Friday, October 31, 2008

Old Stuff Rules: Footage of CFB's 1936 Season

There's no sound, but this video is still pretty killer. How many chances have you had to watch footage from college football's 1936 season?

I have no true CFB allegiance, seeing as how I went to St. Vincent College while they had no team. I don't subscribe to the theory that you have to choose between Penn State and Pitt...I like them both. Actually, I was talking about Pitt with a certain former WVU Mountaineer last night (tease, tease).

So as happy as I am that Penn State is killing it this year, I still show love for Pitt, too. Which is why I find this footage fascinating. We watch modern football and take the sport and its modern advancements for granted. Watch how many handoffs take place in this video.

Now, uniforms weren't that modern either in '36-'37, so it might be hard to tell the difference between Pitt and the University of Washington, so I'll tell you how to understand what's going on. This is from the Rose Bowl, early in 1937, in which #3 Pitt beat #5 UW (it was the first year of the AP Writer's Poll) 21-0. Pretty much all the big offensive plays...that's Pitt. Badass.

Oh, and cool 70 yard INT return for a touchdown, Pitt!


Mini Pony of the Day 10-31-08


This pony's computer is up on a high table, so he's on his hind legs so he can read these links:

I am an idiot who posts videos to my blog. I like this writeup, because it tells the common reader why we (bloggers) do what we do. [Moondog Sports]

Random sports jerseys. [Gunaxin]

Maybe next year, Rays. [The Sports Culture]

Pens lost. Again. And Sid has some mysterious injury. Vom. [The Pensblog]


24 receptions...421 yards...6 touchdowns...BY ONE a loss. [The Big Picture]

P.S. Happy Halloween

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Inside the Athletes Studio: An Interview with Matt Iseman, Host of Sports Soup

I teased you about this when it first went down, then I revealed the subject in my review of the show's first week, but now you get the actual interview.

I was able to sit down with Matt Iseman, host of Versus' Sports Soup, the Friday before the show debuted. Versus finally got this cut and uploaded, so pretend some of the questions aren't dated. We now know the focus and general outline of how the show is set up, but not so much at the time of our questioning.

Oh, and I'm wearing the same gray shirt today. I'm freakin' dynamic!

Enjoy our candid sitdown with Matt Iseman, host of Sports Soup.

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Part 4

Part 5

Part 6

Mini Pony of the Day 10-30-08

This is absurd. I know the Wayne's World hat is photoshopped on, but it's still killing me. Picture found here. The horse's name is Wayne, and was rescued and adopted. Badass!

No, it isn't snowing in NYC yet, but damn, the walk to the subway in the morning is cold. And windy. And like 10 minutes long. I need to move.


Cotter = Jim Zorn? [One For The Other Thumb]

John Daly passed out at Hooters and needed to go to the drunk tank. [SPORTSbyBROOKS]

Congrats, Phillies fans. [The Fightins]

And again. [The 700 Level]

The Rays' David Price should've been in earlier? [Larry Brown Sports]

The Pens love each others' calves. [Eddy Spaghetti]

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Me > You

Remember when I wrote my first-week review of Versus' Sports Soup?

It's now on the Versus website.

Go read it again.

How Is Max Talbot's Foot?

Even with all our young stars like Sid and Geno, the contributions of Max Talbot cannot be overlooked. Here's a guy who went from goal scorer/point producer in the littles to critical role player in the bigs. The dude is constantly flying up and down the ice, doing anything to spark his team. Forechecks, backchecks, blocking shots, can't overlook what he brings to the Pens.

Last year in the playoffs, Max broke his foot while blocking a shot, which caused him to miss a few games. You never really know how much you miss a guy like Max until he's out.

With the loss in the Finals and the offseason that followed, Max was looking at plenty of time to heal up and get ready for the year. But a few pictures and ruminations on The Pensblog last night really had me worried. Those are the the pictures at the top of the post and this one here:

Check out the boot covers. This is what TPb had to say about everything:

Is his foot still bothering him from blocking a shot in last year's playoffs?


He wore those covers on both skates when returning from his foot injury during the playoffs, explaining that if he only wore one, people would target it. Wearing two was gonna make it harder for opponents to target the bad foot.

Anyway, if he was wearing those covers in the postseason, maybe the injury was still nagging him. He blocks shots for a living. If they aren't uncomfortable, you got to consider keeping them on all the time. Or does that makes us pansies?

So I went to Max's blog (translated from French to English...and props to Stephanie at Steel City Sports Fan, which I linked to here at the beginning of the month), because I remember reading something about this a few days ago. Here's his latest post, about playing defense and blocking shots (choppy translation, but you'll get the general idea):

Last year, when we met the New York Rangers in Series, I broke my foot blocking a shot. I missed the following three games, but I may have saved a goal in my team. If I were to begin again, I would not even hesitate.

Not exactly telling information about how his foot exactly feels, despite him saying that he wouldn't hesitate to block another shot, but he does say that playing defense and blocking shots, even though he's a forward, is his "bread and butter." He makes no mention of being worried to sacrifice his body due to the broken foot, so I'd venture to guess that his foot is fine, boot covers or not. Plus, if he's still intent on blocking shots and knows his foot was broken on one last season...why not keep the covers on as much as possible?

My expert opinion says that Max's foot is fine, and he's only wearing the weird-looking boot covers as a preventative step.

