Friday, February 29, 2008

Thumbwrestlers Rule

Indulge me on this slow Friday. I mean, come on...its a leap year/day, for cryin' out loud.

I came across Mental_Floss' WWF Superstars Quiz and started thinking about Thumbwrestlers. There's no adequate video of these amazing toys on the Youtubes, but I found this site. They actually had the commercial to download, so I embedded it using the awful fantastic Blogger video embedder.

I know for a fact I had Big John Studd and Hillbilly Jim. Nothing sick about sticking your thumb into a hole just above a rubber wrestler's ass.

Good times, the '80s.

I'm A Poet

Yesterday, I received an email from Pat at WHYGAVS and the AOL Fanhouse asking if I'd be interested in writing a poem.

I agreed, mainly because I haven't written a poem since about 5th grade, and my poetry skillz could use some practice.

As it turns out, Fanhouse is pimping out some solid local bloggers to write a short preview for their respective MLB poetry form. So far, there's been poems, limericks, a haiku or two...the whole deal.

Now, there are not enough drugs and not nearly enough booze to inspire someone to write a poem about our Pittsburgh Pirates, but I gave it a shot anyway. You can find my submission right here. Don't hate (too much).

MLB Poetry Previews: Pittsburgh Pirates

Mini Pony of the Day 2-29-08

Crazy eyes on today's MPotD.
And that dog looks like he's laughing at how cool his little buddy is. Or the fact that today's the 29th of February.
...Hey, baby (Flyers suck).

Thursday, February 28, 2008

Pirates Win! Pirates Win!

Pittsburgh fans...your Pittsburgh Pirates are currently on a 1-game win streak!

/high fives every Pirates fan in my mind.

The Buccos opened spring training with a solid 5-0 win over...the Manatee Community College Lancers?

I know things have been pretty bad for the Pirates over the past couple 15 seasons, but I guess we'll take a morale boost in whatever form it comes. In case you were wondering, here is a team picture of the vanquished Lancers:

Did that little dude/midget in the middle play this game? That could explain why our excellent rotation held the Lancers to 3 hits.


Mini Pony of the Day 2-28-08

What. The. Hell.
Crazy way to end the month...oh, wait...dammit.
...Hey, baby (to the woman on the left, not the kids, you ignorant jerk).

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Rest In Peace, Myron Cope


There are no other words to describe the passing of Myron Cope.

He was family, even if you never met him. We invited him in for so many weekend get-togethers, enjoyed his off-beat antics, and loved him like a father or grandfather.

He will be missed on so many different levels.

This is for you, Myron:

A Review of Deadspin's GSTF Book Tour: Part 2

R.I.P. John Rocker.

No...not the guy (although there are probably a few minorities and some queers with AIDS who just had a mini-fit after reading that. And now that I've written "queers with AIDS," I can expect a rather different crowd of Googlers).

Last night was the final stop on Deadspin's GSTF Book Tour, taking place in Brooklyn at BookCourt, a small, independent book store. And not "cozy" small. Like...nearly-sitting-on-the-dude-next-to-me's-lap-small.

Since I decided to give you a rundown of New York reading #1 yesterday, I figured I'd at least let you know about New York reading #2 (I hope people don't Google "reading #2" often. My traffic is about to increase on an unhealthy level).

Anyway, since it was the final stop on the tour, Will was probably burnt out as all hell. I mean, I'd be if i was in 'Zona, L.A., Alameda, Seattle, Illinois, Missouri, Philly, Boston and New York in only a few weeks. No joke, the farthest west/south I've ever been is somewhere in Tennessee (I was young...I don't remember where exactly).

Back to Rocker. He hasn't left us...only the John Rocker interview that Will has been acting out (with volunteers, nonetheless) during his book tour. With a possible second leg of the tour hitting Atlanta in the summer, John and his girlfriend expressed interest in making an appearance...which would not play out well for the author OR his emo bangs. It is wise to approach THAT audience with a much different selection from the book.

