Friday, August 29, 2008

Rashard Mendenhall Needs To Stop Fumbling

So, Beetlejuice has a fumble problem. That's 3 in the past 2 preseason games. He can doubt about that...but fumbling in the regular season is not an option. Fast Bill has had this problem in his career, which pretty much prevents him from making the jump from a 1,200 yard back to an All-Pro. Honestly, that's his only major flaw. It's concerning to think that Mendenhall might have the same limitations.

The above pictures are all found within the first few pages of a Google Image Search for "Rashard Mendenhall." I mentioned these results to Cotter during the Vikes game last week, and wanted to follow up to see if my memory served me right. did.

Look at that ball. This isn't college anymore. NFL defenders will salivate like dogs being taunted with a piece of meat if you hold the ball out there like that. The best comparison I can make is Tiki Barber. In the middle of his career, dude would fumble like it was nobody's business. From 2000-2003, Tiki had three seasons with 9 fumbles and one with 8. He switched his mechanics, and after one more season of 5 fumbles, he finished his last two years with 1 and 3 fumbles respectively. The ball was clutched next to his chest, nearly under his chin strap.

An example of Tiki's fumble-proofing is below. Might be time for Rashard to adapt.

Mini Pony of the Day 8-29-08

Cool merry-go-round?

This is either the coolest or meanest thing I've ever seen. On one hand, we have a ton of mini ponies in the same place. On the other hand, they can't run free and do whatever they want. So I'm torn.

If you're in Chicago (look at the ambulance), then go visit these little guys and bring them some hay or something. If not, read these links:

I took part in Cotter's MPIE. Check out my awesome answers. And look for the Count Duckula reference. [One For The Other Thumb]

Pacman Jones was at Hooters when he learned he was reinstated. The man just loves bewbs. [PFT and Larry Brown Sports]

Downer Steelers season preview. 7-9? [Suburban Rob Rossis]

I, for one, was happy to see Joe Sakic come back for another year. He's just a great player to watch. [Jes Golbez]

Santonio, over or under 1,000 yard receiving? [Nonstop Steelers]

Thanks to Jimmy at Bodog, who emailed me odds for the season. They have Santonio at 1,075. [BodogLife]

Thursday, August 28, 2008

I'm Putting Peter King On Blast

You heard me. I'm calling out Peter King, and you can blame ESPN for it.

Now that your minds are completely blown, let me explain. I know King, Sports Illustrated's football guru, and ESPN have nothing in common other than a shared spot in the mainstream media, but there's reason for my rage. King is a fine writer in small doses, he's respected in the football community and my Monday Morning Chrysler New Yorker column (which will return at the start of the regular season) plays off the title of his Monday Morning Quarterback column. But I have to get pissed off for something that he wrote like two weeks ago, a blatant falsity that was reinforced by ESPN today.

I like to criticize the MSM here at PSaMP, but I'm a perfectly respectful person in everyday life. I'm no Smizik fan, and I've said so in as many words, but our conversation/interview was as cordial as possible. Now, back to King. In a recent column at SI, King had the following to say about Quarterbacks and the AFC North:

[I'm] not sure if the team with the best quarterback in the division is automatically favored. Carson Palmer's the best in the AFC North, and the Bengals are the third- or fourth-best team in that division.

Ah the old "Carson Palmer is an elite quarterback argument." I wrote to King, knowing full well that he gets more email than I could ever imagine, but my question was legit. Here it is in it's entirety:

Mr. King,

I have a question, if I may. It doesn't have to be included in any mailbag or anything, but a response would be greatly appreciated. In your most recent mailbag, you reference Carson Palmer as the top QB in the AFC North. Can I please ask what information you use to grade quarterbacks? As a Steelers fan and blogger, I...and I think I speak for a majority of Steelers fans...find myself scratching my head when Palmer is constantly alluded to as a better quarterback than Ben Roethlisberger. I could ask how many rings Palmer has won, or how many wins both QBs had in their respective rookie seasons, but those are somewhat topical and overused. Last season alone, however, Ben had 6 more touchdowns and 9 fewer interceptions than Palmer, all while posting the second best QB rating in the league behind Tom Brady. I'm sure I don't need to remind you, but Ben's rating was 104.1. Carson struggled to get to 86.7. Sure, Carson threw for more total yards, but yards do not equal wins, as seen in both teams' respective records. Ben managed to get his team into the playoffs via winning the division despite being sacked 30 more times than Palmer. There's no real reason to believe that Ben, his offensive weapons and O-Line won't all improve on last season, so why the love for Palmer? You aren't the first and certainly won't be the last writer to praise Palmer over his Steelers counterpart, but it's troubling to see the same trends over and over in today's sports media landscape. Palmer has done little more than prove to be a vertical passer who can easily rack up the yards, but his resume is dwarfed by that of Roethlisberger. I hope to hear from you soon, as this is something that never seems to have a legitimate answer, and Steelers fans deserve a break from this baffling misconception.

Yours in Big Ben,

Editor and Sole Writer at Pittsburgh Sports and Mini Ponies

Am I incorrect in any way? I laid out nothing but solid, known facts about the two QBs, and most everything seems to go against the winless-in-the-postseason Palmer.

So, I didn't get an email back, something I was completely prepared for. I was ready to forget all about it and let Ben prove himself...AGAIN...this season as Palmer's superior. But ESPN had to go and bring it up again. tWWL has team-by-team previews up today on their website. Here's the one for the Steelers. James Walker, a .com writer I've never heard of, brought up the same Palmer-lauding. Take a look at this bs:

Best offensive player: QB Ben Roethlisberger. Roethlisberger had 3,154 yards passing and 32 touchdowns in '07. He is close to joining the NFL's elite quarterbacks and could solidify his spot next to Tom Brady, Peyton Manning and Carson Palmer with an even bigger year in 2008.

Please, someone tell me how Carson Palmer is compared to Peyton and Tom? I'm no fan of Manning or Brady, but I respect what they've done in their careers. Hell, they both have rings. So does Big Ben. So does Trent Dilfer. And Brad Johnson. Palmer's hand is naked (a visual that made me throw up slightly). So Palmer can throw for a great number of yards when healthy...big deal. He can also throw an assload of interceptions. I guess I'm just happy fellow postseason-loser Tony Romo wasn't referenced by Walker.

So I'm calling you out, Peter King. Go ahead, Google your name and find this post. Or better yet, someone email this post to King on any of his contact sheets in his columns at SI. Steelers Nation deserves an answer.

