socks are at Sean's place. [Sean's Ramblings]

Yesterday's MPotD, I linked to a list of blogger Twitters. Here's another badass list that I'm on courtesy of my buddy Rockabye. Follow my Twitter here. [The Arena]

Stacy Keibler has broken my heart. She picks the Cards. [Moondog Sports]

Super Bowl WAG trivia contest. [The World of Isaac]

David Wells hates Joe Torre? [Josh Q. Public]

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Chris Berman Sucks

...but Mike Tomlin rules.

Best. Picture. Ever?

h/t Wingman Blog and Deadspin

Melodicas Are Great For The Pennsylvania Pittsburgh Steelers Polka

With all the weird Steelers parody songs you've probably heard the past week or so, it's nice to go back to basics. On the Melodica.

Try and hate on that instrument. That takes some serious skill and lung power.

Jeez, I'm not gonna make it to Sunday. I'm starting to get all anxious and shit.


Puppy Bowl V Liveblog Reminder

Back when I planned to liveblog Puppy Bowl V, I had no idea that the Steelers would make it to the Super Bowl. Now, my Super Bowl Sunday is shaping up to be the busiest, most hectic day ever.

But maybe that's what I need.

I've been pretty level-headed throughout the past week and a half, making it through the bye week relatively unscathed and ready for Sunday to be here like never before. But the nerves are creeping in as the Super Bowl gets closer. I might be an absolute trainwreck on Sunday.

So my Puppy Bowl liveblog will be a great way to calm down and watch some badass, cute baby dogs do their thing on a fake football field. Water-bowl cam for life!

Really, I just wanted to remind you that the Puppy Bowl liveblog is still on as scheduled...Sunday, February 1, from 3-5 PM. I've never liveblogged anything before, and Puppy Bowl seems to be a tough act to start out on. I'll be updating my thoughts on the Steelers as well, but here's what the liveblog is probably gonna look like:

3:05 PM: Dude, check out that one puppy!

3:07 PM: That other puppy rules.

3:10 PM: Those one puppies are playing so hard.

3:15 PM: Getting more nervous about the Cardinals.

3:20 PM: Puppies SQUEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!

3:24 PM: That gray puppy is my new favorite!

3:30 PM: Whoa, did you see that one puppy jump?

So yeah, it's going to be a challenge, but I'll be ready. I do hope you'll join me, right here at PSAMP, on Sunday. I'll be firing up the liveblog sometime between 2:30 and 3 PM.

Puppies SQUEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!

**UPDATE** Puppy Bowl V Liveblog Thread is Posted Here.

Mini Pony of the Day 1-29-09

Thanks to reader Kate for these pics. She snapped 'em while in Paris. I'm in Amerca, freezing both of my asscheeks off, not looking at real mini animals.

And for Doug, the chick in the puffy white jacket gets a...

...Hey, baby!

Whetev. On to the links:

The feel-good stories of the Super Bowl. [OFTOT]

You guys know I'm on Twitter, right? Apparently, I'm the Mario Lemieux of sports blogs to follow. [Hail Mary Jane]

Epic rant about the stupidity of the Pirates' new unis. [We Should Be GM's]

Things you won't see in this year's Super Bowl. [No Guts, No Glory]

Economic woes affecting Super Bowl ads? [Moondog Sports]

Andre Iguodala posterized the shit outta Yao Ming. [NESW Sports]

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Big Ben is a Human Wrecking Ball

It's amazing how much a unique-looking fatass like Ben Roethlisberger looks like so many weird people. Remember Ben in Rock Band 2?

Well, Ben also resembles a dude on one of my favorite shows, Human Wrecking Balls on G4. The HWBs are Paul and Craig Pumphrey, dudes who have made their name by, well, breaking things with their bodies. Craig is a balding oldass, but his younger brother Paul, known for his shoulder ram, is a complete monster.

The premise of the show is to let these guys go up against man-made things like airplanes, cars, offices, bars, movie theaters...and just try and destroy everything with only their fists, feet, shoulders, heads, etc. More or less, the show kicks major ass.

Paul (above, right), also bears a striking similarity to Big Ben Roethlisberger. If Big Ben can axe-kick, punch or shoulder ram through the Cardinals on Sunday, the metamorphosis is complete.

Badass video below will let you non-watchers in on the sweetness of this show. Oh, and new episode tonight at 10:30 PM. I really can't wait.

Mini Pony of the Day 1-28-09

Nice...fence? And...

...Hey, baby.

Jeff Reed came in to media day with his old gang. [The Sports Hernia]

The Cards got a liiiitle handsy at media day. [OFTOT]

Hey, cool Steve Nash man-shrine, dude! [The Sports Culture]

The Super Bowl means super eating. [Intentional Foul]

The "integrity" of football reporting. [Awful Announcing]

Yellow Gatorade is my shit, too. [DC Steeler Nation]

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Congrats, Ben McCauley

Congrats to NC State senior Ben McCauley for scoring his 1,000th career point in tonight's thrilling 84-81 OT win over Miami. Hope that's something to scream about.

Ben was a few years younger than me in high school. Always nice to see a fellow grad from that tiny school make some noise.

He was good at ping-pong.