So it is with great sadness that I can relay that I witnessed the final reading of the John Rocker interview. It will be missed.

I went not to get my book signed (already happened), but merely to say person...for yesterday's link to my recap. I mean, how often do you get to chat it up face to face with a bigger blogger who linked to you earlier in the day. I'd shoot an email...but that is just a bit informal.

The Q&A at the end of the reading was much longer than Monday's offering, mainly because there were no Barnes and Noble Soup Nazis keeping time. The setting was as relaxed as the tour itself.

To those of you I was able to meet at the past two stops on the tour...Cheers! Blogging nerds/readers of the world were able to unite ( for a minute, at least). If you have yet to read GSTF, I suggest you do so immediately. Because I said so...what more do you need?

Mini Pony of the Day 2-27-08

Cheers to honorary PSaMP staffer Doug for this brilliant image.
This is exactly how I made it to New York.

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

A Review of Deadspin's GSTF Book Tour

To my readers in Pittsburgh, I think its time to let you know that I've recently moved to New York due to work (the kind that pays you money...not the free kind I give you every day). And by recently, I mean very recently.

This move came at the perfect time, because I had been hoping Will Leitch's God Save The Fan Book Tour would stop in the Steel City, but no dice for the first leg. However, the New York stop(s) came right after I got here. Last night was reading/signing #1 in Tribeca. Tonight is reading/signing #2 in Brooklyn.

As a side note, you should truly read GSTF if you haven't yet. Its an easy read and captures what its like to be a fan in today's sports world. I'm not going to start reviewing the book, mainly because there's reviews everywhere for you.

Instead, I'll let you know how the tour was. Because I know you weren't there.

I got there early...because that's what I do. I hate being I always end up getting to places crazy early and sitting on my ass until the person(s) I'm meeting shows up. It was a 7 P.M. reading...I was there by 6:30. I was met by a crowd of empty seats (there was no one there yet), so I chose a middle seat a few rows back. I'm not a front-row-center type of guy. I'm more of a few-rows-back-center type of guy.

As the 7 P.M. starting time drew near, the seats started fill up. Luckily, my friend, Ben and sister showed up while there were still some empty chairs.

The reading was fun, with Will and two volunteers acting out the John Rocker interview (if you have yet to read the have no idea what this is. So you should read the book). Then, a short Q&A went down that was tightly policed by a woman who I believe worked at this particular Barnes and Noble. She was all about keeping questions to a minimum, as if there was some big extravaganza in the children's section behind us that needed to start immediately.

After, I was able to get my copy signed. It was cool to finally meet Will. 90%+ of sportsblogs have been influenced (directly or indirectly) by Deadspin (as was PSaMP), so actually meeting someone like Will was pretty crazy. I don't mean to get all stupid and weird about the whole thing...its just unique to meet an author...especially one who writes for a huge sportsblog. Evidence of my signed copy is below:

The note reads: Welcome to NYC! It's HORRIBLE here!


Everyone retired to a bar down the street called The Patriot. Before I knew everyone would be heading there, I was hesitant to step foot in that place based solely on my hate for the football team of the same name. It wasn't as bad as the team.

Despite the bar being the hottest, and the music being the loudest...I had a blast meeting some Deadspin commenters/Leitch friends.

Part 2 of the NYC signing is going on tonight. I'll let you know how that goes tomorrow. And if you're in the NYC area, stop by the Brooklyn BookCourt for the reading. I'll be the dork in the white, button-down shirt and brown corduroy pants (because that's what I wore to work...and there's no way I make a stop between work and the reading) amidst the throng of unfortunate-looking bloggers/blog readers. Gimme a holler.

Mini Pony of the Day 2-26-08

Wow. What a 'do.
...Hey, baby. (Hoping that's a chick)

Monday, February 25, 2008

Jerome Bettis Picks Minor League Baseball Over DWTS

Sorry for getting your hopes up over The Bus possibly starring in the upcoming edition of Dancing With The Stars.