Mini Pony of the Day 8-28-08

There's a number of search terms that I put into Google Image Search to come up with a typical MPotD. "Mini pony," "mini horse," "miniature pony," "miniature horse," "small pony," "small horse," "midget pony,"tiny horse,"little horse" get the picture. There's one search term that I tend to stay away from. It's "little pony," because most of the results end up being some some sort of My Little Pony. This is a sports website for people confident enough to find humor in pictures of mini horses, not a place for 3rd grade girls, so My Little Pony is a no go.

Today, I have to make an exception, though. Kate sent me a link from DeviantArt where people updated My Little Pony. Above is My Little Predator. This is the only way My Little Pony gets discussed here...because this one slayed me and it involves (kinda) a mini horse.

Go take your My Little Predator and fight with My Little Alien, or read these links:

Vesa Toskala has an action figure modeled after a major blooper? Sucks to be him. [Going Five Hole]

Penn State has the best college football helmet. [The Big Picture]

Where will Bill Cowher show up? [One For The Other Thumb]

I'm going to re-print the post title, because I can't do it any more justice. "Shawne Merriman Decides to Play, Must Not Understand How the World Works." [The Sporting Blog]

No, Chris Rainey, Human Sexuality classes in college are not porn marathons. [With Leather]

Alex Goligoski is now the Penguins' top prospect. [Pensburgh]

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Wes Medeiros Rules

Man, what were you doing at age 13? I was probably being a jerk somewhere, picking my ass and rocking out to some Everclear or something. I certainly wasn't kicking NFL-length field goals.

But this isn't about me. It's about Wes Medeiros, who is cooler than me.

Wes killed it at St. Vincent during Steelers camp, when he booted field goals upwards of 45 yards with little to no problem. With Jeff Reed holding. It's one thing to practice hitting lengthy shots at practice by yourself. It's entirely different to do it in front of Steelers Nation at one of the most respected training camps in the country. Are the Steelers breeding their placekicker of the future?

As long as he doesn't take pictures of his naked body, I'm all for it.

Here's another vid of Wes.

Mini Pony of the Day 8-27-08

I'll have a pint horse?

This is Alfie, a mini pony in England who goes to bars. I found the story here.

"His owner, Sharon Sutherland said that the little pony started accompanying her to the pub three months ago after he started squealing when he was left alone in his pen.

Almost every day, he makes his way to the village pub in Woodmansterne, Surrey, England for a glass of Guinness and cheese crisps.

'He hates being alone so, if I go to the pub, he has to come, too,' Sutherland said.

‘There was a sign saying dogs weren’t allowed in, but it didn’t mention ponies,’ she said."

Awesome! Pull up a bar stool and read these links:

Is a Jagr jersey now considered a throwback? [Eddy Spaghetti]

Who do you root for when there's an inter-squad scrimmage? [Wrap Around Curl]

UCLA's punter has an awful tattoo. [Busted Coverage]

Vote for the Penguins' center ice logo again in the sidebar. [Icethetics]

This joke says the Penguins' fans and blogs score a 5 out of 10. Saw it at The Pensblog and now I'm mad. [The State of Hockey News]

Sports slang versus sex slang. Hilarious. [The Sports Hernia]

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Mini Pony of the Day 8-26-08

See, this is how PSaMP was back in the day. The MPotD whenever I felt like it.

This picture is awesome. There's no other way to describe it. Either crawl around, or read these links:

If you haven't read the Smizik interview/discussion, you should do so. I'm shameless. [PSaMP]

Tomlin and Mike Potts in Office Space? Riiiiiiight. [One For The Other Thumb]

R.I.P. Kevin Duckworth. [TrueHoop]

UCLA is pretty high on itself. [Larry Brown Sports]

Tiger Woods putts a Rubiks Cube. My co-worker is playing with one right now. [You Been Blinded]

Chris Mortensen is awful. [Awful Announcing]

Monday, August 25, 2008

Inside the Athletes Studio: An Interview with the Post Gazette's Bob Smizik

I'm pleased to announce the return of Inside the Athletes Studio, my vehicle to poke my head into different parts of the Pittsburgh sports landscape. It's been 14 long months since the last...uh...episode? I'm not James Lipton...I got stuff to do.

I hit up Passion RB Torina Henley, Don from Mondesi's House and Andy Chomos, the guy who organized the Pirates walkout. That covered athletics, the blog landscape at the time and how fans were reacting to decisions by the local teams. One major area that's lacking, though, is the mainstream media. It has a huge impact on how we as fans consume our sports. Sometimes we hate, other times we laud, but we can't deny their influence.

So my next subject comes from this very community. I tossed a note to the Post Gazette's own Bob Smizik to see if he'd spit some truth with a blog. He agreed, and we had a pretty candid conversation about some topics that were burning through my skull. Unless you're a newer reader to PSaMP, you'll know that I've never been a big fan of Smizik. The Booing Hossa/knucklehead fans article concerned me enough to write a response to it. I told him all of this before we got into the actual interview, so I was happy that my stance as a Smizik-critic didn't drive him away. I wanted to ask him about a few of his recent articles, the previously mentioned one included, as well as get his take on the state of Pittsburgh sports.

I was going to break this into two separate parts, but I figured to give it to you in its entirety and in Mr. Smizik's own words. Enjoy.

What's it like to be in the newspaper game? Was it something you thought about as a kid growing up in the city? Too many sportsbloggers, myself included, are critical of newspaper writers despite having no real understanding of what truly goes into each article. Take us through your start at the PG, what a typical day consists of, how the industry has changed during your time at the Press and the PG, and how you see it evolving in the coming years.

I still find it pretty exciting to be working in what you call "the newspaper game." There's a different challenge almost daily. As a columnist I have the need to keep track of pretty much everything that's going on in sports, locally and nationally. Additionally, I cover radio and TV so that gives me even more to keep track of. There's a lot of reading that needs to be done, a lot of getting around and finding out what's going on. It's difficult to keep up on everything.

I loved sports as a kid, played them a lot to the detriment of my academics. I was a decent athlete. I played football in high school but loved basketball more. I got involved in sports writing in college. I never would have done it -- what a life changing event that would have been -- if a friend hadn't just about forced me sign up at The Pitt News, the student newspaper at Pitt. It was love at first sight and I was successful at the Pitt News, where I was sports editor and then associate editor, which is the No. 2 job at the paper. I was majoring in education at the time and never switched over to English. I worked three summers at United Press International, a now defunct wire service. It was great experience that taught me the nuts and bolts of journalism. Still, I was severely lacking in confidence and never even applied for a newspaper job when I graduated. I went into teaching and taught for four years. While doing that I worked for Pittsburgh Weekly Sports, which, according to its mast head, was published "every so often.'' It was great fun and we went after the Pittsburgh sports establishment. I remember taking shots at the Steelers and Pirates. My work came to the attention of some people and four years into my teaching career I was offered a job at The Pittsburgh Press by Roy McHugh, who was the columnist/sports editor. It was a tough decision because I loved teaching but I figured I'd give it a shot. I always thought I could go back to teaching. Turns out, teaching jobs became difficult to find. I could not have gone back if I wanted, but I didn't want to.