Mini Pony of the Day 10-29-08

Let me alert you to how cute the little dog is in this picture. Cool bonus critter.

But the mini pony is still the star of the image. He's about to dominate a Polaroid self-developing picture. And the woman about to self-develop said badass picture...?

...Hey, baby.

Shake these links like a Polaroid picture:

Shattered glass hits in hockey rule. [Gunaxin]

Thandie Newton is a hot Sarah Palin. [Steady Burn]

Rays fans are lame, unoriginal douches. [The Sports Culture]

Cotter's questions are burning. [One For The Other Thumb]

Sid is Hockey's king. [Steel City Sports Fan]

Santonio apologized, and Ron Cook was wrong in his reasons for bashing him. [Steel Curtain Rising]

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Why Doesn't Big Ben Roll Out of the Pocket As Much As He Used To?

Remember, I told you that I was only able to catch a little more than the final frame of Sunday's Giants/Steelers game, but my thoughts encompass Ben's recent history.

Earlier in his career, Roethlisberger made his name as a big, mobile quarterback who could elude pressure and keep plays alive. It didn't hurt that he had guys like Alan Faneca and Jeff Hartings in front of him, but it showed that Ben would do anything to make sure the ball got to his skill players. More often than not, Ben would take the snap and immediately roll out of the pocket, sometimes all the way to the sideline, in order to extend plays and allow his receivers to get open.

The past two or three seasons, Ben seems to be content with staying in the pocket, and will only begin scrambling as a last ditch effort.

Look, take my opinion for what it's worth. My football expertise consists of intramural flag football at St. Vincent College (on the same fields the Steelers practice on in training camp, so there's that at least). I don't know what goes on inside the minds of elite quarterbacks, but it seems like as some high level signal callers progress in their careers, they tend to shy away from leaving the pocket and try to become the humanization of the classic, pass-first quarterback. Ben's been doing this a lot over the past few seasons.

Maybe he's been spoiled by the success, and wants to prove that his skills can be displayed in a traditional, pocket-passer-type sense. Maybe this is true for all QBs, that there's some sort of status bump for staying in the pocket. I don't know, but I can only view this as a fan.

Ben set rookie records for wins and won a Super Bowl as a young guy who would regularly leave the pocket as soon as the ball was snapped, regardless of pressure. Last year, he made the Pro Bowl as a pass-first guy who stood in the pocket on a high percentage of plays (don't know the exact figures, just going off memory). Does he get more props in the quarterback inner-circle for individual awards as a pocket passer than he does for a Super Bowl ring as a guy who rolls out to make a play?

Ben would roll out of the pocket even when he had a good O-Line. Now, his O-Line is nearly non-existent. I know scrambling to the sideline takes away the chance of throwing to the other side of the field, but at least he has the ability to worry the D that he might take off and run. And maybe he should run. If he's getting hit on 50% of his passing dropbacks already, why not take the hit when you're 5-6 yards downfield? Why look like a chicken without its head when Willie Colon and Chris Keomoeatu are just letting guys in? Seems to make sense to my simple brain.

All I'm saying is Ben has clearly changed his approach to the QB position, and it's resulted in passing records, a Pro Bowl appearance...but also a first round exit from the playoffs, a high number of interceptions and an alarming sack rate. I'd love to see Ben roll out as soon as the ball is snapped, like he did when his team had its most success in his tenure.

A lot of fans and critics keep saying, "GET RID OF THE BALL, BEN!" Me, too! But I'm also saying, give yourself time to get rid of the ball. Roll out.

Take heed. Your current pocket isn't that great.

Mini Pony of the Day 10-28-08


Are these kids trying to turn this mini horse into a My Little Pony? I feel for the horse.

Wash the hair dye outta your brain so you can focus intensely on these links:

Bud Selig and the umps are tarnishing this World Series? [Moondog Sports]

It's ok to miss 'Twaan. [One For The Other Thumb]

25 hottest celebrity Halloween costumes. [The World of Isaac]

Condi Rice might be hired by the 49ers? [Shutdown Corner]

Oiler Nation doesn't throw out baseless rumors. Or do they? Jokes. [The Pensblog]

How beastly is Big East CBB this year? [Rush the Court]

Monday, October 27, 2008

Mini Pony of the Day 10-27-08

I know we've seen mini pony-pulling-a-human pictures on PSaMP before, but I have a newfound respect for these little helpers.

I told you in my MMCNY that I'm sore and exhausted from the weekend. Thing is, I wrote that last night after the loss. The morning brought on a whole new level of pain/fatigue. Word of advice, don't try to lift half of a 1,000 pound upright piano. I have no back/chest/arms/legs/body right now. I could totally use one of these mini pony carts right about now.

Read on:

A Giant mess, indeed. [One For The Other Thumb]

More sports insider goodness from HHR. [Hugging Harold Reynolds]

Great sports broadcasting bloopers. [On 205th]

Top Michael Jordan/Nike commercials. [NESW Sports]

Miss America cursed the Lions. [The World of Isaac]

Vote for the WPIAL champions. [Rizzo Sports]

Monday Morning Chrysler New Yorker

Rough day. I woke up at 5 A.M. to drive a cumulative 9 hours across 3 states, only to catch the first three quarters called by the shittiest announcers on WFAN 660, to watch one of the most heartbreaking 4th quarters in recent history. Damn injuries...