It isn't happening. Here's the official list. Jason Taylor, for whatever reason, is the NFL-entry. Stupid NY Post...lying to my face and whatnot.

However, the one-time Miller Lite spokesman/bar and grille entrepreneur/Detroit native has shifted some of his focus towards his part in an ownership group of the Myrtle Beach Pelicans (the former Durham Bulls), a low-level minor league baseball team. The ownership group also includes Eddie "Married-to-a-Member-of-SWV" George.

Now, JB already has experience dealing with minor league baseball, as he is part of an ownership group of the Altoona Curve and the State College Spikes.

In looking at the Pelicans' Wikipedia page, it appears that a good number of current and former Atlanta Braves played for the Pelicans in the past (since the team is affiliated with Bobby Cox's major league squad). The list includes Rafael Furcal, Jeff Francoeur, Marcus Giles, Wilson Betemit and the Pirates' very own...ADD LaRoche.

The Curve, the the Pelicans. What's next for The Bus...the Lancaster Barnstormers? I don't think Clipper Magazine Stadium could handle it.

Mini Pony of the Day 2-25-08

Many thanks go out to reader Gina for emailing this picture on Friday. In case you live under a rock or ARE a rock (hmmm...existential), the image came from ICHC.
I'ma guess Leetle horse. If I'm wrong, then I need to run away from Giant Bebe right now.

Friday, February 22, 2008

Jared Zabransky Is The Pittsburgh Steelers

I have no real posts to type on this cold-ass Friday, so I'm just going to direct you to a solid story by Joe Starkey at the Trib.

It involves new Steelers QB Jared Zabransky, and his improbable run from near-Fiesta Bowl-goat, to Fiesta Bowl hero, to unlikely NCAA 08 coverboy, to Arizona Cardinals castoff, to likely Steelers 3rd-string QB. And really, being a 3rd-stringer in Pittsburgh has got to be an o.k. job for a guy who couldn't stick anywhere last year.

Plus, since Pittsburgh usually likes to keep 3 QBs around, Zabransky will possibly be spending some time on an actual NFL sideline this fall. Goodbye, Brian St. Pierre...hello, Jared Zabransky.

Starkey also informs us that Zabransky's agent is originally from Monroeville (crazy), and the ridiculous combination of a player and team that both boast a spot in the final 8 of ESPN's dumb "Greatest Highlight" (although I don't see the Fiesta Bowl play). Zabransky - Fiesta Bowl; Steelers - Immaculate Reception. Maybe Jared and Dan Rooney can chat it up at some point.

I'll stop spoiling the article now. Go read it for yourself.

Mini Pony of the Day 2-22-08

Old boy is cold. I like his sweater. It's come in handy if he was in New York right now.

Plus, his cool beard oughta help.

Thursday, February 21, 2008

The Pirates Are Even More Horrible Now

Prior to Pirates season, I'm usually in a pretty positive mood. I like to make outrageous claims that this year is going to be the year. I cannot bring myself to do it this year.

(I couldn't believe the Pirates could get worse, but they did)

I was about to enter blissfully-ignorant territory again...until yesterday.

(I couldn't believe the Pirates could get worse, but they did)

Yesterday, my Buccos signed...this guy...who blew consecutive saves in the World Series with awful pitches to this guy and this guy.

The pitcher...not any of the hitters. I don't even want to mention his name. Because as awful as the Pirates have been in recent years, I could always say," At least we don't have Byung-Hyun Kim."

(I couldn't believe the Pirates could get worse, but they did)

So even if we make the elusive .500 mark, or (more preposterously) the playoffs, we now have the perfect reliever to mess it all up.

But to be fair, this was one of my last posts about the Buccos, so my opinion my be a little jaded:

Mini Pony of the Day 2-21-08

You've got to know when to hold 'em...sorry.

I'm test-driving this idea...MPotD in the morning.

What better way to start the day than with a cool picture of a rad mini pony? I know of no other way.

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Mini Pony of the Day 2-20-08

Wow...another small-ass MPotD. And by small, I mean late in the day.