I covered high school sports for two years, the Penguins for one and the Pirates for six years. I followed that up with five years on the Pitt football and basketball beats. The Pirates and Pitt were great years. Good teams, good people, lots of fun. I became a columnist in 1983 and have been doing that ever since.

My days are radically different. I usually write from home and some days I never leave the house. If I have a think piece, I'll start working around 9 a.m. and usually have it done by around 4. I'm a slow worker and do a lot of rewriting. Other days I might cover an event. If it's the Pirates, it means being at the ball park by 3 p.m. If it's Pitt basketball or the Penguins, it means leaving the house around 5 p.m. Steelers Sunday are a 10 a.m. departure. At events, I write from the stadium.

The newspaper industry is suffering. Young readers are deserting newspapers for the Internet. The newspaper industry has not found a way to reverse this and I'm not sure it can.

Regarding the future of newspapers and the Internet...what is your take on blogs? Did you cringe when I said I was a blogger looking for an interview? Not too many people would be gracious enough to let a sportsblogger, let alone a critical sportsblogger, pick their brain. I think newspapers are starting to accept this different way of getting sports to the masses...Dan Steinberg of the Washington Post blogs for the paper. Joe Posnanski of the KC Star has his own blog, and it is about to be cross-published at Sports Illustrated. Your boy Dejan is now blogging for the PG. Now, I won't try to connect these bigger guys with independent bloggers like myself who occasionally use dick jokes and toilet humor, but despite catching tons of flak from mainstream writers, the big boys seem to be recognizing and evolving.

Asking me what I think of blogs is like asking me what I think of, say, baseball players. Are you talking about Alex Rodriquez or are you talking about some guy playing in a pickup game at the neighborhood field? That's the range of blogs.

I don't have as much time to read blogs as I'd like. I understand there is useful information and good opinions out there. But where do you start? If I have a choice, am I going to read Jason Stark and Buster Olney on or am I going to read buccoblog? Clearly, Stark and Olney are the preferred choices for baseball. That's not to say there isn't value in buccoblog, but you can't read everything.

I think blogs, like the mainstream media, have to create their own credibility. I make a point of reading Dejan's blog because I know I might find useful -- accurate -- information there. I can't say the same for a lot of blogs.

People in the mainstream media are recognizing the power of the Internet, as opposed to blogs. The Internet is all powerful. It's a great way to reach people, but not just through blogs. The Post-Gazette web site has a lot of blogs, but, although I don't have the figures, I'm sure the printed edition that appears on the Internet gets a ton more hits than do the blogs.

The way blogs are proliferating, they are only going to reduce the individual power each.

Fair enough. I guess what I'm getting at here is...There's a stigma that goes along with running an independent sportsblog. We're lazy nerds living in our mother's basement, recycling stories that legit writers have spent considerable time researching. The truth is, most are unpaid fans who found a place to vent in their free time, and we hold down regular jobs on the side! Many mainstream writers, since they have rules, editors and the like, resent that someone could quickly throw up an unfiltered story, because they feel it taints the information waters. There's good independent blogs and ones that spew hate and baseless rumors. Unfortunately, we too often get wrongly grouped with the latter. Even if you don't read them, you at least have to be aware of this divide.

I don't know if you were aware of the conversation a few months back on HBO's Costas Now, where noted author Buzz Bissinger portrayed the quintessential humanization of this thought, as he loudly chastised all blogs because of one he didn't like. This wouldn't be a good blog interview if I didn't get your thoughts on if independent sportsblogs should be allowed to write whatever they want, regardless of content. If a blog finds humor in a picture of a drunk athlete, is that worthy of being published? Are we just wasting our time?

Getting a bit defensive?

I don't believe I said a negative word about bloggers. I did say I will go with the mainstream media over blogs in most cases. I'll stand by that. If there was the suggestion that I lump all blogs together that is not the case and I apologize.

I saw the Costas show with Bissinger and I was shocked at Bissinger's attack mode. There was no call for that and I certainly don't share his views.

I am 100 percent behind freedom of expression. Absolutely, blogs can write whatever they want. But when one goes to extremes, it hurts all; just as one mainstream media outlet can hurt the rest with irresponsible reporting.

Allow me to get a bit personal here. I have been so ridiculously misrepresented on the Internet, be it a blog or a chat room, that, yes, I am suspicious. For example, it was widely posted when the Post-Gazette had a small piece of the Pirates -- with no voting rights -- that we were not allowed to write critically of the team. That was total nonsense, particularly since we were writing critically of the team at the time. No one has ever told me what to write about anything -- even when we were in danger of losing franchises.

Currently, I am viewed by many as sympathetic to Pirates ownership. I have columns, plenty of them, to prove otherwise. But the perception is out there.

No, not defensive, just inquisitive. There are few times when a person in my position gets to ask a person in your position about that topic. I don't mean to say you personally attack blogs, but many in your community have. There's a lot of barbs thrown between the two sides, some more disguised than others, and I only wanted your opinion.

But moving forward, I gotta ask you about a couple of your recent columns. I'll start with the article about Rocco DeMaro and the Alvarez signing. What's the deal with scoops? So a guy breaks a story, be it legit or facetious, and it seems like you had a personal beef. Just because a guy doesn't show up to the stadiums and foster relationships within the organization, is it right to assume he doesn't have sources? I run a blog, live in New York City, and I have sources in certain areas. They might not be the best, which is why I don't run around breaking news. However, you called DeMaro out for apparently "guessing," when the article itself was a guess that DeMaro was making up the story! So his sources were wrong about isn't the first time sources have failed someone. I'm no DeMaro apologist, to make that clear.

Do mainstream writers go around bragging that they broke x amount of stories in the past year? Is there a quota? Dejan's scooped a lot of stories, blogs have even scooped stories. Why was the DeMaro/Alvarez thing important enough to garner its own article? How do you go about justifying that to an editor when other sports stories worthy of a mention are happening at all times?

Pardon me, but you do sound like an apologist for DeMaro. You're making the same excuses that his apologists are.