Let me re-print my prediction, which was on the New York Times' Fifth Down blog this weekend:

Pressure. If either defense can get to the quarterback, they can dictate the game’s outcome. Both QBs have rings (Ben got his first), and have the ability to distribute the ball to any number of weapons when given adequate time. However, I can’t disguise that pressure makes Ben hold onto the ball too long, or that strong pass rushes force Eli into those cute little throws off his back foot. If LaMarr Woodley and James Harrison (Wooderson, as I call them…all right all right all right) can out-play Tuck and Kiwanuka, then Pittsburgh has a better shot at winning. Close game, but 14-13 Steelers.

Aside from the score and final outcome, I nailed the personality of the game. We didn't sack Eli. Ben had a different kinda game from his fellow QB. That's the short story.

Remember, I didn't see the entire game, so I'm going off what I heard via radio.

Ben. The last INT is a whatev, but those first three are critical. I can't look past those. Much of the blame falls on the next guys who are about to get filleted, but not getting rid of the ball in time will reflects on you as well as them. 1.5 of 5 stars. That defeatist attitude at towards the end won't rally YOUR team.

O-Line. And especially the usual suspects, Kemoeatu and Colon. Unnecessary roughness on a play that resulted in a first down? Holding to nullify a BEAUTIFUL TOUCHDOWN? Oh, I shouldn't raise my voice and startle might false start. Any O-Line should be ashamed for letting the QB get hit on nearly 50% of all passing dropbacks. 1 of 5 helmets.

Harrison. Look, get over the gaffe...critical injuries come at the worst time. But as the leader of the pass rushers, it's tough to not have a sack. Collectively....

...I'm done. I can't even keep typing this. Hopefully you understand. This is a blog, where you're coming for my opinion. And it's my opinion to quit writing this post right now.

'Skins next.

Bug off.

Sunday, October 26, 2008

[Unnamed] Steelers Pregame Show - Week 8

Well hello there people of PSaMP nation, this is Cotter. Tec gave me author privileges so that I could post this week's Episode of the [Unnamed] Steelers Pregame Show.

Boy, was that a risky move or what?

Good thing for him, I would never disgrace the PSaMP entity with any degree of idiocy...well, besides this, that is.

Anyways, just watch the show.

And then, of course, Outtake reel...

Plus, you can watch the same thing on OFTOT.

Friday, October 24, 2008

I'm Comin' For You, Giants!

Black and Golddust's record is 4-1.

Take note, New York.

Go Steelers!

Learn To Read, Terrell Suggs!

While we were taping this week's installment of [Unnamed] Steelers Pregame Show last night, a replay of Hines Ward's appearance on PTI showed up on t.v.

We immediately ceased our show and focused the camera on the paused television. Hines had the league policy on bounties on a piece of paper. Watch and listen for the rule.

Read more about Hines' appearance at Shutdown Corner.

Mini Pony of the Day 10-24-08

Wow...look at this hairy little guy!

The MPotD is a little later today, because I wanted to give you time to get your wake and bake on. Thanks, Santonio! You gave me reason to post one of the funniest scenes from a way underrated comedy.


This hairy little guy definitely woke and boke (?) before reading these links:

Brooks Orpik is John Turturro. You don't f*** with the Free Candy. [Eddy Spaghetti]

I'm never opposed to Gina Carano pictures. Mmmmm... [Moondog Sports]

Bizarro NBA predictions. [Cuzoogle]

Hot Tampa Bay Rays fans. [Gunaxin]

Vintage Barkley. [NESW Sports]

Who will be CBB's best freshman? [Intentional Foul]

Santonio Holmes Busted With Weed

You're welcome, for the Friday morning wake and bake.

Bet you didn't expect to see this when you woke up. Santonio Holmes was busted with a few blunts last night. This ain't the offseason, son!

On the flip side, at least we now have a possible explanation why Holmes posed naked in a shower after last season. Dude was too blitzed to know better!

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Dude, Quit Annoying The Athletes

Man, I really wanted to find a video of current Giant and former Steeler Plaxico Burress looking like a douchebag, but the pestering fan in this clip is the one who comes off as the asshat.

Nice catch in the f***ing end zone!

Nice catch to win a SUPER BOWL, PLAX!

Some people are extremely knowledgeable and classy when it comes to meeting sports stars. No wonder most athletes hate the Internet/blogs/Youtube/etc.

Here's the same weirdo bothering Brandon Jacobs. I betcha Jacobs doesn't watch The Rip Artist. Ain't nothing like using a little kid's autograph desire to get athletes on camera.

Mini Pony of the Day 10-23-08

Each one of these little girls are cooler than me. Why, because each one has a mini horse in tow.

I especially like the one in the visor.

I think this parade was staged just to get recognized as MPotD. Whatever, it worked.

Either that, or they were just celebrating the following links:

Getting inside the head of a Steelers fans who writes about the Giants for the NY Times. [One For The Other Thumb]

If I had $80k, I'd totally buy [Steady Burn]

It's almost Pitt basketball time. [Pitt Blather]

An interview with SI Extra Mustard's Jimmy Traina. [Hugging Harold Reynolds]

A video of NBA stars when they were kids. Awesome. [NESW Sports]

Mark Prior in a pumpkin patch. Of course. [Planet Padres]

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Toddlers Love That Steelers Gear NFL Shop Commercial

Every time that NFL Shop commercial with all the Steelers gear comes on, I'm immediately reminded of our [Unnamed] Steelers Pregame Show set. Video of said commercial is below.