I might start mixing up the sequence of events around here. We might possibly see the MPotd kicking the day off rather than waiting til late-afternoon, evening-ish.

We'll see.

Trip Dubs Rule

In case you were wondering, that is a Triple-Double Stuf Oreo.

If you look at the Triple Doubles in College Basketball this season, you will notice that there have been 4 instances. Two of 'em have come from small, Pittsburgh-area schools.

Duquesne's Shawn James hit one up against St. Joe's.

And recently, Robert Morris' Tony Lee had consecutive Trip Dubs. Ridiculous.

The only other person to record the feat was physical freak Kenny George from UNC-Asheville (yes, that is a real person in the video).

Big ups go to the small-school studs. Makin' Pittsburgh proud.

I'm hoping both teams make the Tourney. Then, a local school might have a chance beyond the Sweet 16.

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Mario Lemieux Is Black

I truly apologize about overloading you with Youtube videos, but some of these rarely-viewed clips need to be seen.

Like in a hockey game from about a minute ago, Mario Lemieux was visited by a distant (to say the least) relative. Looks like Mario's ancestors were bitten with a Thomas Jefferson-esque bug.

And how do I know its old? Well, Mario's playing, so are Aleksey Morozov and Alexei Kovalev...Zdeno Chara is playing for the Senators, and the game is on...wait for it...ESPN!

Those were the good old days.

I miss NHL 2Night.

Mini Pony of the Day 2-19-08

The latest smallest MPotD ever.

And who does he/she/it think he/she/it is, C. C. Deville?

Half Naked Fans + Three Rivers Stadium + The 80s = Awesome

No real reason to post this, other than the fact that references to Three Rivers are the best.

Good times. I miss you, Three Rivers.

Monday, February 18, 2008

Mini Pony of the Day 2-18-08

...In honor of Dwight Howard.

Thanks to Sheena for finding this. Absolutely perfect.

Watch Your Back, A.O.


I'll open that thought up to discussion, but in my mind, the best player in the 2004 draft was taken SECOND overall.

Now, I'm not doubting A.O.'s brilliance. Look at those NHL stats, and you'll see that his goal total to this point in the season is surreal. Kovalchuk can light the lamp, but I don't see him catching Ovechkin.

The same cannot be said for the overall points race. Out of nowhere, Geno has skyrocketed to within one point of A.O.'s league-leading total of 78. It looks like the reigning Rookie of the Year is going to notch his first 100-point season, and possibly take home the Art Ross (if not more) Troph(ies).

So how do you judge talent? Is A.O better because he scores more goals? Or is Geno's stat line better because its more well rounded?

You can have the flashy goals whenever you want, I'll take the guy who scores AND sets up his teammates with an increased regularity.

Geno is better than A.O. The Penguins are better than the Capitals because of it. And Sid's on the road back. Dirty.

End of story.

Sunday, February 17, 2008

Dwight Howard Kills Me

I needed to post this video because, well, its amazing.

I die every time I see him THROW the ball through the hoop. No one should be that tall or be able to jump that high.

Smiles all around when they show the side view.

Who said the dunk contest was a joke?

Friday, February 15, 2008

Mini Pony of the Day 2-15-08

Might be the cutest picture of all time. There's no denying the awesomeness of baby mini ponies.

This picture is courtesy of honorary PSaMP staffer, Doug. Check out his own personal blog. 'Cos I said so.

I Wonder How Angelo Esposito Is Doing?

Yeah, he's playing for Quebec in the QMJHL right now, but I still like to keep tabs on prospects.

Is he scoring goals, setting up a buncha assists, or doing absolutely nothing?

How about TKOing some Maple Leafs' 6th rounder who has nearly double Esposito's penalty minutes.

Man, he looked like he was about to get worked from the beginning, but kid came back with a fire under his ass and leveled DiDomenico.

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Mini Pony of the Day 2-14-08 (Valentine's Day Edition)

No joke, Valentine Mini's is an actual name of a mini Perfect for today's MPotD. The pony underneath the logo is from their...dealership?