For starters, why did I write about this when there are other stories "more worthy of mention?'' I'm the sports radio-TV guy at the Post-Gazette and in that role, with obvious exceptions, I decide what I write. I thought this was a more-than worthy issue for my radio-TV beat. I felt he was being dishonest in his reporting and I had what amounted to a duty to report it.

If a guy has a scoop, it's not news to me. If a guy claims a scoop that's not his, then it's news.

I don't know DeMaro. But I have gone on his Saturday show at least twice when no one knew who he was and I wrote highly favorably about him when he first came on the air. So there is no personal grudge.

Can I prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that he was guessing? No. But if I had told you on [last] Monday that Greg Maddux was going to be traded from San Diego to LA, which he was on Tues., would I have a scoop or would I, since there had been heavy speculation about the trade, be guessing?

I probably could have written the story better but that's behind me. I find it impossible -- yes, impossible -- that he could have a source at that level. This could have played out four ways: 1. He had a source within the Pirates camp; 2. He had a source within the Boras camp; 3. He had a source within the Alvarez family; 4. He had a source unfamiliar with the negotiations who told him it was going to happen and, who, therefore was guessing. My bet is on scenario No. 4.

If the Pirates did not know for certain until 11:58 p.m. whether Alvarez was going to sign, how did DeMaro know at 10 p.m.? Or was it at 3 p.m., which he mentioned on his show.

I have criticized DeMaro for not showing up at the ball park and I stand by that criticism. The most effective way to cover a team, a person, a beat or what ever is to be around the subject. Why he refuses to do that is beyond me. It's not like he lives in Chicago. He lives in Pittsburgh. He's not a blogger. He's part of the mainstream media. Show up once and while and eyeball a few people. You might learn something.

So, yes, I think it is legitimate to believe that a person cannot develop the kind of sources to crack this kind story by sitting in his office.

Like you, I'm not concerned about who breaks what story. I am concerned with what I consider dishonest journalism.

We will have to agree to disagree on my DeMaro allegiance. I started my blog as a sports fan, and I try to keep that mentality in my writing. This allows me to observe media members, be they print, television or radio, how the typical Pittsburgher would. Some of my dear memories include tailgating with the masses and sitting in the bleachers. I'm not defending DeMaro, and I think his shtick doesn't lend itself well to investigatory journalism. However, most fans, whether at the stadium or in their own homes, really aren't concerned with who broke what. We respect and understand the responsibility of investigatory journalism, but we weren't keeping a tally of who had the correct story first. I think the blogosphere took that same stance when reading about media members arguing over scoops.

I won't try to tell you what to publish and what not to publish, only that the article received lukewarm reviews. There's one other article I'd like to ask you about before getting into the upcoming sports seasons.

The Booing Hossa/Knuckleheads article. It was your only article within the history of my site that I felt the need to respond to. A few blogs felt blindsided by it, and wondered what kind of emotion we are to show towards Hossa. Personally, I don't boo Jagr, and I don't plan on booing Hossa. But a lot of fans feel betrayed. Marian deliberately stated that Detroit gave him the best opportunity to win a Cup next season, just months after he praised Pittsburgh's youth and talent when he arrived from Atlanta. I'd be more concerned if the fans were indifferent to the whole situation.

You don't need to explain your motives behind the story, but I gotta ask, what kind of response did you get from that article? Several blogs, in addition to my response, were discouraged by the piece. Did you get tons of hate mail, or was their an outpouring of support? Were the blogs who criticized you in the minority on this one? Am I a knucklehead?

I really don't get it when people use the word "betrayed'' in regards to sports teams. That's taking stuff way too seriously. Sports are supposed to be fun.

Why can't Hossa be accepted as a player who make a significant contribution to the Penguins and moved on? Sure, he said some things. All players say those things. Barry Bonds said he wanted to stay in Pittsburgh. Was Hossa somewhat deceitful in negotiations? Probably. That's the nature of negotiations. Players do it, teams do it and, yes, the Penguins do it.

And what's wrong with saying he has a better chance to win a Cup in Detroit? Duh! He does.

I received a ton of negative e-mail, much of it hateful and mean-spirited. I have a thick skin but to see some of the comments makes me wonder and makes me discouraged. People need to get a life.

Why can't fans just cheer their home team? Why isn't offering support enough? Why does the level of sportsmanship have to be dragged to the gutter?

Fans take this stuff much more seriously than the players. Maybe they should take a cue from the players. It's only a game.

Are you a knucklehead? If you boo Hossa, yes.

I see you mentioned that Detroit does have a good chance of bringing home the Cup. Vegas has the Wings and Pens as the two best bets going into the season, respectively. Are you excited about the upcoming season? Anything on the team or throughout the league that might cripple Pittsburgh's hope of returning to the Finals? Like Shero said, not many GMs get to lose a Hossa and then come back and sign a Malkin and Fleury long term. I might just be a homer, but I fully expect another Cup run. What are your predictions for the season?

I have barely thought about the Penguins upcoming season. I'm more concerned at the moment of the more pending start of NFL and college football seasons.

It was great the Penguins did the long-term deals with their core players but that doesn't change the fact the absence of Hossa makes them a lesser team than they were at the end of the season.

I think they are a definite Cup contender and will be for some time. I see them advancing at least two rounds in the playoffs.

Well Steelers-wise, do you think the schedule will pose a problem? It seems like that's been a common concern. The AFC North seems pretty weak aside from Pittsburgh, but the team is really going to have to step up outside of the division. And can we get your thoughts on the new extension for James Farrior? The front-office has been pretty good with cutting ties with aging vets at the right you think Farrior can contribute in some capacity through 2012?

And Pitt...what can I say about LeSean McCoy? He's a thrill to watch first-hand. The long shot Heisman talk might be a bit of a stretch, but no one can deny his talent. Is he a flash-in-the-pan, or can he carry Pitt back to a level of respectability?

The Steelers schedule is difficult, the toughest in the NFL, I believe, but the rest of the division also plays a similar one. I think a 9-7 record could win it and I've heard some people say 8-8 might do it. I think the Steelers can win this division but I would not expect them to go far in the playoffs. A positive is Roethlisberger, one of the better QBs in the league. The defense is aging and played poorly in the latter stages of last season. It will have to improve.

I was surprised they came to an agreement with Farrior. He's still has some good years remaining but they had other priorities, higher ones, but they might have been turned down in attempting to extend those players. Farrior's contract is for five years but no one expects him to play the length of it. He'll play two, at the most three more years. The contract is stretched to lessen the effect of the signing bonus on the salary cap.