I don't know why, but the toddler in the above video is killing me. And I'm one to usually hate on movies/commercials or anything that has kids digitally talking. I guess this one works because it's (sorta) the real deal. Well, as real as a lip-synching toddler could be.

And sorry if this tyke is an infant or a baby or squirt instead of a toddler. I really don't know the difference.

Here's the video/song that kid is destroying.

Mini Pony of the Day 10-22-08

You know what sucks? When you're sitting around trying to get your tail braided, but you remember that you have horse legs and hooves. Props to the human assist on the unbraided tail.

Braid these links:

7 things that Jose Canseco now regrets. [The World of Isaac]

ESPN told their employees NOT to report the Favre phone calls to the Lions. That's odd, seeing how he's on just about every other minute on ESPN. [Pro Football Talk]

ESPN's Dan LeBatard sides with Fox Sport's Jay Glazer, not ESPN, on the whole deal. [SPORTSbyBROOKS]

Troy Polamalu should probably wear a few more helmets. [One For The Other Thumb]

Each hockey team plays on Saturday. None play on Sunday. [Going Five Hole]

The Edmonton Oilers admit censorship after the controversy with Covered in Oil. [Puck Daddy]

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Mini Pony of the Day 10-21-08

I envy this kid for being small enough to ride a mini horse. I'd love to be in your position, chum.

He's got some solid kicks, too.

Take a picture of yourself while riding a mini horse (if you're small enough), then read these links:

Jerry Jones wants Jimmy Johnson back. [Moondog Sports]

Another NFL Power Ranking. Steelers at 3! Gunnin' for that top spot. [My Sports Rumors]

The semis of the 'Hottest Cheerleader in the NFL" contest. [On 205th]

Why Phillies fans should hate the Rays. [Epic Carnival]

Plax is comPlax. Yeah. [One For The Other Thumb]

Dany Sabourin did hat he had to do and kept the Pens in the game last night. Then, the Pens won it in a shootout. Awesome stuff. [The Pensblog]

Monday, October 20, 2008

The Pro Bowl Needs More Flattop Fades. Vote For Nate Washington

Guess what, Steelers fans, your boy Nate Washington is sitting on the Pro Bowl ballot, waiting for your vote like he's been waiting for that Roethlisberger bomb to drop.

I never thought I'd see the day where Nate Washington was catching balls and making a case for the Pro Bowl. Now, his stats aren't mind-blowing, and he doesn't stack up against perennial Pro Bowlers, but the guy has been invaluable for the past coupla weeks, and he deserves the praise.

And if that means I gotta start a grassroots campaign to get him elected to the Pro Bowl...then so be it.

Honestly, how many other guys with at least 15 yards per catch have a sick Fresh Prince-style flattop fade? I count one, and he's doing all he can to show up higher-profile WRs like Hines and Santonio in the "run real deep and catch this bomb" department.

So it's in your hands, Steelers Nation. Get that flattop fade to Honalulu.

NFL Pro Bowl Ballot. Vote For Nate Washington And His Flattop Fade

P.S. You have no idea how hard it is to find a picture of Nate Washington with his current 'do.

Mini Pony of the Day 10-20-08

Thanks to Hannah for sending this to me last week. It comes from Best Week Ever.

I know bears grow up to be monsters capable of ripping your face off, but how solid is that little guy? And the fact that he digs mini horses just ups his coolness in my book.

Ride faster, cowboy bear! Get to a computer to read these links:

More nonsense on that win over the Bungles. [One For The Other Thumb]

Favre selling secrets about the Pack? [The World of Isaac]

Bob Smizik is pissing off hockey fans again. [The Pensblog]

High speed pursuits...with golf carts! [Steady Burn]

Mike Ditka might have helped the Dems and Obama win this election...back on '04. [Gunaxin]

Thank Jesus the Red Sox won't be in the World Series. [With Leather]

Monday Morning Chrysler New Yorker

Despite the 38-10 win, I don't know if I agree with the use of the phrase "Steelers easily defeat Bengals." We were up 3 at half and the Bengals were within one score through 3 quarters. Without that 21-point 4th, we're looking at a headline along the lines of, "Steelers avoid letdown against Bengals."

Honestly, this bullshit is gonna catch up with us soon. We can't let inferior teams hang around with us even though we have the game dominated. The Bengals opened the game with 5 straight 3-and-outs. There's no reason that they should be within one score going into the final frame.

But on the bright side, the final frame happened. On paper, we have a 4-TD win going into a matchup with the Giants, who struggled with San Fran early. And really, if Byron Leftwich is in the game late, we're either way in front or way behind. And we were never behind yesterday.

So let's take a peek, shall we?

Ben. You know it's a good game when en doesn't really confuse you with his decisions. Sure, he tried to force a few throws, and his completion percentage wasn't pristine, but he took control of the middle of the field as well as the sidelines, and he went deep when it was given to him. However, defenses are going to catch on to the screens and passes to Mewelde in the flats real quick if you keep that up. 3.5 of 5 motorcycle helmets.