And below is an assortment of Pittsburgh sports-related pictures for Valentine's Day.

Five hole...well...explains itself. Below that is an "I Heart The Pirates" pendant. Under that is an extremely tacky Steelers garter. And to finish it off, we have the Pittsburgh Passion logo, with its very own heart in the background. Aww.

MAF Wins...Against a Horrible Team

I told you I was pumped for MAF to start his comeback. He did me proud by dominating the lowly Norfolk Admirals in the Baby Pens' 3-1 win. Faceoff Factor has the details.

30 saves on 31 shots, with the only goal coming on a deflection? I know it was against a terrible team, but you gotta respect the win. I mean, the dude hasn't played since December. That means NO hockey.

He's got a more meaningful game against a hot Philly team on Friday. Not the Flyers...the Phantoms. Do it, MAF.

And if you're bumming over the loss to the Bruins last night, here's a 20+ year old bench-clearing video to brighten your day. Yeah, Dan Frawley gets owned/pwned about 1:30 in, but it was from known goon Jay Miller. Its easier to accept last night's loss when you see Captain Terry Ruskowski come flying in to help Frawley and destroy Miller. Take that, Boston. You may have won last night, but you got played in 86/87.

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Mini Pony of the Day 2-13-08

Massive fences...not a friend to the mini horse.

Is that a dead one behind it? Gross.

Almost Flower Power Time

MAF is about your dog.

And by pet your dog, I mean make his first AHL start in nearly two years. Now, normally I'd be pretty pissed about MAF playing in the minors, but I'll make an exception seeing as how he's recouping from a nasty high ankle sprain.

With the recent play of Ty Conklin, some people might not care about MAF's return. I am not one of those people. They'll tell you that MAF was a mere 9-8-1 before getting injured. I'd be quick to point to this stat, mentioned in the above link:

[Fleury] was 4-0-0 with a 1.00 goals against average, .955 save percentage and a shutout in his four starts before the injury.

Eat it.

And MAF's all about the team. Seriously. Listen to what he said about a possible battle for the starting spot with Conklin and his league-leading 9.26 save percentage:

“I’m not going to go there and try to steal the job back,” said Fleury. “I just want to play my best and as long as the team is winning, that’s the main thing.”

Solid. Stanley Cup > starting too early and risking a recurring injury.

Norfolk better watch their backs tonight.

Grossest. Weather. Ever.

That is my shoe. 100% up to date.

The lighter color is the actual shoe. The because I'm walking through several inches of shit.

Shit = slushy snow remnants covered with an assload of rain.

I wouldn't mind as much if it'd be rain OR snow. Instead of both.

I'm so mad/disgusted/insert-your-own-nasty-adjective-here right now.

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Mini Pony of the Day 2-12-08

I don't know where this pony is from. Lancaster-area, maybe?

And just so you know...

...I'll be coming at you live from New York City for the rest of the week.

I like to try to keep you in the loop.

Great Weekend

Yes, that's the Grand Canyon. Explanation coming.

If you're a Penguins fan (and I hope you are if you visit PSaMP), this past weekend really made you step back and say "Sweet," or "Kickass" a bunch of times. Considering how Philly started the season and the way the Pens stumbled outta the gate, the current standings in the Atlantic Division should blow your mind.

Currently, the Penguins are 3 points ahead of the nearest competitor, New Jersey, in the Atlantic. Before the weekend started, we were tied with Philly for the lead. Two wins in two days (one of 'em against Philly), couldn't have come at a better time. And it couldn't have happened to a better more-hated team.

What makes this even better is the emergence of Geno. How can a Rookie of the Year emerge the following year? Well, if the consensus best player in the league goes down with a high ankle sprain and all you do is score 8 goals and 13 assists in the 10 games without said player...then you've arrived. Its even better when the team goes 6-2-2 during that 10 game stretch.