McCoy appears to be an excellent back for Pitt, one who someday will play in the NFL. I doubt he's a one-year wonder, although Dorsett did take a step back in his sophomore year. I expect Pitt to win 8 or 9 games this year and contend for the Big East title.

Alright, just a few quick questions to round this up.

What's the greatest game (any team) you've ever been to?

Villanova-Georgetown 1985 NCAA championship game.

Was there a particular local athlete(s) that you found especially compelling above everyone else?

Sam Clancy, Pitt; Roberto Clemente, Pirates.

Would you ever consider starting a blog?


Pirates, Steelers or Penguins...just as a blind guess...who brings home the next championship?



Thanks again to Mr. Smizik for the back and forth with PSaMP.

Other interviews:

- Inside the Athletes Studio: An Interview with Torina Henley
- Inside the Athletes Studio: An Interview with Don from Mondesi's House
- Inside the Athletes Studio: An Interview with Andy Chomos of Fans for Change

I'm Stalling You

The interview should be up for tomorrow (or this evening, if you're diligent), so be sure to stop by and check out my candid conversation with _______ . There may or may not be a MPotD tomorrow. I want to keep the interview at the top of the page for as long as possible, so I might give you a rare afternoon MPotD. I'll be back in a regular-posting rhythm after this conversation gets posted, so until then, here's a random assortment of Steelers hilarity to stall you long enough until I get this everything together. It's going to be a bit lengthy, I think.

The picture at the top of this page comes from Hugging Harold Reynolds, which in turn came from English Fail Blog. Is it ok? No errors...anything like that? Are fans our the best. Thanks to HHR for sending that along.

Also...balls. Specifically, Steelers balls vs. Eagles balls.

Doug had a sick post about a friend giving Eagles memorabilia to a Steelers fan who lives closer to Philly. He even made a video to commemorate the adventure. His video will come after this other one I found. Some dog decided to chew up a Steelers ball rather than an Eagles ball. Eagles fans apparently would rather trust the primitive brain of an animal.

Steelers fans go on human instinct.

The battle for PA. Decided by balls. Who woulda thunk?

Mini Pony of the Day 8-25-08

Thanks to Kate for this. Apparently, it comes from Cute Overload.

Looks like pony is rocking out the emo bangs. I used to murder out the 'fro and shoulder-length curly hair at different points in my youth, so I can't criticize. Old ladies loved it.

They should have blogs in your local barber shop in addition to months-old editions of People Magazine. Then you could read these links while you wait:

It's crunch time, and our O-Line doesn't look solid at all. Frankly, that doesn't bode well. [Joey Porter's Pit Bulls]

The "Wayne Gretzky Sucks Photoshop Expo." What a beautiful sight. [The Pensblog]

Pacman Jones cannot dress himself. [Larry Brown Sports]

I can't stand Romo/Simpson, but Steely McStupid had the best possible burn regarding Jess liking to Dutch Oven potential boyfriends. "So, Jesse honks in the sheets and Tony craps his dress in the playoffs." [Steely McStupid]

Why does Kevin Millar have a Hitler mustache? [Mister Irrelevant]

2008 WPIAL Football season preview. [Rizzo Sports]

Friday, August 22, 2008

Cats Don't Understand Remote-Controlled Steelers Trucks

Curiosity…scared the shit out of the cat.

I’m a huge animal agitator, so I know the joy this dude must feel. Their brains only comprehend so much, and we, as humans, will try and exert our mental superiority when given the chance. As Atmosphere says about our pets:

“It’s eat, sleep, f**k, and self defense. So straight, you can set your clocks and place bets.”

That pretty much sums up the animal experience. Fortunately for us, one of those instincts isn’t “Be aware of the remote-controlled Steelers truck.” The cat didn’t make a complete ass out of itself, so it has that going. At least it didn’t crash into a wall. Or get dominated by a ceiling fan.

Yeah, this is a weak post, but I told you about that yesterday. I’m wrapping up my interview, and while it won’t be posted until early next week, you should take time to guess who the subject is. There have already been some solid guesses.

Mini Pony of the Day 8-22-08

Uhh...yeah...that's definitely Vladimir Putin with a mini pony. The Internets amaze me every day. The MPotD was a joke when I started the site, and I thought I'd run out of options within a month or so. I was pleasantly wrong.

If you've never been the head of a country, then you should accept your role and read these links:

Jose Bautista is now a Blue Jay. Gotta love this time of the year, when semi-major Pirates news gets buried by pre-season high school football. [Mondesi's House]

Dara Torres is Jerome Bettis? One would assume. [Sean's Ramblings]

Congrats to Woy and his family. I'm fashionably late to the par-tay. [Have A Good Sandwich]

Guess who the 'Skins put on the ticket for the game against the Steelers? Yeah...'Twaan. Jerks. [D.C. Steeler Nation]

This is hilarious. Thanks, Ben. [Youtube]

IOC head Jacques Rogge is a dick. Usain Bolt is allowed to celebrate two Olympic World Records in the 100 and 200...SOMETHING THAT"S NEVER BEEN DONE BEFORE...any way he wants. [The Sporting Blog]

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Site News

Please forgive the notable absence of a legit post today. Work has been stressing me out, and I’m currently working on a nifty interview/candid discussion with arguably the most polarizing figure in the Pittsburgh sports landscape. Yeah, you heard right. It’ll be the glorious return of “Inside the Athlete’s Studio.” It’s been a year since the last major interview on PSaMP, or, since the dude that organized last season’s Pirates walkout. This subject is much bigger than any of the previous interviewees. The interview is still ongoing, so there’s no set date for it to run. Stay tuned for that, though.

Here’s a sample:

On their upbringing – “I loved sports as a kid, played them a lot to the detriment of my academics. I was a decent athlete. I played football in high school but loved basketball more.”

On blogs – “I think blogs, like the mainstream media, have to create their own credibility. I make a point of reading [redacted]'s blog because I know I might find useful -- accurate -- information there. I can't say the same for a lot of blogs.”

On Buzz Bissinger – “I saw the Costas show with Bizzinger [sic] and I was shocked at Bizzinger's [sic] attack mode. There was no call for that and I certainly don't share his views.”

I can’t give you any more without giving away the subject. Have fun.

Mini Pony of the Day 8-21-08

This little guy looks like he's posing for the camera. Just another reason to enjoy these little beasts.

Hey, baby...Hey, baby. Dude needs to leave, though.