Mewelde. Jeez, at the beginning of the year, I didn't think Mewelde Moore would be analyzed so much in this spot. And most of it has been positive! How 'bout that? He didn't crack the century mark last game, something I was hoping he'd do, but he more than made up for it this week. What did he put up, like a buck twenty with 2 rushing scores and a TD catch? Who needs Willie Parker? 5 of 5 motorcycle helmets!

WRs. I couldn't break these guys up. Nate (more on him coming later today), continues to impress with his newfound hands, Hines made some tough catches, Limas Sweed finally started representing for the '08 draft class, and Santonio had a monster game despite being held under 100 yards. This was the first game this year that I actually felt comfortable with the Ben-to-Santonio element. With the running game clicking, the WR corps took advantage of the weaker secondary. 4 of 5 motorcycle helmets.

Wooderson. I'm gonna look like a biased jerk with the good grades this week, but that's what you get with a 28 point win. Wooderson didn't miss a step during the bye, either. Both had 2 sacks (giving Wooderson a 4-sack-game), and Woodley forced and recovered the same fumble. Silverbback woulda had another sack, if not for a holding call on the Bengals O-Line. I'm at the point where I'm expecting multiple sacks by each guy every game. That's gonna suck when I'm disappointed by a 1.5 sack game outta Wooderson. 4.5 outta 5 helmets.

Farrior/Timmons. There were playing like they were the same age. Timmons looked like a vet, and Farrior was playing like a kid trying to impress. 5 of 5 motorcycle helmets.

It sucks when you live in NYC, and the team you love is about to play the Giants. Blue everywhere. Time to keep the momentum, Pittsburgh!

Sunday, October 19, 2008

[Unnamed] Steelers Pregame Show. Week 7

You know what sucks? When it starts to get cold outside, so gnats make their way to any open window to find the heat. That pretty much dictated the entire Week 7 [Unnamed] Steelers Pregame Show.

...Dude, there's another one!

Go Steelers!

Pretend you never saw this here, and watch it over at OFTOT.

Friday, October 17, 2008

Game On, Bungles

Guess who rested up during the bye? It's been awhile.

Go Steelers!

Georges Who?

Don't get me wrong, I had a massive man-crush on Georges Laraque during his tenure with the Penguins. Probably still do, despite him playing in Canada now.

However, some recent fights by Penguins newcomers Eric Godard and Paul Bissonnette will help fans get over BGL pretty quick. Check out the two destroy Riley Cote and Matt Bradley respectively in the past two games.


Mini Pony of the Day 10-17-08

The MPotD is a little later today. I wanted to give you a little time to read my two cents on Versus' Sports Soup.

And I was spending the rest of my time trying to decipher this picture. If you squint enough, it looks like a mini pony growing out of another mini pony's back. Gross.

Just read, man:

My buddy John at Kent State is doing his dissertation and needs your help. He's trying to find out about perceptions of sports fans and the impact of winning and losing etc. etc. Instead of asking bored college kids to rush through for participation points, he's asking online sports fans. If you have a few minutes, take part in John's project. kthxbai. [Kent State]

Help Dave turn a Terrible Towel into season tickets. [Steelers Trade]

I'm on MPIE again. Yeah, The Freshman by The Verve Pipe was a badass song. [One For The Other Thumb]

Crushing loss to the Caps last night. [The Pensblog]

Joba will be a starter in '09. [My Sports Rumors]

Your 2008 Blogscars winners. My boy AA cleaned up. [NESW Sports]

First-Week Review of Versus' Sports Soup

You know how you never know what to expect outta something until you see it? Sports Soup on Versus fell right along these lines.

Let's explain. Last week, I was invited to meet with Matt Iseman, host of the new sports and comedy show along with two other bloggers. Matt and the channel were really intent on getting information and feedback from the untamed world of the sports blogs. And that's more than enough to pique my interest.

In person, Matt and the Versus people were great, but this was before the show aired. Could that translate to on-air success?

Look...I'm a blogger. Instant gratification is the name of the game. I exist in a world of Youtube videos, toilet jokes and stuff in the sports world that makes me laugh. I'm all for watching 15 year old America's Funniest Home Videos reruns. If I tune to a late-night sports highlight show...I want the clips, not the fluff. If I find something in the sports world that makes me giggle, it's getting a place of honor on my site.

Which makes Sports Soup appealing to sports bloggers like me. The show is what you could expect a sports and humor blog to look like on television.

And that's why Sports Soup came through in the clutch. Matt made it clear when we met, the show isn't hard-hitting journalism, and no news is broken. It's a place to show James Brown being ridiculously cordial, thank you so very much, or awkward pauses between auto and horse racing announcers. The first week introduced the show to the audience, and let viewers know what they can expect from here on out.

I think anyone who saw the first week and who understands the format will be back often. We're a week in, and the show already stands out as funny, unique and promising.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Oh No, The Elderly Have Figured Out Youtube!

"What in the wide wide world of sports is a-goin' on here?"

The downfall of modern civilization is upon us. Old people are figuring out the Internet, and worse...Youtube! I'm glad this mystery old dude is a Steelers fan, but... that...De. Camp. Town. Ladies? I thought that was an old fashioned n***** work song (just watched that clip like 30 times in a row...never gets old)? Seems like old Steelers guy got a little toasty before he donned the fake 'stache and turned on the webcam.

"A man drink like that and does not eat, he is going to die."