So yeah, with all the positioning going on in the Atlantic lately, a 3 point lead is like the Grand Canyon (see, I got to it). Now, with Sid and MAF returning in the forseeable future, its time to lengthen the gap.

Monday, February 11, 2008

Mini Pony of the Day 2-11-08

The Chronicles of Grow-A-Pony.

Here Frankanie/Stephkie is at 264 hours, a full day over the 10-day required growth time. The body has yet to catch up to the hind end. I don't know if it ever will.

You can be assured that little pony is staying in the water. For now.

The Only Petition That Matters

Have you seen the petition to the NFL to investigate the final 1:40 of Super Bowl XLII? It was created by idiot Patriots fans. Its been on KSK...MJD hit on the topic...and I'm mad. This is the same type of bullshit that Seahawks fans pulled after Super Bowl XL. "Ooooh...Jackson didn't push off in the end zone!" Whatever. Patriots fans, take your 16-0 regular season and go be quiet somewhere.

In response to this outrageous petition, I took the time to start my own petition. Its to all other NFL fans. I urge you to start referring to Patriots fans as "Nerd-Ass Idiot Dork-Jerks." No joke. I'm sick of this crybaby attitude. First, they defend personal cheaters like Rodney Harrison. Next, they pull the Jedi Mind Trick and change the subject everytime someone mentions Spygate (read the comments). Now, the NFL was wrong to let the Patriots lose in the Super Bowl. Incredible.

Do the right thing. Sign the petition. Let Patriots fans know where they stand.

And please point out every typo. I wrote this in like a minute. I know I spelled "referred" wrong.

I can't wait til the hate mail starts pouring in. I love hate mail.

- Petition For All Patriots Fans To Be Referred To As "Nerd-Ass Idiot Dork-Jerks."

Friday, February 8, 2008

Mini Critter of the Day 2-8-08

Yeah, this isn't a mini pony. It's a cool baby pug dog.

I took this last spring/summer.

It's about time to share it.

Steelers Sign QB Zabransky, Immediately Add Hook And Ladder, Statue of Liberty To Playbook

Recently, the Steelers signed free agent QB Jared Zabransky, best known for his role in Boise State's improbable Fiesta Bowl win over Oklahoma.

During our Super Bowl run, the offense repeatedly kept opposing defenses off balance with trick plays, most notably, Antwaan's pass to Hines in Super Bowl XL. Pittsburgh hasn't really done many trick plays since 'Twaan left. Maybe this signing signals a turning point. Big Ben better watch his back.

But to keep Ben happy, Pittsburgh also signed former Michigan State standout WR Matt Trannon. He's 6 foot 6. Tall enough for ya, Ben?

Thursday, February 7, 2008

Mini Pony of the Day 2-7-08

At first glance, I didn't see the mini pony in this picture.

He's all in the back, looking upon the front-grazers with much trepidation.

...Hey, baby.

Happy Birthday, Bob

Someone apparently dropped acid into my King Vitamin.

Happy birthday to my college roommate/best friend/partner in crime(s), Bob (seen here, alongside my beard).

On this day 2 years ago, we celebrated his 21st at the Steelers Super Bowl Victory Parade. Talk about perfect timing for a 21st birthday.

Happy Birthday!

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Mini Pony of the Day 2-6-08

For today's MPotD, I'm just going to direct you to Cafepress.

I searched for "mini pony" just to see if anything came up. All I have to say is, wow.

Here's the link.

Go look at all the fine selections. I've now found yet another stockpile of future MPotDs.

Jeff Jimerson For American Idol

This was a skit on the Penguins Jumbotron during the win over the Canes a few days back.

No, I wasn't there...I just happened to find the videos.

Some toolbag sucks, then gets owned (or pwned, I never really got that) by a Journey-singing Jeff Jimerson (IMDB puts one M in his last name, but other places use two Ms. I went with the IMDB spelling).

Sure, we know him as the Penguins anthem-singing aficionado. Now, the rest of the world will discover this vocal god.

The sound bites (/pun), but you get the idea. Johnny, the Canes fan, is no match for Jimerson's excellence.