I read these earlier today:

Should the Olympics weight the medal counts? [Larry Brown Sports]

Usain Bolt is quick, but can he catch a football? [The Big Picture]

How is Payton Manning's knee? [Kissing Suzy Kolber]

If you're from Erie, or plan on visiting there, go to the Wilie Williams Show Them We Care Foundation Hollywood-style fund raiser. Thanks to Kevin-John for that. [Kevin-John]

Instant replay in baseball. Finally. [The 700 Level]

Vote for the Penguins' center ice logo on the sidebar here. [Icethetics]

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

The Steelers Are Pranksters

Good to see the team gelling and having chemistry, no?

If you're Santonio Holmes, how do you fall for the oldest trick in the book? A large group of teammates hands you a water bottle, complete with shit-eating grins all around, and you still don't expect some sort of hijinks? If Silverback was staring at me with a toothy smile, I'd immediately think the worst. Pee in the bottle...a loosened lid...or anything in between. I mean, how many times do groups of people watch you drink? You're 'sposed to have good field awareness, San Antonio!


Those speech bubbles killed me. Kinda NSFW, language-wise, but funny nonetheless.

Watch out for the Saran Wrap on the toilets, Santonio.

Mini Pony of the Day 8-20-08

Yes! Small critters of all species should always meet. Fences should not be involved, though.

Credit goes here.

I'm sure these two are discussing today's links:

Like Cola and the Pirates. What a sick find. [This Is Getting Old]

Loser Chris from TOFTT and TFS outlines a successful fantasy hockey draft. [Going Five Hole]

A 2nd round draft pick by Columbus in 2007 is ready to retire before turning 20. [The Sweater Ted]

Awesome Steelers season preview. Part 1. [One For The Other Thumb]

And Part 2. [One For The Other Thumb]

Michael Phelps dissed Wheaties for Frosted Flakes. They still make cereal? [SPORTSbyBROOKS]

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Rest In Peace, John Challis

Rest in peace, John Challis. I will never reach the levels of strength and coolness that you displayed to the world. We were lucky to have you for 18 years.

You and your family will remain in my prayers.

Big(foot) Ben?

Early last week, there were rumors of a Bigfoot body found in Georgia. Any mention of supposed mythical creatures being real immediately captures my attention (Chupacabra in today's MPotD, anyone?). Now, the body is actually a hoax, as you can buy the costume online. Damn Southerners and your jokes.

However, it now seems that the hoax was, in turn, a hoax. And we have video proof right here at PSaMP. Bigfoot is definitely real, and his apparent last bits of life were spent rooting for the Steelers. It was nice of the "finders" to keep him in all his Steelers gear.

P.S. Did we just get Rick Rolled?

P.P.S. Youtube is a scary place.

Mini Pony of the Day 8-19-08

Little dude looks like he needs a friend. I'll let Roy Norris, the owner of the blog I found the picture on, explain this picture:

Is this a small Pony or a big fence?

Right on.

These links are all the right size:

The Wilkes-Barre/Scranton Baby Pens have hired an assistant to new coach Dan Bylsma. [Faceoff-Factor]

Uh...did a cop find Chupacabra? [Geekologie]

Wanna know why the Bengals will continue to suck? They're thinking about bringing back Chris Henry. Do they not learn? [Who Dey Revolution]

Chris Russo going to Sirius. I never listened to him with Francesca, and I don't plan on getting Sirius to listen to him now. [Awful Announcing]

Eli Manning has a mustache. First he beats the Patriots, then grows a 'stache. I know hate him just a bit less. [Ghosts of Wayne Fontes]

Hottie Sacramone was robbed of a medal the other night. [East Coast Bias]

Monday, August 18, 2008

Rankings Are Stupid

To make this perfectly clear...I hate rankings. Sure, when I was younger, I'd check out Power Rankings throughout the NFL season to see where "experts" felt the Steelers were at in comparison to other teams, but it's easy to grow cynical of said rankings when you begin to understand that they are just the opinions of some chump. I put my opinions on this page, but that doesn't mean you have to follow them and take them as Gospel truth. There's a comments section and my email address, and God knows I've been yelled at by many a reader through both. Most of 'em are clueless, but its nice to see that the entire population isn't made up of sheeple.

So I don't get worked up about lists and rankings like I did as a younger man. That is...until the past few days. The Steelers and their fans have not only been disrespected by several rank-ers, the reasoning behind the dickery is completely unfounded. Let us investigate...

Emailed to me by Cotter this weekend...Fox Sports decided to rank each NFL fan base. Don't get me wrong...I don't expect Pittsburgh to be ranked #1 in everything, but after awhile, it's pretty dumb to show love for certain teams/fans instead of those hailing from Pittsburgh. According to the losers at Fox Sports, the Steelers have the 6th best fan base in the NFL. Like I said, we don't always have to be #1...but 6? Let's look at the asinine explanation:

The "Stillers" fans are a very annoying bunch. If you ever encounter one and the subject of football comes up, all you'll hear about is how many rings they have. Whatever your argument is, they will counter with that. That being said, they have Heinz Field and sports bars around the country rocking on Sundays. They're very passionate about their football and it's completely understandable. Before Sidney Crosby, what else have they had to root for?

WHAT?!?!?! This is on a legit sports-media website? Man, I wouldn't expect to see this type of reasoning from the shittiest of the shitty sports blogs out there. And there's some shitty sports blogs out there. How about not generalizing all Steelers fans from one experience, and instead, ask some fans about their take. The rings are one thing, but we also boast a million HOFers, one of the most influential ownership families and fans who were displaced by the downfall of the steel industry that still show up for games, be they in Pittsburgh or Seattle. Keep our names out your mouth and do some research next time. And I guess the World Serieses and Stanley Cups meant nothing before Sid came to town. EPIC FAIL.

I'd begin my debate about Cleveland at #4 and Philly at #1, but I can feel an aneurysm coming on.

I found the other ranking while clicking through one of The Big Lead's Roundups from this weekend. Cold Hard Football Facts ranks the All-Time NFL Franchises. If I can use Fox Sports' generalization, our 5 rings should have the Steelers somewhere in the top 3, along with San Fran and Dallas. Plus, being the only team to win 4 Super Bowls in 6 years should give us some extra leverage. Nope. They have the Steelers at number 8, behind the Raiders, Redskins and Giants. THE know, the team riding the emotion of their recent Super Bowl win. If they lose to the Patriots in that game, there's no way they sniff the top 8. Here's the Steelers reasoning:

To understand the Immaculate Reception's impact on the psyche of Steelers fans, it pays to remember that it was not only a miracle win, it was the first postseason victory in franchise history, a victory 40 years in the making. Then came the great draft class of 1974 (four Hall of Famers) and a first NFL championship immediately followed.