Alright, I gotta stop, 'cos now I'll want to go out and buy a VCR to watch my old-ass copy of that movie on VHS.

I Was Right, You Were Wrong. Steelers Ownership Likely To Stay With Dan Rooney

Looks like the ownership issues surrounding the Steelers and Rooney family are nearing a completion. And I called it back in July.

Take it away, NYT: least two of the [Rooney] brothers have recently tilted toward selling to Dan Rooney.

Rooney and his son Art II met with the league’s finance committee last week to update it on their offer for the team, which includes outside investors who have not been publicly identified. Each of the five brothers owns 16 percent of the team, and N.F.L. rules mandate that one person own at least 30 percent.

Last month, the four younger brothers rejected a bid from the hedge fund billionaire and Steelers fan Stanley Druckenmiller, who had offered an all-cash deal to buy out their shares of the team. That decision followed a meeting of all five brothers with Commissioner Roger Goodell, after which Goodell made clear that the owners of the other 31 N.F.L. teams would do everything possible to ensure that Dan Rooney retained control of the team — an indication that the owners, who must approve the sale, would reject any other suitor.


“Dan Rooney made it extremely clear that he was not going to be involved in the gambling business moving forward if he was successful in being able to complete this transaction,” Goodell said. He added, “That is important to our ownership because it is one of the rules that they are not in compliance with.”

Before the season, I had this to say about the struggles:

It seems that Dan is just trying to buy his brothers' shares in the team. Said brothers have more of an interest in other Rooney family investments, mostly gambling. This would rectify several ownership confusions.

First, it would separate the team from any gambling enterprises, something Dan is really trying for. That's what a classy, proactive owner does, solves discrepancies before someone else brings up the issue and creates a non-story controversy of the Steelers being linked to gambling.

Also, this would allow Dan to adhere to NFL rules, which apparently the Rooneys were not doing to the fullest extent. Each of the 5 brothers owns 16% of the team. NFL rules state that the majority owner needs at least a 30% share. No one questioned the Rooney's since 5 shares of 16% all came from the same family.

I see this going down one of two ways:

1. Dan buys out his brothers' shares, keeping the team on his side of the family while selling his stakes in the other business ventures (gambling) to his brothers.


2. Dan buys out his brothers' shares, and sells a minority stake in the team to an unrelated buyer, most likely Stanley Druckenmiller, the billionaire head of Duquesne Capital Management.

And if Rooney sells the team outright, you can call me any insult in the book.

Test my foresight again, assholes. I can't believe some people actually believed the Steelers would be in hands that didn't belong to Dan Rooney and his kin. The Stanley Druckenmiller fiasco was a hot topic at the time, so it only made my worst-case scenario beliefs.

So, don't get to insult me and my predictions.

The Steelers seem to be remaining with Dan Rooney and his family, and we can go back to only worrying about the team and who we play each week.

Mini Pony of the Day 10-16-08

Whoa! (no pun intended)

Cool action shot. I'd totally partake in this if my weight wouldn't crush a mini horse's spine.

This little kid is trying to get to a computer as fast as possible to read these links:

The exact moment that the Rick Roll became unfunny. [The World of Isaac]

Yeah, there are two eerily similar Ryan Howards. [The Launching Pad]

A TBS exec thinks there aren't enough FrankTV ads. Vom. [Big League Stew]

Mike Tomlin and Hines Ward call up Roger Goodell to ask about Hines' fines. [One For The Other Thumb]

An update on horse doping. [Cheat or Beat]

JoePa has a cane and an undisclosed injury. [Trib]

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Hank Williams Jr.'s Political Endorsements Will Tear the Steelers Apart OMG!

Apparently, the Steelers super-fan was on Fox News campaigning for John McCain and Sarah Palin. He even wrote a god-awful song about the duo.

Does he not know that just about every Steelers player this side of Lynn Swann has been backing Obama? Dan Rooney, too? Is he aware of McCain's pandering to Steelers fans?

Don't tear the team chemistry apart, Bocephus!

Also, is that a #62 jersey? Wanna play some O-Line?

Shane Douglas Was Smart

Irregardless of what you think of former Pittsburgh-area wrestler Shane Douglas, you gotta admit that dude's lexicon is like a nucular war on Pennsylvania's edumacation system.

And now I'll quit using fake words.

I dug up some old video of the former ECW Heavyweight Champion and New Brighton native (probably a neighbor of Terry Francona) dissing wrestler Terry Funk in some post-fight interview.

What was that, Shane? What was Funk's knee smash into? Obliteratitry?

And thanks for dominating that Steelers hat while you're making up words. Its not like the rest of the country already has some bias against the region as dumb, hick country. Keep proliferating the ignorance, man.

Mini Pony of the Day 10-15-08

Oh snap, little guy has to go. Hope he puts down an ass gasket if he needs to number two. Those porta-potties are crazy dirty.

I heard rumors that he had to go really bad right after reading these links:

Did the Cowboys give up too much for Roy Williams? [Moondog Sports]

Jaromir reacts to the death of teammate Alexei Cherepanov. Sad. [Beyond the Blueshirts]

Quit it with the Wildcat formation. [One For The Other Thumb]

Female soccer player now a porn star. [SPORTSbyBROOKS]

Jimmy Johnson thinks Ocho Cinco and Plax > TO. [City of Champs]

What a win by the Pens last night. [The Pensblog]

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

KDKA's Sports Team Used To Rule

Check out how killer KDKA's sports team was back in the day (I will assume the day was at least 15 years ago).