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Mini Pony of the Day 2-5-08

The Chronicles of Grow-A-Pony.

Here he/she/it is at 119 hours. Horsey got back. The body is not growing, save for the hind end. And the front-right leg is all crippled as if he has polio or something.

Today's installment of The Chronicles of Grow-A-Pony is dedicated to Hannah/Sheena's friend Ryan and Kate's boyfriend Matt, both proclaimed fans of The Chronic...les.

The two proposed names of Grow-A-Pony are Stephanie and Frankie. Or Stephanie-Frankie. Or Stephkie. Or Frankanie.

Or I need to shut up.

Monday, February 4, 2008

Dancing With...The Bus?

Can we trust the New York Post? I mean, to quote the great Immortal Technique:

The Post is always on some bias racist bullshit.

I was reading this article late last week because I can't stand Mike Lupica and I wanted another reason to despise his existence. Keith Kelly, the author of said article, did a great job at festering my feelings.

However, I kept scrolling down, and Kelly started discussing Super Bowl parties (in all bold print, for whatever reason). At the very end of the article, Kelly describes a former Steeler:

Sports Illustrated, meanwhile, is holding party at the Barcelona Club in Scottsdale with The Roots, and 800 guests are expected. Among the bold-face names expected to attend, NBA MVP Steve Nash and "Dancing with the Stars" contestant and former Pittsburgh Steeler Jerome Bettis.

Contestant? As in future contestant? How did the Post get this scoop? I've searched high and low on this here world wide web, and there is absolutely no information linking Jerome Bettis to DWTS. Sure, the show needs the token athlete to attract viewers from all walks of life, but can the Post just throw out names and call them a DWTS contestant?

And who knows, The Bus might actually be on the next installment of the show. For all I know, Keith Kelly has some inside info that no one in the known universe is aware of.

But we're aware now. Keith Kelly better not be pulling our collective leg. The Bus on DWTS...that's a Pittsburgh sportsblogger's dream.

Mini Pony of the Day 2-4-08

Solid reflection.

Sorry for the absence of actual posts today to this point. I've been busy. In New York City.

I'll get you a worthy post later today. Cross my heart.


What kinda fool would pick the Giants?

I'll begin accepting all praise/pats on the back now.

Justin Tuck should've been MVP, though.

Sunday, February 3, 2008

Almost Time...

Its coming...

Not yet...


I can hardly wait...

No, not the Super Bowl...

...Puppy Bowl IV.

Friday, February 1, 2008

Mini Pony of the Day 2-1-08

The Chronicles of Grow-A-Pony.

Here he is at 44 hours. No penny this time to show size ratio, though. The pony itself is the same size as yeterday, but the back legs have grown tremendously. The packaging says that the pony may distort as it grows, however, it does not mention that the distortion is hilarious.

Now, this Grow-A-Pony won't be MPotD everyday until the 240 hours are complete. I just wanted to show you how much fun you can have with water and a little horse.

Sorry for the blurry pic, too. I didn't take Grow-A-Pony out of the water for this photo-op. And don't hate on the flowers in the bottom of the bowl.

P.S. I have yet to name Grow-A-Pony. Someone should get on that.

My Super Bowl Pick Is In

I know you've probably asked yourself this question about a million times by now: "Who is Tec and PSaMP endorsing for the Super Bowl?"

So many tough decisions. Do I go with Brady and the much-hated Cheatriots? Or do I go with the QB picked before Big Ben in the same draft who still doesn't have a ring like Ben but the "experts" are all fawning over?

End of suspense. I went with Eli and the Giants. My pick is over at good friend Chris' blog, The Hot Route. He's got a whole buncha cool blogs that added picks. Mine is the best, though.

He asked us to try to keep the reasoning to 10 words or less (even though a couple bloggers went over), so that'll explain my sentence structure/grammar.

You'll have to go over to The Hot Route to see my reasoning. I can't give it all away here.

However, Sheena gave me the inspiration for the "Precious Moments" reference.