As the old advertisement used to say, "You've come a long way, baby."

VIRGINIA FREAKING SLIMS?!?!? If you smoke Virginia Slims in Pittsburgh, anyone within 5 feet is allowed to punch you. It's written in the city's laws somewhere. I'd look it up, but I'm still following the no-research attitude given to us by Fox Sports.

Again, we don't have to be #1, but 8? My buddy Cian, as seen in today's MPotD, called Pittsburgh "Contenders Forever." We regularly put out a good team and are the class of the AFC Central North. How in the hell do the Steelers get stuck behind perennial flakes like Washington, Oakland and New York? Sure, they've all bested the league at some point in their respective histories, but can you really get behind any of those teams year in and year out? Tell me one out of those three or Pittsburgh will have a deep playoff run every year and I'll pick Pittsburgh each time. But I guess I only do that because I'm "annoying."

So yeah, I'll probably forget about these rankings as soon as I hit "Publish," but I needed a place to vent. You don't have to agree with my opinion, because that's all it man's take.

/my take is better than these two, though.

Mini Pony of the Day 8-18-08

I'm not touching this one. Thanks to my sister Kate for finding this abomination. This weekend was exhausting, to say the least, and I really have no energy to try and describe this hot mess of a picture. If you should feel so inclined, come up with a caption in the comments.

I have no cute quip for the links either, so here they are:

Baroque night in NYC on Saturday was crazy, here's my buddy Ben's take on the night. [Mr. Ben's Flickr]

My buddy Rob has more pics. [Rob's Flickr]

Is it healthy to worry about preseason, or is it...dare I say...just preseason? [One For The Other Thumb]

Missed it this weekend, but the Buccos actually signed Pedro Alvarez. I know we as fans have said it countless times over the past 15+ years, but...turning point? [Doubt About It]

Former Bucco Brian Giles destroyed the outfield wall in San Diego. [The Fightins]

Ridiculous NFL season preview. And yes, the Steelers are definitely "Contenders Forever." [fuhbaw]

Friday, August 15, 2008

Browns Fans, Players Are Cute

After the Steelers punished the Browns in Week 1 last season, I put up a video of the best possible summary of the game. It was short, to the point, funny and actually coherent.

Browns fans...I really don't get your side of the rivalry. The Browns haven't really been relevant in the twice a year battles, with their only bragging point being that they had a close loss in the second matchup last year. So when one searches Youtube for recent Browns/Steelers videos that favor Cleveland, the results are mostly laughable.

Take the above video. Our rivalry video had a dog in a Steelers jersey humping a Browns stuffed animal. Clever AND hilarious. Back to the video at the top of the post...what the hell? The Youtube page says it's a Browns bus peeing on a Steelers fire hydrant. Ummmm? Is that a leg on the bus? Is this real or taken from a video game? I can't tell what any of this is, other than a blob of nothing releasing water onto a black and gold fire hydrant. Ooooh, y'all are so edgy in Cleveland.

You can tell the football regular season is almost upon us. Pirates posts from here on out will be scarce, and Penguins articles will probably be thrown in from time to time. I'm ready for the football grind, though.

Oh, and Browns's your top two receiving weapons. I'm scurred.

Mini Pony of the Day 8-15-08

Left hand, four!

I don't know what kind of crazy game of Twister this is, but I'd totally be down with giving it a shot. However, with only one place to put appendages, it might get a little crowded after a spin or two.

Left mouse click, these links!

When I think Monday Night Football, I think MC Hammer. [Awful Announcing]

Charles Barkley will try to fix his ridiculous golf swing on a reality show. I hate reality shows, but I'd probably tune in for that one. [We Are The Postmen]

So Bill Belichick doesn't need technology to help him run his team? Then the videotaping...? [Lion in Oil]

Michael Phelps is [Steroid Nation]

Adam Jones to "Make it Rain" for charity. Awesome. [The Big Picture]

Chicks from the German Olympic Team got nude for German Playboy. Mostly NSFW...what did you think when I use the terms "chicks" and "Playboy"? [Busted Coverage]

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Pens Break Ground On New Arena

(courtesy of

The Pens broke ground on the new arena today.

This douche shouldn't have been allowed to touch a shovel.

Heinz Field Causes Head Trauma - Watch more free videos

This was on Deadspin two days ago, but I hadn't found the time to post it here. I was too busy worrying about Ryan Mundy, watching Steelers fans tackle the Octa-Bong and resting on my birthday laurels.

Still, this is a typical skateboarder/disaster video that one would typically find in Ufford's work. However, the setting for the epic head-slam is what gets me. Don't focus on the skateboarder, and you'll see that the kid is all up on the North Shore, trying to kill the area around the Carnegie Science Center and Heinz Field.

Now, I've never been much of a skateboarder. I tried as a kid, but falling sucks way too much, so I gave it up after two boards and countless bruises. I gotta say, though, even if I could thrash with the best of them, the mere sight of Heinz Field would distract me long enough in mid-air to cause extensive damage to the back of my skull as well.

Gah, that's a rough video. I hate skateboard-wreck videos, especially back in the first installment of Tony Hawk's Pro Skater for original Playstation when you unlocked the extra highlight reels, only to be ambushed by the spot clips of dude's breaking their ankles. I'm gonna vom just thinking about it.

Mini Pony of the Day 8-14-08

Thanks to my sister Sheena for this one.

I'm worried why this woman looks so frightened of her miniature creature. It's a cool little horse, not a mutant alien or something! However...

...Hey, baby.

I'll be worried if you don't read these links:

Birthday wishes from TSW. Aw...shucks. [Black and Gold Tchotchkes]

Some dude from "40 Year Old Virgin" allegedly stabbed his girlfriend 20 times. [TMZ]

NHL '09 player rankings. Sid is a beast. [Going Five Hole]

Young hockey players are getting paid. [Mirtle]

Glacier hockey > Winter Classic. [Puck Daddy]

Mark Richt is a nut. [EDSBS]

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

August 13th: An Ode

I'm proud to share my birthday with the greatest group of human beings ever assembled. Spanning the ages, us 13thers have kicked some ass. Here's my homage to those who came before, and those that are still here crampin' my style.

Fidel Castro (1926) - I don't care if your duties have been transferred to your brother Raul, in my mind, you still rule.

Danny Bonaduce (1959) - Congratulations on openly taking steroids and getting less heat than Barry Bonds. Well played, oh red-haired one.