Then, the lineup included Stan Savran, Bob Pompeani, Mike Lange, Paul and John Steigerwald. Your feelings might have changed on them since this badass promo aired, but you gotta respect the clout in those gymnastics warmups.

Savran is now the patriarch of Fox Sports Net Pittsburgh, Lange is a Penguins announcing icon who was bumped to radio, being replaced by Paul Steigerwald on T.V. John sticks to radio, still at the station. He's not cool enough to have a Wikipedia page.

KDKA's sports team now consists of Pompeani (still!) and some dude named Jory Rand. Bet THAT lineup would make a great promo.

The sadness, the horror, Etonic track suits.

Mini Pony of the Day 10-14-08

Tiny pictures rule.

Question...would that thing around the mini horse's neck be a belt or a necklace? And...

...Hey, baby.

Sit along a fence to read the following links:

The crappy teams in our division should scare us. [One For The Other Thumb]

The nominations for the Blogscars are up. Vote early and often. [NESW Sports]

Pong University makes your balls a creative canvas. [The Sports Culture]

Michigan fans want Rich Rodriguez fired. Good for them. [The World of Isaac]

Staal for Gaborik? [The Pensblog]

Glad Matt Stairs "swung for the fences" when he was a Pirate. [Larry Brown Sports]

Monday, October 13, 2008

PSaMP Interviews

On the heels of making that last post to put all the Steelers' P.o.t.W's in the sidebar, I'm making another page for all the interviews on PSaMP. And since I have that other video interview coming up in the very near future, it'll be added here as well.

And yes, Cotter, I know I can make the date older. I also know that I'm lazy.

I have no work today (Hooray, Columbus), so this is the best chance I have to tinker with some things.

On an unrelated note, how awesome were Tinker Toys?

Inside the Athletes Studio Archive.

Inside the Athletes Studio: An Interview With Torina Henley

Inside the Athletes Studio: An Interview with Don from Mondesi's House

Inside the Athletes Studio: An Interview with Andy Chomos of Fans for Change

Inside the Athletes Studio: An Interview with the Post-Gazette's Bob Smizik

Inside the Athletes Studio: An Interview with Matt Iseman, Host of Sports Soup

Inside the Athletes Studio: An Interview with Former Steeler Amos Zereoue

Steelers Players Named Player of the Week.

Here's a list of Steelers players that were named Player of the Week, by season, during PSaMP's existence. I told you I was gonna do this before, so I can post it in the sidebar. Stupid Blogger only lets you post links in the sidebar if you've already published the page, so I need to post this now. You can find it in the left sidebar in the future, for easy reference.

Willie Parker - Offensive (Week 1)
LaMarr Woodley - Defensive (Week 1)
Troy Polamalu - Defensive (Week 2)
Jeff Reed - Special Teams (Week 4)
Ben Roethlisberger - Offensive (Week 5)
LaMarr Woodley - Defensive (Week 7, writeup)
James Harrison - Defensive (Week 11)
James Harrison - Defensive (Week 13, writeup)
Deshea Townsend - Defensive (Week 14, writeup)
Aaron Smith - Defensive (Week 15)
Tyrone Carter - Defensive (Week 17)

Ike Taylor - Defensive (Week 5)
James Harrison - Defensive (Week 9)
James Harrison - Defensive (Month, November)
Ben Roethlisberger - Offensive (Week 10)
Ben Roethlisberger - Offensive (Week 16)

PSaMP Extra

Xavier Nady - NL Player of the Week

Ben Roethlisberger = AFC Offensive Player of the Week

I didn't get to it last week, so today will be perfect, what with the bye.

In Week 5, Ben was named AFC Offensive Player of the Week. The Jags witnessed firsthand the offensive show Ben put on after throwing the early pick 6 to Rashean Mathis. Over 300 yards passing and 3 touchdowns will oftentimes get you that award.

I couldn't let Ben go without getting his own MS Paint this season. Last year's was pretty epic, but the Zapruder image this year might take the cake. Is he in a bomb shelter in the 60s or something?

Congrats, Ben. Hope you're still resting up during the bye.

(Note: I'm gonna have a list of every Steelers player to win the award during PSaMP's existence so I can post the link in the sidebar. That's what sucks about Blogger, you need to create a new post in order to link it on the sidebar. Can't create individual pages 'n all. Nazis.)

Mini Pony of the Day 10-13-08

Cool roughage, dude.

Hope you're enjoying a healthy breakfast with the following links:

15 awesome Madden glitches caught on video. [On 205th]

Remember to stay tuned for a badass video interview. [PSaMP]

Tons of crazy football endings yesterday. [One For The Other Thumb]

Jose Canseco was caught with anti-testicle-shrinkage drugs. [Cheat or Beat]

Best Sports Platforms for the campaign trail. [Steady Burn]

Matt Cassel sucks. [InGameNow]

Friday, October 10, 2008

Site News: Cool-Ass Interview Coming

Next week, I'll be bringing you a pretty badass video interview with an awesoMe personality in the sports world. I cAn't tell you outright, because then iT would kill the Tease.