Marty Turco (1975) - In the regular season, you're a beast. Too bad they don't give out Stanley Cups at the end of the regular season.

Mark Lemke (1965) - For some reason, I cherished your baseball cards. I didn't even know you were born on my birthday then. I thought you were awesome. You fooled me. However, you were the inspiration for Homestar Runner. That boggles my mind.

Don Ho (1930) - Rest in Peace. I, too, dig tiny bubbles.

Ben Hogan (1912) - The original Tiger. Also known as The Man.

Theophilus Howard, 2nd Earl of Suffolk (1584) - Dominated the Second Charter of Virginia. Also dominated Catherine Knyvet of Charlton.

Jay Buhner (1964) - I had your Bowman Rated Rookie card, and thought it was the coolest because it had a gold cup on it. I was young, and that was one of my first rookie cards. Mariners for life!

Annie Oakley (1860) - Shot some guns.

Phil "The Power" Taylor (1960) - One Hundred and Eighty! Since this is text-only, I guess I have to describe that. I said that in an enthusiastic English voice, like on the World Series of Darts. But you knew that...

Heinrich, count von Brühl (1700) - Dude had twelve tailors, and wore a new suit every day. This fly noble made sure he was always in fresh threads. Innovative.

Shani Davis (1982) - I think you're black.

Katharine Close (1992) - You spelled Ursprache (Blogger spell-check fails to acknowledge this word) to win the 2006 Scripps National Spelling Bee. Lucky for you, because Mike & Mike weren't there yet.

Brittany Andrews (1973) - The only other females on this list so far are the Spelling Bee winner and Annie Oakley. You are a pornstar. Well done.

Arnulf of Metz (582) - Holding down the saintly angle. You are the patron saint of brewing. I couldn't thank you more.

Dan Fogelberg (1951) - You got a mention in BASEketball. I didn't. Fogelberg: 1, PSaMP: 0. (Ed. note: Dan passed away after the original publishing of this post. R.I.P., man)

Corey Patterson (1979) - I needed to boost your spirits, since you play for the Orioles. Happy birthday, buddy! (Ed. note: Now plays for the Reds, so...same thing applies)

Eric Medlen (1973) - Rest in Peace. You were taken too early in that unfortunate drag racing accident back in March (Ed. note: 2007). You were a courageous sonuvabitch. Seemed like a good guy.

Aradia de Toscano (1313) - Cool witch. Can you honestly claim that?

Boone Logan (1984) - Boone was ... looking to make his first all-star team in the 2007 MLB season. (Ed. note: His Wikipedia profile has since changed. The above quote was all that was in his earlier bio)

Happy birthday to all these spotlight vultures.

Mini Pony of the Day 8-13-08

Today is my birthday, so I may or may not have a sports-related post up today. This mini pony picture was used last year, but there's no way I was using any other image today. Look for a special post towards mid-day that has to deal with August 13th. It's a re-published post from last year's birthday, so don't go looking through the archives and spoiling it, party-pooper.

If today isn't your birthday, you should be reading these links:

It can't be said enough. Bob Smizik needs to go. [Hockey, Football and Stiletto Shoes]

Cotter got a bunch of nerds to say happy birthday. [One For The Other Thumb]

Chad Johnson is trying to change his last name to "Ocho Cinco." Seriously. That's awesome. [Pro Football Talk via Awful Announcing]

TSW at Maddenpalooza. [Black and Gold Tchotchkes]

Aaron Rodgers is about to break. [Kissing Suzy Kolber]

Don't worry, LB, I thought it too. Alicia Sacramone is hawt. [Larry Brown Sports]

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Steelers Fans Rule

With a fervor only Milwaukee Brewers fans can truly appreciate, Steelers fans once again show why rooting for the Black and Gold is so much fun. That reason, of course, is the group beer bong.

Sure, that Brewers beer bong might have had more hoses, but all you got was a picture, and those jerks easily could've been nursing their beer. With video technology firmly focused on this group of Pittsburghers, we get to see one of these bad boys in action. Older dudes were taking one to the face.

Next time someone (probably from Cleveland) tries to hate on you for supporting the Steelers, show 'em this video and proceed to call them and their fellow fans any group of insults you like. I prefer Asshat, Turd Burglar or Clown Shoes. Don't limit yourselves to my choices, though.

What's The Deal With Ryan Mundy?

Has anyone noticed the lower leg injury to rookie Ryan Mundy? The question comes from Anon on yesterday's ill-excuse for a post. See, all anonymous commenters are not horribly misguided.

The Trib took it serious, wondering if the injury was worse than originally thought. The Beaver County Times had a concerning little note, saying:

[Mundy] will miss at least the next two preseason games with a lower leg injury. He may even be a candidate for the season-ending injured reserve list.

The Post-Gazette finally chimed in with a blurb, calling the injury a high ankle sprain.

So, is it time to pay attention? I know Charlie Batch and his collarbone take precedence over a rook, but this could hurt our defensive backfield moreso than anyone cares to think. Last week, I was ready to anoint Mundy as Troy's perfect partner in the secondary. I hope this injury doesn't derail that sentiment.

Early reports have Mundy missing a few preseason games, but is that the extent of the injury? The Beaver County Times piece, which mentions season-ending IR as a possibility, had me the most worried. Take a look at our secondary. Troy still has yet to practice, and he did little more than stand around in a jersey at St. Vincent this weekend. Barring any freak accidents, Troy should be back soon, solidifying the Strong Safety position. Free Safety is a crap shoot, with perennial stopgap Ryan Clark poised to start. Backing him up is Anthony Smith and Tyrone Carter. Mundy, in my mind, was the cute pick to come outta nowhere either this season or in the very near future and team up with Troy to create a formidable backfield. Now, Clark, Smith and Carter aren't total scrubs, but there must be concern when your safeties are either injured or career backups.

Am I putting too much thought into this, especially concerning Mundy? I mean, he is a rook...a late-round rook with a history of injuries at that, and the starting job was in no way his. He got bumped...his leg was sore...and he might miss a few games. Or, the cheap shot did more damage than originally thought, Mundy loses out on an injury-filled rookie year and never reaches any of the potential that made the Steelers draft him in the first place (for reference, think of Willie Reid and how his rookie injuries have slowed what was expected to be a decent Steelers career at worst).

So yeah, Mundy's injury has yet to be completely revealed, and we're stuck with a time frame stretching from a few weeks to possibly an entire season. Should we be concerned, or are you confident with a Clark/Smith/Carter/Townsend(?) chorus line at FS?