Myself, MIke from NY BaSeball DigEst and E Chigliak froM Federal Baseball sat down for a roundtable discussion with a certAin someone, and videos of the eveNt will be posted early next week. Frank D. frOm Pensburgh also emailed in a Few questions.

The Sitdown was helPful in getting into the mind of someOne in this peRson's position. A weekly regular feaTure concerning thiS sitdown will run for a bit on PSaMP.

Au revOir for now. I'll see yoU next week, where we'll go aPeshit over this.

Steelers > UFOs

Cotter, I think you said you were at the Jets loss last year.

You see any UFOs?

Mini Pony of the Day 10-10-08

More from the Manheim Farm Show series from Doug. Its my opinion that every parade should have minimum 1 mini horse involved.

I wanna know what's on the back of that flatbed in front of the little critter.

Parade these links in front of your eyes:

So Shaq respects Kobe's game? [The Sports Culture]

Tommy Tuberville is a master at "coach speak." [Moondog Sports]

This Troy Polamalu Nike commercial is pretty badass! [Intentional Foul]

You wanna work in sports? [Hugging Harold Reynolds]

Pour some out for the SuperSonics. [Juiced Sports Blog]

The Luke Walton Stalker game. Gross. [The World of Isaac]

Thursday, October 9, 2008

[Unnamed] Steelers Pregame Show, Cutting Room Floor

I'm positive you spend 90% of your week wondering, "What happens to all the extra footage that doesn't make it into the pregame show or outtakes?" Well here you go, lucky reader/watcher.

This isn't all of it, but it generalizes pretty much everything that doesn't make the final cut. Usually, its just us sitting around saying, "We suck" or, "This is gonna be horrible."

Bear with me. Work is dominating my face. I'll try and get you something more in the afternoon.

Watch this same exact thing at OFTOT.

Mini Pony of the Day 10-9-08

Thanks to fantastic blog Signal to Noise for sending the following along. I can't embed the video, so you'll have to go to the website to watch it. Yes, mini ponies are always therapeutic.

KNTV in the Bay area rules. They've successfully made the news so much more interesting.

The mini horse, Magic, helps people. If you aren't helping people right now, you should be reading these links:

A blogger tried out for the D-League and failed. [Hoops Addict]

The first half of Wooderson is playing out of his mind. [One For The Other Thumb]

You can win free Penguins stuff from Pensburgh just by watching Sid and Co. [Pensburgh]

In case you didn't read the latest dick move by Stuart Scott. [Deadspin]

The complete Sidney Crosby: In My Own Words, Season III. [The Sidney Crosby Show]

Lanny Frattare was not pushed out out of his broadcaster role by the Buccos. [Post Gazette]

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Leave Ed Hochuli Aloooone

Look, I’m a big critic of refs/umps, but the criticisms of Ed Hochuli of late are going a bit far.

The guy admittedly blew the San Diego call. There’s no denying that, and Hochuli manned up and took responsibility. You can’t go back and replay those critical moments of the game…it’ll go down forever as a massive mistake. But now, everyone seems to be piling on the once-proud ref after every missed call. That, my friends, is not fair. Each missed penalty is not because Hochuli has lost a step over the past few games. That San Diego call didn’t shape his future.

Those of us who call ourselves Steelers fans know all too well about blown calls. Hell, I fully expect an official referee apology every offseason, because it seems like the calls we complain about are understandably not in our favor during the season. The Polamalu interception in the Colts playoff game the year we won the Super Bowl? The blown holding call on David Garrard’s million yard scramble on 4th down to win last year’s playoff game? One of the calls changed the outcome of the game, the outcome of the season, the other didn’t. We got public apologies on both.

Even this year. Gene Steratore and Ron Winters, in successive weeks, called questionable roughing penalties on LaMarr Woodley and James Harrison respectively when both OLBs hit Joe Flacco and Garrard as they released the ball. Harrison openly criticized Winters after the Jags game and was fined for it. However, you’d be hard pressed to find a Steelers fan who will fervently watch each future game called by either ref, waiting for them to mess up again so we can post their email addresses and let the uninformed masses have at them.

I don’t even like the fact that I had to bring up the Woodley and Harrison (Wooderson for short, all right all right all right) calls because it might come off as complaining. I’m always focused on the next game, but the bye week allows me to reminisce on how we’ve been wronged, and how it isn’t right to hate on the ref forever. So let me have this one moment.

Before this season, Hochuli was the model of muscle-bound consistency. Now, everyone wants to over-analyze each call he makes or misses. That's weak.

Leave the guy alone and let him focus on the game, will ya?

Mini Pony of the Day 10-8-08

Props to Doug for going to the Manheim farm Show and taking these pictures. Manheim is so much cooler than you or I could imagine, apparently. I mean, only cool places showcase mini ponies.

And...I actually think this one is Jesus. Lookit how almighty this little creature is!

Find salvation in these links:

Jeff Reed has a groin injury? If by groin injury, you mean showing his groin-region online, then yes...he does. [One For The Other Thumb]

What has ten legs and sucks? The Pens' Power Play. [The Pensblog]

Zlatan Ibrahimovic's sick goal. [RizzoSports Blog]

The Saints were protesting that non-facemask call when Chad Greenway almost ripped Reggie Bush's head off. But then they caved. [Pro Football Talk]

Whoops, Robert Flores. [Awful Announcing]

NBA Eastern Conference motivational posters. [Cuzoogle]